Standards and other documents defining OIDs
that are captured in the OID repository
Choose a category of documents:
- ITU-T Recommendations
- ISO and IEC standards
- Miscellaneous
Note: mistakes found in OIDs defined in those documents are indicated as comments under the standard number or document title.
ITU-T Recommendations
Note: The list is not exhaustive.
- G.650
- G.650.1
- G.650.2
- G.651
- G.652
- G.653
- G.654
- G.655
- G.661
- G.662
- G.663
- G.664
- G.671
- G.681
- G.691
- G.692
- G.693
- G.694.1
- G.694.2
- G.700 (withdrawn)
- G.701
- G.702
- G.703
- G.704
- G.705
- G.706
- G.707
- G.708
- G.709
- G.711
- G.712
- G.713 (withdrawn, now covered by G.712)
- G.714(withdrawn, now covered by G.712)
- G.715 (withdrawn, now covered by G.712)
- G.720
- G.721 (withdrawn, now covered by G.726)
- G.722 + G.722 Annex A + G.722 Appendix II
- G.722.1 + G.722.1 Cor.1 + G.722.1 Annex A + G.722.1 Annex B
- G.722.2 + G.722.2 Annex A + G.722.2 Annex B + G.722.2 Annex C + G.722.2 Annex E
- G.723 (withdrawn, now covered by G.726)
- G.723.1
- G.imp.723.1 + G.723.1 Annex A + G.723.1 Annex B + G.723.1 Annex C
- G.724
- G.725
- G.726 + G.726 Annex A + G.726 Appendix II + G.726 Appendix III
- G.727 + G.727 Annex A + G.727 Appendix II + G.727 Appendix III
- G.728 + G.728 Annex G + G.728 Annex G Cor.1 + G.728 Annex H + G.728 Annex I + G.728 Annex J + G.728 Appendix I + G.728 Appendix II
- G.729 + G.729 Annex A + G.729 Annex B + G.729 Annex B Cor.1 + G.729 Annex B Cor.2 + G.729 Annex C + G.729 Annex D + G.729 Annex D Cor.1 + G.729 Annex E + G.729 Annex E Cor.1 + G.729 Annex F + G.729 Annex G + G.729 Annex H + G.729 Annex I + G.729 Annexes Cor.2 + G.729 Appendix I
- G.731
- G.732
- G.733
- G.734
- G.735
- G.736
- G.737
- G.738
- G.739
- G.741
- G.742
- G.743
- G.744
- G.745
- G.746
- G.747
- G.751
- G.752
- G.753
- G.754
- G.755
- G.761
- G.763 + G.763 Erratum + G.763 Appendix I
- G.764 + G.764 Appendix I
- G.765 + G.765 Appendix I
- G.766
- G.767
- G.Imp.767
- G.768
- G.769
- G.771 (withdrawn)
- G.772
- G.773
- G.774: incomplete capture
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) g(7) g774(774) informationModel(0) asn1Module(2) sdh(0)}
This OID and his following children have been captured:
asn1Module(2) - managedObjectClass(3) - nameBinding(6) - attribute(7)
Need to download this Recommendation in order to capture remaining OIDs; only children of asn1Module(2) have been captured.
Don’t forget to make sure that OIDs of previous version (09/1992) and its corrigendum have also been captured.
- G.774.01
- G.774.01 Cor.1
- G.774.1
- G.774.2: incomplete capture
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) g(7) g774(774) hyphen(127) conf(2) informationModel(0)}
This OID and his following children have been captured:
asn1Module(2) - managedObjectClass(3) - parameter(5) - nameBinding(6) - action(9)
Download this recommendation in order to capture remaining OIDs. Only children of asn1Module(2) have been captured.
Don’t forget to make sure that OIDs of previous version (11/1994) and its corrigendum have also been captured.
- G.774.03 + G.774.03 Cor.1
- G.774.04 + G.774.04 Cor.1
- G.774.4
- G.774.5: incomplete capture
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) g(7) g774(774) hyphen(127) cs(5)
This OID and his following children have been captured:
asn1Module(2) - managedObjectClass(3) - package(4) - nameBinding(6) - attribute(7)
Download this recommendation in order to capture remaining OIDs. Only children of asn1Module(2) have been captured.
