LESSON PLAN – Design A Sign
Theme – Group Activity Simulation
KEY SKILLS – Communication, Numeracy, Problem Solving, Information and Communication Technology, Working With Others, Improving Own Learning and Performance
WORK RELATED LEARNING – Learning Through Work, Learning For Work, Learning About Work
COMPETENCIES – *ai, *aii, *aiii, *aiv, *bi, *bii, *cii, *di, **ei, **eiii, **eiv, **ev, **evi, ***fiii, ***fiv, ***Ii, ***Iii, ***kiv, ****li, ****mi, ****ni, ****pi
SUGGESTED SUBJCET AREA – Science and Tech., Art, English, Personal Development, Social Studies
Learning Outcomes
By completing this task students will be able to:
- Work collaboratively to produce appropriate signs for the school building.
- Practice presentation skills.
- Practice negotiation skills.
Preparation and Materials
- Copies of Activity Sheet “Design A Sign” for each group.
- Teachers’ Notes (1) “Overview” and (2) “Step by Step Guide”.
- All materials as listed in the step by step guide.
- Could be competed in one half or whole day session or a series of lessons.
- This simulation can be used with a variety of age groups and the task’s increased difficulty can be adapted to each group.
- Instead of handing out maps of the school, groups could be allocated to map out, in sketch form, a particular area of the school – inside and out.
- Computers can be used to produce the signs provided the specifications comply with those of the Health and Safety Executive.
- By working together the students will identify areas of need and fulfil their brief.
- Evaluation to look at”
- How well the group worked together
- Did the students’ work satisfy requirements
- Effectiveness of presentation
- Debrief to include asking students what they learned and summarising the main learning outcomes.
Extension Activity
- See Step by Step Guide on Teachers’ Notes (2) for details.
TEACHERS’ NOTES (1) – Design A Sign – Overview
The students will work together in a group to identify and solve problems, which will benefit the general community.
The activity which identifies areas which are potentially hazardous in and around school required students to work together, design material and display new warning signs. Alternatively could include general notices about places in the school and access routes around the building.
Students work in social groups of no more than 6. They should either:
- Respond to an identified need given to them by the teacher.
- Identify from their own experience something that they have seen in an area in or around the school that could cause a problem.
For this purpose students, depending on ability and maturity can either:
- Work to a map of the whole school
- Construct their own sketch map
- Work directly from the ground
Each group, depending on the approach used by the teacher, will need:
- Materials as specified in the step by step guide.
- Map of the school, or enlarged map of the area to be targeted.
- Some information about Safety Sign from the Health and Safety Executive.
- Access to the Highway Code (for signs on driveways roads etc).
- Further materials – refer to step by step guide.
Depending on the depth of study and students ability – this activity could take half or a whole day or even cover a number of lessons.
Consider in evaluation whether or not the:
- Group worked well together – was there a leader, a fair distribution of tasks and a co-operative attitude? Was there a logical approach to solving problems?
- Was the task set answered i.e. was their identification of the hazardous areas?
- Graphics and quality of the presentation fulfilled requirements i.e. clear, precise, uncluttered, to the point.
Finally ask the students what they have learned and summarise the main learning outcomes.
TEACHERS’ NOTES (2) – Design A Sign – Step by Step Guide
- It is advisable to allow for a certain amount of time for personal preparation and time to prepare for the students.
- Teachers should be aware of the needs of the building, i.e. safety aspects or access routes and should gear their tasks to satisfy the objectives of either aspect.
- Students should be made aware of the acknowledged and acceptable signs and their specific methods of display and presentation.
- In addition to this time for preparation, the student should be made aware of the desired outcomes from the activity, particularly those in reference to teamwork, problem solving and communication.
- Verbal explanation of the student brief will be useful with this age group (grade7) and the opportunity given to answer the questions.
- The school safety officer or representatives from industry would be useful in contributing to the brief and debrief sessions.
- Each group will need:
- Appropriate coloured paper
- Ruler, scissors, glue and blu-tak
- Letter stencils
- Coloured pencils
- Map of school or enlarged areas
- Access to Highway Code
- Access to computers.
- Teachers should have general information about Health and Safety Specifications for signs.
- Following the briefing – students should be able to start work to:
- Identify an area
- Allocate group tasks
- Identify hazards/routes
- Design signs with prototypes to establish correct colours etc
- Produce all required signs
- Pinpoint on map or enlargement where the signs will be placed.
- Extension Activities – Presentation of work to include:
- Initial study
- Design brief
- Production of signs
- Map showing placement of signs and reasons for the signs.
Learning Outcomes: By completing this task you will be able to:
- Work together to produce appropriate signs for the school building.
- Practice presentation skills.
- Practice negotiation skills.
- You will be working in a group in order to complete the tasks given by your teacher, and present your work to the class.
- Your main task is to produce signs, which will either help to identify potential dangers in an area of the school, or to help visitors to the school to find their way around.
- Working together and using the skills and strengths which you have:
- Identify the area.
- Identify the need.
- Design a sign – check with your teacher that the specifications are correct before you design more than one.
- Produce the signs you need – you may be able to use a computer to help you.
- Work out together where the most appropriate place will be to locate your signs.
- Draw a map to show where the signs will go.
- Be prepared to present all of this information to the rest of the class and there groups.