On Our Way to English-Kindergarten
Scope and Sequence
First Nine WeeksUnit 1: At School
Big Question: What do we see and do at school? / Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4
Oral Language
Language Function and Grammar / Social Language Function: Greet
Grammar: Singular and Plural Nouns / Social Language Function: Greet
Grammar: Subject Pronouns / Social Language Function: Greet / Social Language Function: Greet
Grammar: Present Tense
Vocabulary / book, wonder, school / today, first, tomorrow / friends, new, play / paint, read, color
Comprehension / Make Connections / Make Connections / Make Connections / Make Connections
Phonological Awareness / Blend words to sentences / Segment sentences to words / Blend syllables to words / Segment words to syllables
Literacy Skills / Genre: Informational Fiction / Concepts of print: Book-handling skills
Literary Analysis: Characters and Setting
Fluency / Convey emotion and meaning / Convey emotion and meaning / Convey emotion and meaning
Writing / Sentences about greetings / Sentences about activities
Writing skill: What is writing? / Sentences about activities with People
Writing skill: What is an author? / Big Question Response
Thinking Map: Tree Map
Speaking and Listening
Theme project: Environmental Print Posters / Introduce the project / Class thinks about and takes photos of common environmental print. / Children draft captions for their photos. / Groups add words, details, and embellishments to their posters and present them.
Content Integration
Social Studies / TEKS 3.B use vocabulary related to time and chronology, including before, after, next, first, and last
Unit 2: All About Me
Big Question: What do I know about myself? / Week 5 / Week 6 / Week 7 / Week 8
Week 9 Holistic Assessment I (L,S)
Oral Language
Language Function and Grammar / Social Language Function: Express Feelings
Grammar: Subject Pronoun / Social Language Function: Express Feelings
Grammar: Possessive Pronoun / Social Language Function: Express Feelings
Grammar: Present Continuous / Social Language Function: Express Feelings
Vocabulary / ear, nose, mouth / put on, shirt, pants / sock, shoe, dress / person, different, eye
Comprehension / Comprehension Strategy:
Use fix-up strategies / Comprehension Strategy:
Use fix-up strategies / Comprehension Strategy:
Use fix-up strategies / Comprehension Strategy:
Use fix-up strategies
Phonological Awareness / Blend Onset-Rime / Blend Onset-Rime
Phonics / Mm /m/ / Ss /s/
Literacy Skills / Genre: Personal Narrative / Concepts of print: Directionality
Nonfiction Text Structure: Photographs
Fluency / Read in Phrases / Read in Phrases
Writing / Sentences about feelings / Sentences about Clothes
Writing Skill: What is writing? / Sentences about Dressing
Grammar: Pronouns / Big Question Response
Thinking Map: Circle Map
Speaking and Listening
Theme project: Our Favorite games Book / Introduce the project. / Groups brainstorm a list of favorite games and choose one to draw and write about. / Children draw and write about their favorite games. / Teacher assembles and binds book. Children present their pages.
Content Integration
Science / 2.A ask questions about organisms, objects, and events observed in the natural world.
On Our Way to English-Kindergarten
Second Nine WeeksUnit 3: All Around Mel
Big Question: How is a community like a family? / Week 10 / Week 11 / Week 12 / Week 13
Oral Language
Language Function and Grammar / Social Language Function: Ask for assistance
Grammar: Where questions / Social Language Function: Ask for assistance
Grammar: Nouns (shapes) / Social Language Function: Ask for permission
Grammar: Prepositions / Social Language Function: Ask for permission
Vocabulary / triangle, square, circle / help, lost, find / sign, street, best / room, house, place
Comprehension / Comprehension Strategy:
Synthesize / Comprehension Strategy:
Synthesize / Comprehension Strategy:
Phonological Awareness / Blend Onset-Rime / Blend Onset-Rime / Blend Onset-Rime / Blend Onset-Rime
Phonics / Aa /ᾰ/ / Ff /f/ Nn /n/ / Ll /l/ Cc /k/ / Bb /b/
Literacy Skills / Genre: Realistic Fiction / Concepts of print: Picture Cues
Literary Analysis: Sequence of events, problems and solutions
Fluency / Change Voice to reflect Content/Characters / Change Voice to reflect Content/Characters
Writing / Sentences about asking for assistance / Sentences about lost objects
Grammar: Pronouns / Sentences about helping
Writing skill: Putting your name on your paper / Big Question Response
Thinking Map: Double Bubble Map
Speaking and Listening
Theme project: Helping Hands pages / Introduce the project / Children talk about jobs they do and cut out their helping hands shape. Teacher takes class photo. / Children write about helping and attach photos to their helping hand. / Children present their hand pages to the class. The pages go on the bulletin board or class book.