Don’t forget to make sure that OIDs of previous version (07/1995) and its corrigendum have also been captured.
- G.774.6: incomplete capture
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) g(7) g774(774) hyphen(127) pmUni(6) informationModel(0)}
This OID and his following children have been captured:
asn1Module(2) - managedObjectClass(3) - package(4) - nameBinding(6) - attribute(7)
Download this recommendation in order to capture remaining OIDs. Only children of asn1Module(2) have been captured.
Don’t forget to make sure that OIDs of previous version (04/1997) have been captured.
- G.774.7 (11/1996)
- G.774.7 (02/2001)
- G.774.8 (04/1997)
- G.774.8 (02/2001)
- G.774.9 (02/1998)
- G.774.9 (02/2001)
- G.774.10
- G.775
- G.776.1
- G.776.3
- G.780
- G.781
- G.782
- G.783 + G.783 Amd. 1 + G.783 Cor.1
- G.784
- G.785
- G.791
- G.792
- G.793
- G.794
- G.795
- G.796 + G.796 Amd. 1
- G.797
- G.798 + G.798 Amd. 1
- G.801
- G.802
- G.803
- G.804
- G.805
- G.806
- G.807
- G.810
- G.811
- G.812
- G.813 + G.813 Cor.1
- G.854.1
- G.854.3
- G.854.6
- G.854.8
- G.854.10
- G.854.12
- G.854.16
- G.855.1: incomplete capture
{ITU-T Recommendation g gntm(85501) informationModel(0)}
This OID and his following children have been captured:
asn1Module(2) - managedObjectClass(3) - package(4) - nameBinding(6) - attribute(7) – action(9) – notification(10) - specificError(12)
Download this recommendation in order to capture remaining OIDs. Only children of asn1Module(2) have been captured.
Be careful! Parameter type OIDs are registered under the following arc: {ITU-T Recommendation g gntm(85501) informationModel(0) specificError(12)}.
- G.950
- G.957
- G.958
- G.959.1
- G.966
- G.972
- G.973
- G.974
- G.975
- G.976
- G.977
- G.7041
- G.7042
- G.7710
- G.7712
- G.7713
- G.7714
- G.7715
- G.8080
- H.225.0
- H.235
- H.248
- H.460.1
- J.126
- J.166
- J.191
- J.192
- J.800.2
- Q.48
- Q.253
- Q.706
- Q.708
- Q.711
- Q.733.1
- Q.733.2
- Q.733.3 + Amd. 1
- Q.733.4
- Q.733.5
- Q.736.1
- Q.736.3
- Q.751.1: incomplete capture
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) q(17) omap(751) mtp(1) informationModel(0)}
This OID and his following children have been captured:
specificExtensions(0) - asn1Modules(2) - managedObjectClass(3) – package(4) – parameter(5) – nameBinding(6) – attribute(7) – action(9) – notification(10)
Download this recommendation in order to capture remaining OIDs. Only children of asn1Modules(2) have been registered.
- Q.751.2
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) q(17) omap(751) sccp(2) informationModel(0)}
This OID and his following children have been captured:
specificExtensions(0) - asn1Modules(2) - managedObjectClass(3) – package(4) – parameter(5) – nameBinding(6) – attribute(7) – action(9) – notification(10)
Download this recommendation in order to capture remaining OIDs. Only children of asn1Modules(2) have been registered.
- Q.751.3
Subclause 8.1.7 and 8.2.7: “ ASN.1 Definitions”
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) q(17) omap(751) accounting(3) informationModel(0)}
Arcs below this one are mistakenly defined under {itu-t(0) recommendation(0) q(17) omap(751) accounting(3)} in this Recommendation.
ss7AccountingAndVerificationControlPackage-POi OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= ::= {accountingPackage ss7AccountingAndVerificationControlPackage(3)}
ss7AccountingAndVerificationControlPackage-POi OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= ::= {accountingPackage ss7AccountingAndVerificationControlPackage(0)}
Two identical OIDs are defined at different nodes located at the same level of the tree. None of them has been registered.
