Patient Participation DES
Stakes Lodge Surgery Survey Report 2013
Stakes Lodge Surgery ProfilePage 3
SummaryPage 4
Practice Patient Number ProfilePage 4
Forming a Patient Reference GroupPage 5
Patient ProfilePage 6
Establishing Areas for FocusPage 7
Collating Results from SurveyPage 9
Reporting ResultsPage 9
Plan to be implementedPage 10
Introduction of the new systemPage 11
Publicising Survey Results and Actions TakenPage 11
AppendicesPage 13
Stakes Lodge Surgery Profile
Stakes Lodge Surgery
3a Lavender Road, Waterlooville, P07 8NS
Drs, MJ White, AMS Bateman, APU King, KL Burton, RH Sutton,HF Gadsden
Practice Population 7,643
Opening Hours:
Monday 08:30 – 18:00
Tuesday08:30 – 18:00
Wednesday08:30 – 18:00
Thursday08:30 – 18:00
Friday08:30 – 18:00
Extended Hours Opening:
Mondayam07:15 –08:00
Monday pm 18:30 – 19:00
Thursday pm18:30 – 19:00
One Saturday per month 8:00am – 10:00am
The purpose of this report is to demonstrate that Stakes Lodge Surgery has successfully developed a structure to obtain the feedback and views of its patients. This has been achieved by forming a Patient Representative Groupwhere areas for focus have been recommended and agreed by the patients involved. This in turn has lead to the implementation of changes in one area. This report sets out the process to achieving the above. The information contained in this report is based on evidence collated during the period July 2011 up until October 2012.
Practice Patient Number Profile
There are currently 7,643Patients registered at the practice. Below are three charts; the total patients aged 15+ years registered at the practice, the total patients aged 15+ years whose ethnicity has been recorded and the approximate number of patients needed for the Patient Reference Group to be a representative proportion of our practice population
Forming a Patient Reference Group
Step 1
Since we began the Stakes Lodge Surgery Patient Participation Group in 2011 we have continued to invitepatients to become members of the Stakes Lodge Surgery Patient Reference Group by producing Flyers (Appendix 1) explaining the purpose of the patient reference group along with Patient Contact Formsfor patients to complete (Appendix 2) along with Frequently Asked Questions (Appendix 3). These have continued to be distributed amongst patients in the following way.
- Flyers and Contact Sheets placed in the waiting room
- Patients invited by doctors and staff to become part of the Patient Reference Group
- Link on Website for patients to complete a Patient Reference Group Contact Form.
Step 2
Taking into consideration that not all patients are able to attend the surgery the following steps were also taken:
Letters along with stamped addressed envelopes sent by post containing Flyer and Contact Sheets to patients that are either
- housebound patients (Appendix 4)
- Carers (Appendix 5)
These letters were sent out to patients that were not on our practice register when we originally formed the Stakes Lodge Surgery Reference Group in 2011.
Step 3
Since April 2012 an additional 10 patients have expressed an interest in being part of the Patient Reference Group by completing Contact Reference Forms either by using a Contact Form provided by the Surgery or by completing a contact form online. This makes a total of 222 patients who have expressed an interested in being part of the Stakes Lodge Surgery Reference Group since we formed the group in 2011.
Patient Profile of 222 Patients
Establishing Areas for Focus
Stage 1
On the Stakes Lodge Surgery Patient Reference Group Contact Forms,the patients are provided with a list of areas for focus. These are for patients to tick, showing which areas they would like the surgery to address when compiling a survey. All these results were collated and transferred to a spreadsheet. The details provideus with the areas that can be addressedwhen compiling Patient Reference Group Surveys.
Stage 2
The information provided formed the basis for drafting the Stakes Lodge Surgery Patient Reference Group Survey. In addition, we used one form of questioning to review a service that was implemented following our Patient Reference Group Survey for 2011.
The suggested areas for focus:-
- Appointments
- Nurse Telephone Appointments (revision)
- Prescriptions
- Website
- Complaints/Comment
Stage 3
- The areas for focus were drafted into a survey.
- Letterswere forwarded to 75 patients, both male and female (Appendix 6) from each agegroup along with the draft Survey. These were sent by both email via ‘Survey Monkey’(SM) (25 letters) and post (50 letters all provided with SAE). The patients were asked to read the survey and supply us with feedback as to whether
- the areas for focus had been covered sufficiently and if not to offer feedback as to what they deemed more appropriate.
- Confirm that the number of questions were sufficient and ask for suggestions if it was not felt that this was the case
- 2 patients responded stating that they were happy with the content of the survey. 23 emails were resent but with no response.
Stage 4
With agreement by the patient group members, the amended final survey was sent with a covering letter to the 222 patients that had completed the Patients Reference Group Contact Forms both via email using Survey Monkeyandthrough the post. (Appendix 7)
CollatingResults from Survey
54 responses received by emailSurvey Monkey
39responses received by post
Step 1
- All survey responses received by Survey Monkey were collated and analysedusing the Survey Monkey tool.
