Standard sentences for report writing
Read through the list of standard sentences. Copy the sentences you frequently use to your own computer, or print out the list and highlight the sentences you use most.
Explaining the background/Explaining your niche
The purpose of this study was…
The most widespread technique for X is Y.
X has commonly been used to…
X is becoming a widely used research method in recent years and clinical practice suggests that the technique will become a powerful clinical tool.
The accuracy of X in performing Y has been widely/extensively investigated.
Recently X has been proposed as a… new technique for Y.
noninvasive/nonionizing alternative modality for imaging of Z.
However, Y has some problems in that…
A drawback in this technique is…
This is the first study that…
X has only been reported in 2 prior studies and these studies suffered from a number of limitations.
Explaining the study
The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board and informed consent was obtained from each patient enrolled.
Written informed consent was obtained from all participants, and the protocol was approved by the hospital committee on Clinical Investigation.
The study population included 18 subjects, 12 patients (mean age, 62 + 5 years) with radiographically confirmed XYZ and six healthy adults (mean age, 62 + 5 years).
Sixty patients with Y confirmed by Z radiographs and CT scan were studied prospectively/retroactively.
No patient had undergone prior surgery for…
All patients had undergone prior surgery for…
Reporting Imaging/Scanmethods
The MR images were reviewed retrospectively by two radiologists (JU,MPK)...
experienced in the interpretation of XYZ.
blinded to the final diagnosis of ABC.
without knowledge of the AB findings.
MR imaging was…
All scans were…performed on a 1.5-T MR system (Bigna, AB Medical Systems, Osaka, Japan)
The peak rate of the scanner was 16 mT/m.
XYZ imaging was performed in 26 patients (21 men; mean age, 62 + 5 years, and 3 women; mean age 71 + 5 years) within a period of 3 months.
All scans were performed…during free breathing.
with patients performing the breath holding technique.
Paired student’s t test
Comparisons between X and Y were made using the paired student’s t test with P values <0.05 being considered significant.
Level of agreement was defined as follows: kappa values less than 0 were considered to indicate no agreement; kappa values of 0.00 to 0.40 were considered to indicate poor agreement; kappa values of…
Reporting Results
Significance was set at 0.05.
There was no significant difference between X and Y.
There was excellent agreement in the overall patient findings in 23 patients.
In the analysis of interobserver variability, the weighted kappa values showed excellent agreement (0.41 to 0.76) for the rating of XYZ.
X demonstrated comparable results with Y.
In summary,…
Reporting Limitations of study
A potential limitation of our study was that X was not used to verify Y because…
A limitation of our study was that…
Another limitation was that… However,…
However, limitations exist in…
ABC may further improve DEF.
Anticipated improvements in ABC may allow further clarification of this issue.