Note that subclause 8.2.7 defines the following OID which hasn’t been registered:
dpcGroupPackage-POi OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {accountingPackage dpcGroupPackage (3)}
controlPointerPackage-POi OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {accountingPackage controlPointerPackage(1)}
ss7AccountingLogRecordPackage-POi OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {accountingPackage ss7AccountingLogRecordPackage(1)}
This Recommendation defines 2 different identifiers for the same node. The first one above-mentioned has been registered.
measurementControlStatus-AOi OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {accountingAttribute measurementControlStatus(6)}
dpcGroupId-AOi OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {accountingAttribute dpcGroupId(6)}
This Recommendation defines 2 different identifiers for the same node. The first one above-mentioned has been registered.
endOfMeasurementTime-AOi OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {accountingAttribute endOfMeasurementTime(7)}
mtpAccountId-AOi OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {accountingAttribute mtpAccountId(7)}
This Recommendation defines 2 different identifiers for the same node. The first one above-mentioned has been registered.
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) q(17) omap(751) accounting(3) informationModel(0) attribute(7)}
All nodes below this arc are reserved, from node 0 to node 7, except node2. Is this an indication that a definition is missing in the Recommendation?
- Q.751.4 (1998)
- Q.752
- Q.753 (1997)
- Q.754 (1997)
Subclause 6.1: “Objects and operations”
OMAP runs tests on objects such as the MTP and SCCP routing tables. These objects are described here as "ObjectClasses" and are identified by an object identifier which specifies this Recommendation and the type of object. This structure is shown below for the OMAP object identifiers mtp-Routing-Tables, sccp-Routing-Tables and cvtCicTables.
oMAP / OBJECT IDENTIFIER :: = { ITU-T Recommendation q 754 }mtp-Routing-Tables-1992 / OBJECT IDENTIFIER :: = { oMAP 0 }
sccp-Routing-Tables-1992 / OBJECT IDENTIFIER :: = { oMAP 1 }
cvt-Cic-Tables-1992 / OBJECT IDENTIFIER :: = { oMAP 5 }
The first OID above-mentioned has been registered this way: {itu-t(0) recommendation(0) q(17) q754(754)}
{oMAP 0},in the second lineof the table, is contradictory with the module defined in subclause 6.3: OMASE {itu-t(0) recommendation q 754 omase(0)}. Registration of this OID describes it as module named OMASE.
The two last OIDs defined in the table haven’t been captured yet.
- Q.755
- Q.755.1
- Q.755.2 (1997)
- Q.765
- Q.765bis
- Q.765.1 (1998)
- Q.765.1bis + Q.765.1bis Amd. 1
- Q.765.5 Amd. 1
- Q.765.4 (2000)
- Q.765.5 + Q.765.5 Amd. 1
- Q.768
- Q.773 (1997)
- Q.775
- Q.812 + Q.812 App.I + Q.812 Amd. 1
- Q.813 (1998)
- Q.814 (2000)
- Q.815 (2000)
- Q.816.1
- Q.821 (2000) + Q.821 Cor.1
- Q.821.1
- Q.822 (1994)
- Q.822.1
- Q.823 (1996): incomplete capture
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) q(17) q823(823) informationModel(0)}
This OID and his following children have been captured:
specificExtensions(0) - asn1Modules(2) - managedObjectClass(3) – package(4) – nameBinding(5) – attribute(6) – action(7) – notification(8)
Download this Recommendation in order to capture remaining OIDs. Only children of asn1Modules(2) have been registered.
- Q.824.0 (1995): incomplete capture
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) q(17) ca(824) dot(127) common(0) informationModel(0)}
This OID and his following children have been captured:
asn1Modules(2) - managedObjectClass(3) – package(4) – nameBinding(6) – attribute(7) – action(9)
Download this Recommendation in order to capture remaining OIDs. Only children of asn1Modules(2) have been registered.
- Q.824.1 (1995): incomplete capture
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) q(17) ca(824) dot(127) isdn(1) informationModel(0)}
This OID and his following children have been captured:
asn1Modules(2) - managedObjectClass(3) – package(4) – parameter(5) - nameBinding(6) – attribute(7) – action(9)
Download this Recommendation in order to capture remaining OIDs. Only children of asn1Modules(2) have been registered.
- Q.824.2 (1995): incomplete capture
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) q(17) ca(824) dot(127) isdnss(2) informationModel(0)}
This OID and his following children have been captured:
asn1Modules(2) - managedObjectClass(3) – package(4) - nameBinding(6) – attribute(7) – action(9)
Download this Recommendation in order to capture remaining OIDs. Only children of asn1Modules(2) have been registered.