- All responses received by post were added to Survey Monkey using the tool provided and included in the final analysis.
Looking through the analysis and referring to individual completed patient surveys it became apparent which area the surgery would like to focus its improvement on.
Step 2
- Meetings between Management to discuss the survey responses.
- Discussion with Partners regarding the survey results and the areas that showed where improvements could be made.
- Meeting held with receptionists and staff to discuss the considered change obtaining constructive feedback which could be considered when implementing any change.
Reporting Results
Step 1
A Letter and Reportwas sent by email and post to all 93 Patient Reference Group Members who responded to the surveys that were sent out. The report was structured as follows:
- A letter setting out the purpose of the survey (Appendix 8)
- The agreed areas of focus for the survey as requested by the Patient Reference Group Members
- Analysis of the area identified for improvement and possible implementation if agreed by the Patient Reference Group Members
- Full Survey Results Report (Appendix 9)
In the letter, the patient isgiven the opportunity to discuss the findings if the patient considers there to be more appropriate action than that which was set out in the report. A response was requested from the patient within two weeks to which a final date was given. The patient was given the opportunity to contact the surgery and speak to the deputy manager by telephone, email or postif they opposed or wished to discuss the recommendation. It was also stated that the surgery will proceed with the plan unless any patient should recommend that we consider taking different action.
An explanation was given how the survey results will be displayed to the Stakes Lodge patient population.
Step 2
5Reponses were received with positive feedback during the period stated in the letter. No further responses have been received to date. On that basis, steps have been put in place to implement the agreed changes.
Plan to be implemented
Question 2.
98% of patients asked, wanted to either see or speak to a GP on the telephone on the same day.
43% of the patients asked, were unable to get an appointment to either see or speak to a GP on the same day.
As the findings show, slightly less than half of the patients that requested a same day appointment either by telephone or by seeing the GP felt that the surgery were unable to meet that request. As a practice we endeavour to meet the needs of our patients. Therefore, based on the above findings, we propose introducing a triage doctor service during morning surgery.
We currently have a similar system running in the afternoon which has proved to be successful, receiving positive feedback from both patients and reception staff who deal with the booking of appointments.
The telephone triage doctor service would work in the following way:
- Every morning there will be a triage doctor, apart from on a Monday when there will be two as Mondays can be very busy.
- The telephone triage doctor service will be used for patients that feel they have an urgent matter and must be seen the same day.
- Patients that have an urgent matter and must be seen the same day will have an appointment added to the triage doctor as an urgent telephone appointment.
- The triage doctor will telephone the patient and will determine whether the matter can be dealt with on the telephone or whether the patient will need to come to surgery.
- Should the triage doctor feel that the patient needs to come to surgery on the same day, the triage doctor will place the appointment with the appropriate doctor if available,or he may see the patient himself.
By implementing the above we hope to:
- Meet the needs of the number of patients needing to be seen urgently on the same day
- Meet the need for patients that may not have to come to surgery as their problem can be dealt with over the telephone
- Help to alleviate the number of patients that are ‘added on’ to the end of surgery. Patients that are ‘added on’ can sometimes have a long wait which may have an effect on a patient who is already feeling unwell.
To enable us to do this, firstly we needed to:
- Set a date on which to implement the change
- Notify patients of the date of the changes by way of posters, a message on our telephone system, advertise the changes on the surgery website
- Compile a brief feedback questionnaire for patients to complete after they have booked their appointment/seen the GP. Receiving feedback is important when implementing change. Ensure that feedback questionnaires are sent to those patients that were triaged only by telephone
- Review daily initially to ensure that the changes implemented are working and make changes if necessary then review weekly.
The introduction of the new system
The aboveTelephone Doctor Triage Service was implemented on the 4th of March. The service is currently being reviewed on a daily basis to ensure its effectiveness on meeting the needs of our patients whilst being able to maintain a smooth running practice.
Telephone Triage Doctor Feedback Questionnaires have been given out to patients that have used the Telephone Triage Doctor Service.
To date, we have received 17 responses to our Feedback Questionnaires. 1responsehas been received via email and 16 responses using the Feedback Questionnaires. The results have been analysed using the Survey Monkey Tool (Appendix 10) the results are as follows:-
We are continuing to monitor the effectiveness of the Telephone Triage Doctor Service by providing Feedback Questionnaires to patients that have come to surgery having used the Telephone Triage Doctor Service. Questionnaires are also being sent to patients that have used the triage system but did not need to come to surgery as they were dealt with over the telephone.
Publicising Survey Results and Actions Taken
- Hard Copies of the Stakes Lodge Surgery Survey Report and hard copies of the Slideshowdetailing the purpose of the survey, survey results and Actions taken placed on waiting room chairs in and in reception.
- The Stakes Lodge Surgery Survey Report available for patients to read on the Stakes Lodge Surgery website including a link for patients to join the Patient Reference Group for future surveys.
- The Stakes Lodge Surgery Survey Report available for patients to read on the NHS Choices Website.
