Barton House Group Practice
Minutes of the Patient Group
Present:, Janice Nicholls, Pamela Guest, Patricia Kattenhorn, Jennifer Nyman, Joe Skade, Dr Matthew Bench - Apologies: Moira Coup [who wishes to retire from the group for a few months], Liz Pillar
1. Matters arising
AP has circulated a newsletter and put up posters advertising the Patient Group but there have been no takers as yet. AP has been in touch with the British Heart Foundation to book in Life Support Training but they have not responded. AP to follow up.
It was also suggested that a session for young parents about children and minor ailments may be a way of encouraging patients to join the group. –AP to suggest to Dr Derrett.
It was suggested that the group should perhaps meet in the evenings as this might encourage more attendance. Others I the group felt that they would not want to attend in the evenings, especially I the winter.
The patient group are felt that they needed to know what was expected of them. Dr Bench said that they are a valuable way of feeding back to the practice what the patient experience is like, if there are issues of access for example that can addressed by the practice and generally, the group can act as a useful sounding ground for new ideas and new developments.
2.1 Dr Fitzpatrick has now retired and already many patients are missing him!
Those patients who are registered to Dr Fitzpatrick will be moved to another Dr. This is a nominal process. Soon the practice will be adopting a pooled list.
New Drs joining the practice: Dr Keith Seidel (formerly of Nightingale Practice) and Dr Rosalind Ghosh have joined the practice. Dr Seidel will be the Minor Surgery lead and Dr Ghosh is the new Coils and women’s health lead.
Dr Katrina Humphreys has gone on maternity leave and will be returning in 2013.
The practice will soon be moving to a new computer system (Emis LV to EMIS WEB) this is going to be a big and challenging process for the practice, however, we hope that patient may not notice! However, there may well be some glitches along the way. The changeover is scheduled for July 2012. For this reason and due to summer engagements, it was decided to defer the next meeting to September.
The next Patient Group Meeting will be held at Barton House on
Thursday 20th September 2012 1pm deferred to Thursday 25th October 2012