- Q.824.3 (1995)
- Q.824.4 (1995)
- Q.824.5 (1997): incomplete capture
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) q(17) ca(824) dot(127) v5interface(5) informationModel(0)}
This OID and his following children have been captured:
standardSpecificExtensions(0) - asn1Modules(2) - managedObjectClass(3) – package(4) - nameBinding(6) – attribute(7) – action(9) – notification(10)
Download this Recommendation in order to capture remaining OIDs. Only children of asn1Modules(2) have been registered.
Don’t forget to have a look at the technical corrigendum.
- Q.824.6: incomplete capture
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) q(17) ca(824) dot(127) bsm(6) informationModel(0)}
This OID and his following children have been captured:
standardSpecificExtensions(0) - asn1Modules(2) - managedObjectClass(3) – package(4) - nameBinding(6) – attribute(7) – action(9) – notification(10)
Download this Recommendation in order to capture remaining OIDs. Only children of standardSpecificExtensions(0)andasn1Modules(2) have been registered.
- Q.824.7: incomplete capture
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) q(17) ca(824) dot(127) ebs(6) informationModel(0)}
This OID and his following children have been captured:
standardSpecificExtensions(0) - asn1Modules(2) - managedObjectClass(3) – package(4) - nameBinding(6) – attribute(7) – action(9) – notification(10)
Download this Recommendation in order to capture remaining OIDs. Only children of asn1Modules(2) have been registered.
- Q.825 (1998): incomplete capture
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) q(17) q825(825) informationModel(0)}
This OID and his following children have been captured:
asn1Modules(2) - managedObjectClass(3) – package(4) - nameBinding(5) – attribute(6) – action(7) - notification(8)
Download this Recommendation in order to capture remaining OIDs. Only children of asn1Modules(2) have been registered.
- Q.831 (1997): incomplete capture
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) q(17) q831(831) informationModel(0)}
This OID and his following children have been captured:
standardSpecificExtension(0) - asn1Modules(2) - managedObjectClass(3) – package(4) - nameBinding(6) – attribute(7) – notification(10) – parameter(11)
Download this Recommendation in order to capture remaining OIDs. Only children of asn1Modules(2) have been registered.
Don’t forget to have a look at the technical corrigendum.
- Q.832.1 (1998): incomplete capture
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) q(17) q832(832) dot(127) vb51(1) informationModel(0)}
This OID and his following children have been captured:
standardSpecificExtension(0) - asn1Modules(2) - managedObjectClass(3) – package(4) - nameBinding(6) – attribute(7) – action(9) - notification(10) –
Download this Recommendation in order to capture remaining OIDs. Only children of asn1Modules(2) have been registered.
Don’t forget to have a look at the technical corrigendum.
- Q.832.2 (1999): incomplete capture
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) q(17) q832(832) dot(127) vb52(2) informationModel(0)}
This OID and his following children have been captured:
standardSpecificExtension(0) - asn1Modules(2) - managedObjectClass(3) – package(4) - nameBinding(6) – attribute(7) – action(9) - notification(10) –
Download this Recommendation in order to capture remaining OIDs. Only children of asn1Modules(2) have been registered.
- Q.832.3: incomplete capture
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) q(17) q832(832) dot(127) coor(3) informationModel(0)}
This OID and his following children have been captured:
standardSpecificExtension(0) - asn1Modules(2) - managedObjectClass(3) – package(4) - nameBinding(6) – attribute(7) – action(9) - notification(10) –
Download this Recommendation in order to capture remaining OIDs. Only children of asn1Modules(2) have been registered.
- Q.833.1: incomplete capture
- Q.835 (1999): incomplete capture
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) q(17) q835(835) informationModel(0)}
This OID and his following children have been captured:
asn1Modules(2) - managedObjectClass(3) – package(4) – parameter(5) - nameBinding(6) – attribute(7) – action(9) - notification(10) –
Download this Recommendation in order to capture remaining OIDs. Only children of asn1Modules(2) have been registered.
Don’t forget to have a look at the technical corrigendum.
