Worksheet 12 ChastityName
- What was the relationship between the body (especially the emotions) to the soul in Adam and Eve before the fall?
- What was the relationship after the fall?
Read the following passage actively and answer the questions:
In its widest acceptation,concupiscence is any yearning of thesoulforgood; in its strict and specific acceptation, a desire of the lowerappetitecontrary toreason. To understand how the sensuous and therationalappetitecan be opposed, it should be borne in mind that theirnaturalobjects are altogether different. The object of the former is the gratification of the senses; the object of the latter is thegoodof the entirehumannatureand consists in the subordination ofreasontoGod, its supremegoodand ultimate end. But the lowerappetiteis of itself unrestrained, so as to pursue sensuousgratificationsindependently of the understanding and without regard to thegoodof the higherfaculties. Hence desires contrary to the realgoodand order ofreasonmay, and often do,risein it, previous to the attention of themind, and oncerisen, dispose the bodily organs to the pursuit andsolicitthewilltoconsent, while they more or less hinderreasonfrom considering their lawfulness or unlawfulness. This isconcupiscence in its strict and specific sense. As long, however, as deliberation is not completely impeded, therationalwillis able to resist such desires and withholdconsent, though it be not capable of crushing the effects they produce in the body, and though its freedom and dominion be to some extent diminished. If, in fact, thewillresists, a struggle ensues, the sensuousappetiterebelliously demanding its gratification,reason, on the contrary, clinging to its ownspiritualinterestsand asserting it control. "The fleshlustethagainst thespirit, and thespiritagainst the flesh."
- What is concupiscence in the wide or broad sense? Is it good?
- What is concupiscence in the strict or narrow sense that we usually use? Is this good?
- What is are the two highest faculties of our soul?
- What is appetite in the philosophical sense of the word?
- How many kinds of appetite are there?
- What is the sense appetite?
- When the sense appetite desires food, is this, in itself, a good thing?
- When the sense appetite desires sex, is this, in itself, a good thing?
- What is the rational appetite?
- What is it called when the sense appetite rebels against reason?
- Concupiscence is the result of losing what preternatural gift?
- What is the difference between a preternatural gift and a supernatural gift?
- Why is masturbation a sin?
- Why is masturbation a mortal sin?
- Why is pre-marital sex a sin?
- Why is pre-marital sex a mortal sin?
- Why is pornography a mortal sin and not a venial sin?
- How is concupiscence tamed?
- How does fasting lead to a lessening of concupiscence?
- How does prayer lead to a lessening of concupiscence?
- If your concupiscence is allowed to get out of control repeatedly, what do you develop?
- If you train your sense appetite with regards to sex, what do you develop?
- How do you grow in virtue, natural or supernatural?
- What is perfect NATURAL happiness?
- What is perfect SUPERNATURAL happiness?
- What is the purpose of dating?
- Is it a good idea to be alone with your boyfriend or girlfriend in a place where things can get sexual?
- How can you grow in friendship with your boyfriend or girlfriend?