Country / Name of responder / Time of 1st call / Time of sending fax (1) / Time of obtaining confirmation that fax has arrived / Time of receiving fax with requested info (2) / Time of closing test / Response time
(2) – (1) / Usefulness of info
(* to ****) / Comments
Austria / Christofer Smith / 9.23 / 9.27 / 9.29 / 9.38 / 9.40 / 9 min / ****
Belgium / John Vanboenkel / 9.30 / 9.33 / ------/ 9.54 / 9.55 / 21 min / ****
Belgium / Belintra
INOVYN / Trouble with comunication,e-mail address is wrong.
Information send by fax, did not get answer.
Czech Respublic / Petr Smith / 9.43 / 9.45 / 9.50 / 9.53 / 9.58 / 15 min / ****
Denmark / Annas Sunaper / 10.00 / 10.02 / ------/ 10.09 / 10.10 / 7 min / ****
Finland / ------/ ------/ ------/ ------/ ------/ ------/ ------/ ------/ ------
France / Isan Iven Calves / 10.04 / 10.05 / 10.41 / 10.59 / 11.00 / 18 min / ****
Germany / Same respons senter as Austria / ------/ ------/ ------/ ------/ ------/ ------/ ------/ ------
Great Britain / Nipel Blumire / 10.11 / 10.12 / 10.15 / 10.33 / 10.34 / 15 min / ****
Hungary / Tőke István
(FER Tűzoltóság) [ / 13.36
Fax-number was confirmed / 13.43/13.55/14.08
Fax did not work
New faxnumber was tried out. It did not work either.
Email was sent at 14.20 / Hungarian ICE-center called to inform that they had sent an email / Email received at 14.41 / Test closed by phone call at 14.42 / 11 min / ****
Safety data sheet with highlights at the requested numbers / Some trouble sending fax. Probably something wrong with the Norwegian fax.
Italy / Giuliana Picone / 09.08
Told to call back in 10 minutes to get the right email-adress
Email-address was confirmed / 09.35
Email was sent to the right email-address / 09.42
Email was received with confirmation that the email had arrived / Email received at 10.04 / Test closed by phone call at
10.06 / 29 min / ****
The exact requested information / Ok that the email address was confirmed before it was sent
Netherlands / W. v.d.Kraan / 10.13
Email-address was confirmed / 10.15 Email was sent to the right email-address / Phone call to make sure the requester got the information at 10.21 / Email received at 10.21 / Test closed by phone call at
10.22 / 6 min / ****
Safety data sheet
Norway / Thomas Henriksen / 10.33
Email-address was confirmed / 10.34 Email was sent to the right email-adress / 10.35
Phone call was received with confirmation that the email had arrived / Email received at 10.44 / Test closed by email at 10.45 / 10 min / * / Norway do not have any expertise in the national network on this chemical
Poland / Dawid Smolcnski / 10.54
Email-address was given:
/ 10.56
Email was sent with wrong email-address. New email was sent after a phonecall to correct the spelling of the email-address
at 11.09 / ------/ Email received at 11.37 / Test closed by phone call at
11.40 / 28 min / ****
Safety data sheet with marks at the requested numbers
Slovak Republic / Motolik / 12.31
Email-address was confirmed / 12.34
Email was sent to / ------/ Email received at 12.40 / Test closed by phone call at
12.45 / 6 min / ****
Safety data sheet
Spain / ------/ 12.52
Email-address was confirmed / 12.56
Email was sent to

New email was sent to clear out any possible misunderstandings / 13.02
Email was received with confirmation that the email had arrived
Email was received with information that they were trying to get the information in English from a participating company / Email received at 13.52 / Test closed by phone call at
13.54 / 56 min / ****
Safety data sheet / The delay was caused by finding the information in English
Sweden / Bengt Carlvik / 13.48
Email-address was confirmed / 13.49
Email was sent to / ------/ Email received at 14.03 / Test closed by phone call at
14.06 / 17 min / ****
Safety data sheet
Switzerland / ------/ 14.14
Email-address was confirmed / 14.16
Email was sent to / 14.30
Phone call received to confirm the fax number for the Norwegian ICE center / Fax received at 14.32 / Test closed by phone call at 14.34 / 16 min / ***
Card covering partly the requested information, lack of information about ecological information / We are aware of that Switzerland does not have this subject on their list in the ICE-database, so we did not expect to get any information.

Usefulness of information received (from * to ****)

* = no or wrong information

**= general information without details about requested information

*** = detailed information covering only partly requested information

**** = detailed information covering all requested information