Honors Geometry Grading Policy
Mrs. Hommer
Class Participation: 10% of marking period grade
Students will have an opportunity to earn 4 points per day for participation.
4=Student came to class prepared, participated and completed class work.
3=Student was not completely prepared or focused during the lesson (75% satisfactory).
2=Student either was unprepared, or did not participate for at least half of the class.
1=Student only participated during a portion of the lesson.
0=Student came unprepared and did not participate, or student cut class.
**Students may lose class participation points for inappropriate behavior in class.
Homework: 15% of marking period grade
Students will have an opportunity to earn 2 points per day for homework
2= Student completed assignment
1= Student completed at least half of the assignment.
0=Student did not complete homework.
**All homework is due the day after it is assigned unless otherwise specified. Students who are absent are required to turn in missing assignments according to the school policy.
Tests and Quizzes: 75% of marking period grade.
Students will have at least two quizzes and one test for each chapter we cover in the text.
Quizzes will be weighted half the value of a test. Periodically, students may be given a mini-quiz (weighted half the value of a regular quiz) where they will be asked to solve a homework or class work problem that has been presented and corrected in class. The point of these quizzes is to hold students accountable to correcting their homework and maintaining an organized and corrected notebook.
**Students who are absent the day before a test or quiz are required to take the test on the day it is given. Students who are absent on the day of a test or quiz must make it up according to the school policy.
I have read and understand the classroom rules and grading policy.