- Q.836.1 (2000): incomplete capture
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) q(17) q835(835) informationModel(0)}
This OID and his following children have been captured:
asn1Modules(2) - managedObjectClass(3) – package(4) – nameBinding(6) – attribute(7) – action(9) - notification(10) – behaviour(11)
Download this Recommendation in order to capture remaining OIDs. Only children of asn1Modules(2) have been registered.
- Q.850 + Q.850 Addendum1 + Q.850 Amd. 1
- Q.860 (2000)
- Q.932 (1998) + Q.932 Amd. 1
- Q.941
- Q.951.1?
- Q.951.2?
- Q.951.3?
- Q.951.4?
- Q.951.5?
- Q.951.6?
- Q.951.7 (1997)
- Q.951.8?
- Q.952 (1993)
- Q.952.7 (1997)
- Q.953.1
- Q.953.2
- Q.953.3 (1997)
- Q.953.4
- Q.953.5
- Q.954.1 (1993)
Subclause 1.4: “Coding requirements”
Conference-Add-On-Operations {ccitt recommendation q 954 conference-add-on-operations-and-errors(1)}
Conference-Add-On-Operations {ccitt recommendation q 954 conference-add-on(1) operations-and-errors(1)}
- Q.954.2 (1995)
- Q.955.1 (1992)
- Q.955.3 (1993)
- Q.956.2 (1995)
- Q.956.3 (1995)
- Q.957.1 (1996)
- Q.1218 + Q.1218 Addendum 1
- Q.1219
- Q.1228: incomplete capture
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) q(17) q1228(1228) cs(2)}
This OID and his following children have been captured:
ac(3) – as(5) – rosObject(25) – contract(26) – package(27)
Download this Recommendation in order to capture remaining OIDs.
Subclause 4.6: “Object identifiers”
This subclause defines an asn.1 module named spkmGssTokens. This module imports the following OID:
{iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) security(5) mechanisms(5) spkm(1) spkmGssTokens(10)}
Nodes spkm(1) and spkmGssTokens(10) haven’t been registered yet. Subclause 4.6 doesn’t indicate which recommendation defines them.
Appendix II: “Data types”
Subclause 2.4.3: “Object identifier assignments”
The following object identifier assignments can be used as a starting point for identifying Mobility objects in Recommendation ITU-T X.500.
id-at-inMobilityID OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-at-inMobility 0}
id-at-inMobilityPIN OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-at-inMobility 1}
id-at-inMobilityPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-at-inMobility 2}
id-at-inMobilitySubPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-at-inMobility 3}
id-oc-inMobilityUserProfile OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-oc-inMobility 0}
id-oc-inMobilityServiceProvider OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-oc-inMobility 1}
id-oc-inMobilitySubscriberGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-oc-inMobility 2}
id-nf-inMobilityUserProfileNameForm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-nf-inMobility 0}
id-nf-inMobilityServiceProviderNameForm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-nf-inMobility 1}
id-nf-inMobilitySubscriberGroupNameForm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {id-nf-inMobility 2}
Those OIDs haven’t been registered yet. This Recommendation doesn’t indicate what is the value of “id-at-inMobility”.
- Q.1229
Many OIDs are defined in Q.1229, but this Recommendation doesn’t indicate the level of the tree where these OIDs must be created.
- Q.1238.1: incomplete capture
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) q(17) q1238(1238)}
This OID and his following children have been captured:
modules(1) - ac(3) – at(4) – as(5) – oc(6) – mt(7) – sf(11) – soa(21) – aca(24) - rosObject(25) – contract(26) – package(27) – avc(29)
Download this Recommendation in order to capture remaining OIDs. Only children of modules(1) have been registered.
- Q.1238.2
- Q.1238.3
- Q.1238.4
- Q.1238.5
- Q.1238.6
- Q.1238.7
- Q.1248.1
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) q(17) q1248(1248) ac(3) scf-ssfRouteMonitoringAC(33)}
Last arc of this OID should be replaced by the following identifier: scf-ssfRouteMonitoringAC(33).
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) q(17) q1248(1248) avc(29) assignment(2)}
Last arc of this OID should be replaced by the following identifier: basicService(2). By the way, this OID has been registered with this identifier.
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) q(17) q1248(1248) avc(29) assignment(3)}
Last arc of this OID should be replaced by the following identifier: lineIdentify(3). By the way, this OID has been registered with this identifier.
