St. Lawrence CountyDRAFTServices Committee

Board of LegislatorsMonday, August 17, 2015

Board Room5:30 p.m.

Members Attending:Mr. Denesha,Mr. Acres, Mr. Arquiett, Ms. Bell, Mr. Burke, Mr. Colbert, Mr. Dann, Mr. Forsythe, Mr. Hooper, Mr. LaPierre, Mr. Lightfoot, Mr. Paquin, Mr. Perkins, Mr. Putman, and Mr. Timmerman

Others Attending: Kelly Pearson, Kevin Felt, Steve Button, Paul Smith, Chris Rediehs, Andrea Montgomery, Randy Andre, Mary Lou Rupp, Jim Rich, Keith Zimmerman, and media representative: Sue Mende, Watertown Daily Times

1. CALL TO ORDER AND APPROVAL OF AGENDA–ChairDeneshacalled the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Mr. Perkins moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Mr. Forsythe, and carried by a voice vote with thirteen (13) yes votes and two (2) absent (Dann and Paquin).

2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES –Mr. Burke moved to approve the July 13th meeting minutes, seconded by Mr. Timmerman, and carried by a voice vote with thirteen (13) yes votes and two (2) absent (Dann and Paquin).


A. Appointing the St. Lawrence County Early Intervention Official (Res)–Mr. Burke moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Mr. LaPierre, and carriedby a voice vote with thirteen (13) yes votes and two (2) absent (Dann and Paquin).

B. Authorizing the Chair to Sign a Contract for the Early Intervention Administration Program

for the Public Health Department (Res)–Mr. Burke moved to forward this resolution to full

Board, seconded by Mr. Putman, and carried by a voice vote with thirteen (13) yes votes and two (2) absent (Dann and Paquin).

C. Authorizing the Chair to Sign a Contract with the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets for an Animal Rabies Vaccination Grant (Res)–Mr. Putman moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Mr. Acres, and carried by a voice vote with thirteen (13) yes votes and two (2) absent (Dann and Paquin).


A. Modifying the 2015 Office for the Aging Budget to Recognize Revenue and Appropriations for the County Bus Program (Res)–Mr. Forsythe moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Mr. Putman, and carried by a voice vote with thirteen (13) yes votes and two (2) absent (Dann and Paquin).

B. Balancing Incentive Program Impact on New York Connects (Info)–Senior Program Coordinator, Randy Andre


A. Information Requested Regarding Nutrition Sites (Edwards & Ogdensburg) and Home Delivered Meals (Discussion)(Note: The resolutions were tabled at a Board Meeting; therefore, any action takencan occur at the September Board Meeting)–Ms. Montgomery answered questions she was asked at the Board Meeting regarding funding from New York State.

Mr. Denesha said there will be an Ag Tour on Friday August 21st and all are invited to attend.

6. EXECUTIVE SESSION – There was no need for Executive Session.

Chair Denesha adjourned the August 17th Services Committee meeting at 6:48 p.m., as there was no further business.