Chinle USD


SUBJECT: Math GRADE: 3rd TIMELINE: 4th Quarter

/ Performance Obj.-Mastery Level Explanation / Kid Friendly
Learning Objective / Level of
Thinking / Resource Correlation / Academic Vocabulary
Strand 5: Structure and Logic
Concept 2: Logic, Reasoning, Problem Solving, and Proof / PO 1. Analyze a problem situation to determine the question(s) to be answered. C / I will analyze a problem to determine how to answer a question. / (Spiraling lessons Q1,Q2,Q3) / MacMillan-McGraw Hill
Throughout the text; for example 1-2,3-6,7-7,11-3
Unit 5 lesson 17
Galileo / Apply
Strand 5: Structure and Logic
Concept 2: Logic, Reasoning, Problem Solving, and Proof / PO 2. Identify relevant, missing, and extraneous information related to the solution to a problem. M / I will learn to tell what information is needed t solve a word problem and which facts are just extra / Spiraling lessons Q1,Q2,Q3) / MacMillan-McGraw Hill
Throughout the text; for example see lesson 4-4,5-7,11-6,15-2
Unit 5 lesson 17
Galileo / Logical
Word problems
Strand 5 Structure and Logic
Concept 2 Logic, Reasoning, Problem Solving, and Proof / PO 3. Select and use one or more strategies to efficiently solve the problem and justify the selection.
M / I will justify how I solved problems using one or more strategies. / Spiraling lessons Q1,Q2,Q3) / MacMillan-McGraw
Throughout the text; for example 4-7,8-6,10-4,14-3,14-5 Unit 5 lesson 17
Galileo / Strategies
Strand 5: Structure and Logic
Concept 2: Logic, Reasoning, Problem Solving, and Proof / PO 5. Represent a problem situation using any combination of words, numbers, pictures, physical objects, or symbols. I / I will create a model of a problem using any combination of words, numbers, pictures, physical objects, or symbols. / Spiraling lessons Q1,Q2,Q3) / MacMillan-McGraw Hill
Throughout the text; for example 2-4,4-1,8-1,
Explore 8-2,13-5 Unit 5 lesson 17
Galileo / Combinations
Strand 5: Structure and Logic
Concept 2: Logic, Reasoning, Problem Solving, and Proof / PO 6. Summarize mathematical information, explain reasoning, and draw conclusions. I / I will learn to explain,
draw conclusion and summarize math information. / Spiraling lessons Q1,Q2,Q3) / MacMillan-McGraw Hill
Throughout the text; for example 1-3,4-8,11-2
Unit 5 lesson 17
Galileo / Conclusion
Strand 5: Structure and Logic
Concept 2: Logic, Reasoning, Problem Solving, and Proof / PO 7. Analyze and evaluate whether a solution is reasonable, is mathematically correct, and answers the question. I / I will compare and contrast whether a math solution is reasonable. / Spiraling lessons Q1,Q2,Q3) / MacMillan-McGraw Hill
Throughout the text; for example 1-8, 2-2,3-4,6-6
Unit 5 lesson 17
Galileo / Reasonable
Strand 5: Structure and Logic
Concept 2: Logic, Reasoning, Problem Solving, and Proof / PO 8. Make and test conjectures based on data (or information) collected from explorations and experiments. C / I will collect and create test based on collected data. / Spiraling lessons Q1,Q2,Q3) / MacMillan-McGraw Hill
Throughout the text; for example Explore 1-3,
Explore 5-1,
Explore 9-6
Explore 12-1
Unit 5 lesson 17
Galileo / Conjectures


Revised 07/24/2012 CAT