- Q.1248.2
- Q.1248.3
- Q.1248.4
- Q.1248.5
- Q.1248.6
- Q.1248.7
- Q.1400 + Q.1400 Addendum 1
- Q.1521
- Q.1551
- Q.1711
- Q.1721
- Q.1902.1
- Q.1902.2
- Q.1902.3
- Q.1902.4
- Q.1902.5
- Q.1902.6
- Q.2724.1
- Q.2735.1
- Q.2751.1
Subclause 8.10: “ Abstract syntax productions”
{itu(0) recommendation(0) q(17) omap2(2751) part1(1) informationModel(0) attribute(7) maxLengthSscopUuField(9)}
This recommendation doesn’t indicate the meaning of abbreviation “Uu”.
{itu(0) recommendation(0) q(17) omap2(2751) part1(1) informationModel(0) attribute(7) sscopTimerIdle(9)}
This Recommendation doesn’t indicate the meaning of abbreviation “Idle”.
{itu(0) recommendation(0) q(17) omap2(2751) part1(1) informationModel(0) attribute(7) longMessageSupported(36)}
{itu(0) recommendation(0) q(17) omap2(2751) part1(1) informationModel(0) attribute(7) vcTTpPointer(36)}
This Recommendation assigns 2 different identifiers to node numbered 36, whereas it doesn’t define node numbered 10 at the same level of the tree.
- Q.2932.1
- Q.2957.1 + Q.2957.1 Amd. 1
- Q.2964.1
- Q.2981
- Q.2982
- Q.2984
Subclause 8.1: “Abstract definition of the prenegotiation operations”
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) q(17) 2982 cc-operations(1)}
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) q(17) 2981 cc-operations(1)}
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) q(17) 2982 call-object-class-definitions(5)}
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) q(17) 2981 call-object-class-definitions(5)}
- Q.2991.1
- Q.3303.1
- Q.3304.1
- T.4 + T.4 Amd.1 + T.4 Amd. 2
- T.30 + T.30 Amd. 1 + T.30 Amd. 2 + T.30 Amd. 3 + T.30 Amd. 4 + T.30 Cor.1
- T.43 + T.43 Amd. 1
- T.44 + T.44 Amd. 1
- T.80
- T.81
- T.82
- T.84 + T.84 Amd. 1
- T.86
- T.100
- T.107
- T.123
- T.124 (1998)
Subclause 8.7: “GCCPDU definitions»
This subclause defines an ASN.1 module named “GCC-PROTOCOL”. The problem is that this subclause doesn’t indicate the level of the tree where this module has to be registered.
Recommendation ITU-T T.123 defines an equivalent module at the following level of the tree: {itu-t(0) recommendation(0) t(20) t123(123)annexb(2) 1}, where annexb(2) corresponds to the annex in which the module is defined
Recommendation ITU-T T.135 imports a module:
-- Export all symbols
-- Imports definitions from T.124
TextString, SimpleTextString, DialingString, ExtraDialingString, SubAddressString,
H221NonStandardIdentifier, Key, NonStandardParameter, ChallengeResponse, ChallengeRequest,
FROM GCC-PROTOCOL {itu-t(0) recommendation(0) t(20) 124};
- T.125 (1998)
- T.126 (1997)
- T.127 (1995)
- T.128 (1998)
- T.134 (1998)
- T.135 (1998)
- T.136 (1999)
- T.137 (2000)
- T.172 (1998)
- T.173 (1997)
- T.174
- T.175
- T.190
- T.191
- T.192 (1998)
- T.330 (1988)
Annex A defines the following ASN.1 module:
TLMAAbsService {ccitt-t330}
But ccitt-t330 is not a legal OID. We think the OID should more or less look like:
TLMAAbsService {ITU-T Recommendation(0) t(20) t330(330) tLMAAbsService(0)}
- T.411 (1993) + T.411 Cor.1
- T.412 + T.412 Cor.1
- T.412 Cor.2
- T.413 (1994)
- T.414 + T.414 Cor. 1 + T.414 Cor. 2
- T.415 (1993) + T.415 Cor. 1 + T.415 Cor. 2
- T.416 (1993) + T.416 Cor. 1
- T.417 (1993) + T.417 Amd. 1 + T.417 Amd. 2 + T.417 Cor. 1
- T.418 (1993)
- T.419 (1995)
- T.421 (1994)
- T.422 (1999)
- T.424 (1996)
- T.433 (1992) + T.433 Amd. 1
- T.434 (1999)
- T.435 (1995)
- T.436 (1995)
- T.503 + T.503 Amd. 1 + T.503 Amd. 2 + T.503 Amd. 3 + T.503 Amd. 4 + T.503 Cor.1
- T.506
- T.611
- X.36
- X.110
- X.115
- X.116
- X.121
- X.122
- X.123
- X.124
- X.125
- X.130
- X.131
- X.134
- X.135
- X.136
- X.137
- X.138
- X.139
- X.140
- X.141
- X.144
- X.145
- X.146
- X.150
- X.160
- X.162: incomplete capture
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) x(24) x162(162)}
This OID and his following children have been captured:
cnmAsn1Modules(2) - cnmmanagedObjectClass(3) - cnmpackage(4) - cnmparameter(5) - cnmnameBinding(6) - cnmattribute(7) - cnmattributeGroup(8) - cnmaction(9) - cnmnotification(10) - cnmFunctionalUnit(11) – miscellaneous(12)
Download this Recommendation in order to capture remaining OIDs. Only children of attribute(7) haven’t been captured yet.