- Posters Displayed in the building notifying patients of the information which can be found on the website. Also information for the patient to ask at Reception should they require more information regarding the survey and its results.
Appendix 1Stakes Lodge Surgery Flyer
Appendix 2Stakes Lodge Surgery Reference Group Contact Form
Appendix 3Frequently Asked Questions
Appendix 4Stakes Lodge Surgery Letter to Housebound Patients
Appendix 5Stakes Lodge Surgery Letter to Carers
Appendix 6Stakes Lodge Surgery Letter requesting feedback on survey
Appendix 7 Letter to patient sending out the survey
Appendix 8Letter to patient setting out the purpose of the survey and findings
Appendix 9Full Survey Results Report
Appendix 10Telephone Triage Doctor Service Feedback Questionnaire/analysis
Appendix 1
Would you like to have a say about the services we at Stakes Lodge Surgery provide ?
If So, Stakes Lodge Surgery would like to hear from you!
How do you do this?
By providing us with your email address (or postal address if you do not have one) we may invite you to become one of the Stakes Lodge Surgery Reference Group where we will contact you periodically and ask your views on things that matter to you.
You would like to know more before saying ‘Yes”?
Please read the ‘Frequently asked Questions’ on the reverse of this flyer.
You now know more and would like to take part?
All you need to do is fill out your details on the Stakes Lodge Surgery Reference Group Contact Form attached, hand it in at reception and we will contact you in the near future.
Please note that your contact details will only be used for this purpose and will be kept safe
Appendix 2
Stakes Lodge Surgery Reference Group Contact Form
Name: / …………… ………………………………………………………………………………Email Address: / ……………………………………………………………………………………………
Postal Address: / …………… ………………………………………………………………………………
The information below will help to make sure that we receive feedback from a representative sample of the patients registered at this practice.
Male / FemaleYour Age
15 - 24 / 55 - 64
25 - 34 / 65 - 74
35 - 44 / 75 - 84
45 - 54 / Over 84
The ethnic background with which you most closely identify is:
White / British Group / IrishMixed / White & Black Caribbean / White & Black African / White & Asian
Asian or Asian British / Indian / Bangladeshi / Pakistani
Black or Black British / Caribbean / African
Chinese or Other / Chinese / Any Other
How often you come to the practice?
Regularly / Occasionally / Very RarelyWhich of the following should be areas for focus?
Getting an appointmentClinical Care
Telephone Answering
Customer Service
Time Keeping
Patient Information
Access/Opening Times
Other (please specify)
Stakes Lodge Surgery would like to thank you for taking part and look forward to receiving your feedback in the future.
Appendix 3
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Q Why are you asking people for their contact details?
A We would like to be able to contact people occasionally to ask them questions about the surgery and how well we are doing to identify areas for improvement.
Q Will my doctor see this information?
A This information is purely to contact patients to ask them questions about the surgery, how well we are doing and ensure changes that are being made are patient focused. If your doctor is responsible for making some of the changes in the surgery they might see general feedback from patients.
Q Will the questions you ask me be medical or personal?
A We will only ask general questions about the practice such as short Questionnaires.
Q Who else will be able to access my contact details?
A Your contact details will be kept safely and securely and will only be used for this purpose and will not be shared with anyone else.
Q How often will you contact me?
A Probably no more than twice a year.
Q What is a Patient Reference Group
A This is a group of volunteer patients who are involved in making sure the surgery provides the services its patients need.
Q Will we be required to come to meetings?
No, the service you provide to us will be purely virtual.
Q Do I have to leave my contact details?
A No, but if you change your mind, please let us know.
Q What if I no longer wish to be on the contact list or I leave the surgery?
A We will ask you to let us know if you do not wish to receive further messages.
Appendix 4
Stakes Lodge Surgery
3a Lavender Road, Waterlooville, PO7 8NS
Tel: 02392 239910 Fax: 02392 358867
Dr's White, Bateman, King, Burton, Sutton and Gadsden
Dear Patient
Stakes Lodge Surgery is asking patients if they would like to become one of the Stakes Lodge Surgery Reference Group where we may periodically ask your views on things that matter to you.
We have been handing out information at the surgery along with an application form regarding this but as you are unable to attend the surgery we are sending this to you as we do not want to overlook the views of patients that are unable to attend the surgery.
Please read the information enclosed and if you would like to take part, then please fill out the Reference Group Contact Sheet and return to me in the enclosed stamped addressed envelope. The details you provide will be kept purely for the reasons explained in the information sheet.
Thank you for your time in reading this letter along with the information sheet attached.
Kindest regards,
Yours sincerely,
Gillian Peckham
Deputy Practice Manager
Stakes Lodge Surgery
Appendix 5
Stakes Lodge Surgery
3a Lavender Road, Waterlooville, PO7 8NS
Tel: 02392 239910 Fax: 02392 358867
Dr's White, Bateman, King, Burton, Sutton and Gadsden
Dear Patient