Content Integration
Social Studies / TEKS 7A identify jobs in the home, school, and community; 9A identify authority figures in the home, school, and community; 12A describe and explain the importance of family customs and traditions
Unit 4: Let’s eat
Big Question: Why is eating healthy food important? / Week 14 / Week 15 / Week 16 / Week 17
Week 18 Holistic Assessment II (R,W)
Oral Language
Language Function and Grammar / Social Language Function: Express likes and dislikes
Grammar: like + infinitive / Social Language Function: Express likes and dislikes
Grammar: sentences with do not / Social Language Function: Express likes and dislikes
Grammar: What questions / Social Language Function: Express likes and dislikes
Vocabulary / eat, store, food / breakfast, lunch, dinner / count, make, full / set, table, drink
Comprehension / Comprehension Strategy:
Determined importance / Comprehension Strategy:
Determined importance / Comprehension Strategy:
Determined importance
Phonological Awareness / Segment Onset-Rime / Segment Onset-Rime / Segment Onset-Rime / Segment Onset-Rime
Phonics / Oo /ŏ/ / Pp /p/ Hh /h/ / Tt /t/ Rr /r/ / Dd /d/
Literacy Skills / Genre: Informational Text / Concepts of print: Parts of book
Literary Analysis: Headings and Labels
Fluency / Use punctuation to inform meaning / Use punctuation to inform meaning
Writing / Sentences about food / Sentences about meals
Writing Skill: Drawing/Talking about pictures / Sentences about meals
Grammar: Pronouns / Big Question Response
Thinking Map: Multi-flow Map
Speaking and Listening
Theme project: Healthy Foods Big Book / Introduce the project. / Children choose a healthy food to draw and write about. / Each group draws and writes about their healthy food on their Big Book page. / Groups present, teacher binds and displays the finished product in the classroom library.
Content Integration
Social Studies / 6A identify basic human needs; 12A describe and explain the importance of family customs and traditions
On Our Way to English-Kindergarten
Third Nine Weeks *TELPAS WindowUnit 5: Animals All Around
Big Question: How are animals alike and different from each other? / Week 19 / Week 20 / Week 21 / Week 22
Oral Language
Language Function and Grammar / Social Language Function: Use social Etiquette
Grammar: adjectives (size) / Social Language Function: Use social Etiquette
Grammar: adjectives (colors) / Social Language Function: Use social Etiquette
Grammar: conjunction and / Social Language Function: Use social Etiquette
Vocabulary / dog, pet, speak / farm, rooster, pig / zoo, lion, monkey / many, some, surprise
Comprehension / Ask questions / Ask questions / Ask questions / Ask questions
Phonological Awareness / Blend Phonemes
Segment and Blend CVC words / Blend Phonemes
Segment and Blend CVC words
Phonics / Uu /ŭ/ / Gg /g/, Xx /k/ /s/
Literacy Skills / Genre: Humorous Fiction / Concepts of print: Author and Illustrator
Literary Analysis: Rhyme, Rhythm and Alliteration
Fluency / Read in phrases
Writing / Sentences about manners / Sentences about pets
Writing skill: Writing about pictures / Sentences about animals
Grammar: Subject-Verb agreement / Big Question Response
Thinking Map: Double Bubble Map
Speaking and Listening
Theme project: Animal Homes / Introduce the project / Groups research where different animals live. / Groups choose an animal home to create and make a list of materials they need. / Groups create homes for the animals they have chosen and present their homes to the class.
Content Integration
Science / 10 A sort plants and animals into groups based on physical characteristics such as color, size, body covering or leaf shape; 10B identify parts of plants such as roots, stem, and leaves and parts of animals such as heads, eyes, and limbs.