- X.163
- X.170
- X.171
- X.180
- X.181
- X.200
- X.207
- X.208
- X.209
- X.210
- X.211
- X.212
- X.213
- X.214
- X.215
- X.216
- X.217
- X.218
- X.219
- X.220
- X.222
- X.223
- X.224
- X.225
- X.226
- X.227
- X.228
- X.229
- X.233
- X.234
- X.235
- X.236
- X.237
- X.237 bis
- X.244
- X.245
- X.246
- X.247
- X.248
- X.249
- X.255
- X.256
- X.257
- X.263
- X.264
- X.272
- X.273
- X.281
- X.282: incomplete capture
We wanted to capture the following object identifier which is defined in C.3 (informative annex):
{iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) 802dot3(10006) repeaterMgt(19) attribute(7) sysResetTime(47)}
Unfortunately, we don’t have any information about 802dot3(10006) and repeaterMgt(19).
Notealso that 802dot3(10006) is an illegal identifier in ASN.1: It shall begin with a lowercase letter.
The following OIDs haven’t been captured for the same reasons:
{iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) 802dot3(10006) repeaterMgt(19) attribute(7) repeaterResetTimeStamp(48)}
{iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) 802dot3(10006) repeaterMgt(19) action(9) resetSystem(49)}
{joint-iso-itu-t(2) datalink-layer(15) management(0)}
This OID and his following children have been captured:
standardSpecificExtensions(0) – asn1Modules(2) - managedObjectClass(3) - package(4) - parameter(5) - nameBinding(6) - attribute(7) - attributeGroup(8) - action(9) - notification(10)
Download this Recommendation in order to capture the remaining OIDs, defined under those arcs. Only children of asn1Modules(2) have been captured.
- X.283: incomplete capture
{joint-iso-ccitt(2) network-layer(13) management(0) nLM(2)}
This OID and his following children have been captured:
standardSpecificExtensions(0) – asn1Modules(2) - managedObjectClass(3) - package(4) - parameter(5) - nameBinding(6) - attribute(7) - attributeGroup(8) - action(9) - notification(10)
Download this Recommendation in order to capture remaining OIDs, defined under those arcs. Only children of asn1Modules(2) have been captured.
- X.284: incomplete capture
{joint-iso-ccitt(2) transport-layer(14) management(0)}
This OID and his following children have been captured:
standardSpecificExtensions(0) – asn1Modules(2) - managedObjectClass(3) - package(4) - parameter(5) - nameBinding(6) - attribute(7) - attributeGroup(8) - action(9) - notification(10)
Download this Recommendation in order to capture remaining OIDs, defined under those arcs. Only children of asn1Modules(2) have been captured.
- X.287: incomplete capture
{joint-iso-ccitt(2) ms(9) smi(3) part8(8)}
This OID and his following children have been captured:
standardSpecificExtensions(0) – asn1Modules(2) - managedObjectClass(3) - package(4) - parameter(5) - nameBinding(6) - attribute(7) - attributeGroup(8) - action(9) - notification(10)
Download this Recommendation in order to capture remaining OIDs, defined under those arcs. Only children of asn1Modules(2) have been captured.
- X.290
- X.292
- X.293
- X.294
- X.295
- X.296
- X.400
- X.403
- X.404
- X.407
- X.408
- X.411
- X.413
- X.419
- X.421
- X.445
- X.446
- X.460
- X.480
- X.481
- X.482
- X.483
- X.484
- X.485
- X.486
- X.487
- X.488
- X.500
- X.501
- X.509
- X.511
- X.518
- X.519
- X.520
- X.521
- X.525
- X.530
- X.581
- X.582
- X.583
- X.584
- X.585
- X.586
- X.601
- X.605
- X.606
- X.610
- X.612
- X.613
- X.614
- X.622
- X.623
- X.625
- X.630
- X.633
- X.634
- X.637
- X.638
- X.639
- X.641
- X.642
- X.650
- X.662
- X.665
- X.666
- X.669
- X.670
- X.671
- X.681
- X.682
- X.683
- X.690
- X.691
- X.692
- X.693
- X.700
- X.701
- X.702
- X.710
- X.711
- X.712
- X.720
- X.721
- X.723
- X.724
- X.725
- X.727
- X.730
- X.731
- X.732
- X.733
- X.734
- X.735
- X.736
- X.737
- X.738
- X.739
- X.740
- X.741
- X.742
- X.743
- X.744
- X.745
- X.748
- X.749
- X.750: incomplete capture
{joint-iso-ccitt(2) ms(9) function(2) part16(16)}
This OID and his following children have been captured:
standardSpecificExtensions(0) – asn1Modules(2) - managedObjectClass(3) - package(4) - parameter(5) - nameBinding(6) - attribute(7) - attributeGroup(8) - action(9) - notification(10)
Download this Recommendation in order to capture remaining OIDs, defined under those arcs.
- X.751: incomplete capture
{joint-iso-ccitt(2) ms(9) function(2) part17(17)}
This OID and his following children have been captured:
standardSpecificExtensions(0) – asn1Modules(2) - managedObjectClass(3) - package(4) - parameter(5) - nameBinding(6) - attribute(7) - attributeGroup(8) - action(9) - notification(10) - relationshipClass(11) - relationshipRole(13)
Download this Recommendation in order to capture remaining OIDs, defined under those arcs.
- X.753: incomplete capture
{joint-iso-ccitt(2) ms(9) function(2) part21(21)}
This OID and his following children have been captured:
standardSpecificExtensions(0) – asn1Modules(2) - managedObjectClass(3) - package(4) - parameter(5) - nameBinding(6) - attribute(7) - attributeGroup(8) - action(9) - notification(10) - relationshipClass(11) – relationMapping(12) - relationshipRole(13)
Download this Recommendation in order to capture remaining OIDs, defined under those arcs.
- X.754: incomplete capture
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) x(24) eecmod(754) informationModel(0}
This OID and his following children have been captured:
asn1Modules(2) - managedObjectClass(3) - package(4) - nameBinding(6) - attribute(7) - action(9) - notification(10) - behaviour(11)
Download this Recommendation in order to capture remaining OIDs, defined under those arcs.
- X.770
- X.780
- X.780.1
- X.781
- X.790: incomplete capture
{itu-t(0) recommendation(0) x(24) x790(790) informationModel(0}
This OID and his following children have been captured:
asn1Modules(2) - managedObjectClass(3) - package(4) – parameter(5) - nameBinding(6) - attribute(7) - notification(10)
Download this Recommendation in order to capture remaining OIDs, defined under those arcs.
- X.791
- X.800
- X.802
- X.803
- X.810
- X.811
- X.812
- X.813
- X.814
- X.815
- X.816
- X.830
- X.831
- X.832
- X.833
- X.834
- X.835
- X.841
- X.842
- X.851
- X.852
- X.853
- X.860
- X.861
- X.862
- X.863
- X.880
- X.881
- X.882
- X.952
Recommendation ITU-T X.952 has been assigned the arc trader(100) under the object identifier {joint-iso-itu-t(2)} in the international registration tree. But the last number currently assigned under joint-iso-itu-t(2) is 24, so number 100 reserved for X.952 seams not correct. We propose to assign the arc 25 to X.952 and name it odp instead of trader.