Unit 6: Turn, Turn, Turn
Big Question: How do the seasons affect us? / Week 23 / Week 24 / Week 25 / Week 26
Week 27 TELPAS Window
Oral Language
Language Function and Grammar / Social Language Function: Apologize / Social Language Function: Apologize Grammar: It is + weather / Social Language Function: Apologize
Grammar: It is + time / Social Language Function: Apologize
Vocabulary / year, summer, fall / season, winter, spring / turn, night, day / moon, sun, month
Comprehension / Comprehension Strategy:
Create images / Comprehension Strategy:
Create images / Comprehension Strategy:
Create images / Comprehension Strategy:
Create images
Phonological Awareness / Segment and Blend CVC words / Blend Phonemes / Blend Phonemes / Blend phonemes
Phonics / Yy /y/ / /i/ /ǐ/ / Zz /z/ / Kk /k/
Literacy Skills / Genre: Informational Nonfiction / Concepts of print: sentences
Nonfiction Text Struct.: Bulleted list
Fluency / Convey emotion and meaning
Writing / Sentences about apologies / Sentences about Spring
Writing Skill: Directionality / Sentences about seasons / Big Question Response
Thinking Map: Multi-flow Map
Speaking and Listening
Theme project: Four Seasons Poster / Introduce the project. / Children brainstorm ways to represent each season in drawings. / Groups begin working on their posters by creating a frame for each season. / Children create their drawing for each season and present their posters.
Content Integration
Science / 8A observe and describe weather changes from day to day and over seasons; *B identify events that have repeating patterns including seasons and day/night; 8C observe, describe and illustrate objects in the sky such as clouds, Moon, stars, including Sun.
On Our Way to English-Kindergarten
Fourth Nine WeeksUnit 7: Growing Gains
Big Question: What happens when we grow? / Week 28 / Week 29 / Week 30 / Week 31
Oral Language
Language Function and Grammar / Social Language Function: Agree and disagree
Grammar: adjectives (size) / Social Language Function: Agree and disagree / Social Language Function: Agree and disagree
Grammar: Sequence Words / Social Language Function: Agree and disagree
Vocabulary / Grow, big, little / Short, tall, fast / Slow, water, sunlight / Plant, flower, bud
Comprehension / Monitor Understanding / Monitor Understanding / Monitor Understanding / Monitor Understanding
Phonological Awareness / Blend Phonemes / Blend Phonemes / Blend Phonemes / Blend Phonemes
Phonics / Ww /w/ / Ee /ӗ/ / Qq /k/ /w/ / Jj /j/
Literacy Skills / Genre: Animal Fantasy / Concepts of print: Words separated by space
Literary Analysis: Distinguish fantasy from reality
Fluency / Use punctuation to inform meaning
Writing / Sentences about opinions / Sentences about growing
Writing skill: Writing about pictures / Sentences about growing up / Big Question Response
Thinking Map: Flow Map
Speaking and Listening
Theme project: Classroom Garden / Introduce the project and model creating an observation log. / Children plant their seeds and fill in their observation log. / Children observe their seeds and fill in their observation log. / Children finalize their observations and present their findings to class.
Content Integration
Science / 9A differentiate between living and nonliving things based whether they have basic needs and produce offspring; 9B examine evidence that living organisms have basic needs. 10B identify parts of plants and parts of animals; 10D observe changes that are part of a simple life cycle of a plant.
Unit 8: Away We Go
Big Question: Why are different ways to go from place to place? / Week 32 / Week 33 / Week 34 / Week 35
Week 36 Review TELPAS Data
Oral Language
Language Function and Grammar / Social Language Function: Warn
Grammar: Commands / Social Language Function: Warn / Social Language Function: Warn
Grammar: Prepositions; Location / Social Language Function: Warn
Vocabulary / Ride, bike, car / Careful, cross, bus / Stop, listen, look / Train, rules, safety
Comprehension / Comprehension Strategy:
Infer / Comprehension Strategy:
Infer / Comprehension Strategy:
Phonological Awareness / Blend Phonemes
Phonics / Vv /v/
Literacy Skills / Genre: Personal Narrative
Concept of Print: Match spoken words to print
Fluency / Change Voice to Reflect Content/Characters / Read in Phrases
Writing / Sentences about warnings / Sentences about people
Mechanics: use end punctuation / Sentences about traveling / Big Question Response
Thinking Map: Bubble Map
Speaking and Listening
Theme project: Persuasive Poster- Best Way to Go / Introduce the project. / Children generate ideas about different ways to travel. / Groups choose the vehicle they will feature their persuasive posters. / Groups create posters about the best way to travel and present it.
Content Integration
Social Studies / 8A identify purposes for having rules; 8B identify rules that provide order, security, and safety in the home and school