Public Consultation Submission – First Exposure Draft of the National Harmonised Regulatory Framework for Coal Seam Gas.

This table provides a template for stakeholders to make comments on the Draft National Harmonised Regulatory Framework for Coal Seam Gas.

Name and Position: / Mrs. Victoria Hamilton
Address: / “ERROLDOON”
Telephone/Fax: / WEE WAA NSW 2388
Email address: /
Organisation authorised level:
Confidentiality of submission:

Stakeholder Comments:

Draft National Harmonised Regulatory Framework
Part 1 – Preface
I refer you to the unstable place you have allowed agriculture in NSW to be placed in, by allowing our farming country to be inundated by coal seam gas mining companies.
Part foreign owned or totally and as you failed to notice in your own political party rort after rort with regard to coal licenses why would we have any faith in your ability to see what you are going to allow to happen to the farmers of this state who have provided your daily sustenance since the first fleet hopped off in Sydney Cove.
It is a disgrace to our families toil, we have no faith in any government that will allow the beautiful farmlands our families have worked all this time, to be ruined for a short term monetary gain.
Why wont you do as we ask, those of us who know, those of us that aren’t in it for a quick buck. We are asking for a Moratorium in NSW till the science is in.
Why are you cowering to an industry that has proven disasters and has been allowed to get away with passing them off here and overseas. The fact is the US coalbed methane industry was never under an Act till last year. No mandatory reporting.
We ask you to install a Moratorium till all is laid out.
Every farmer I know is the ultimate in the ‘working man’ why do you want to allow their demise. The future generations of Aussie farmers demise, all for what?
Go off shore, release your waters off the east coast for the csg industry.
But please don’t allow our demise.
Jack Mundey saved some of the colonial buildings of Sydney. What of the history of the farmers of NSW. You sold Cubby to the Chinese, do you really want Petronas buying NSW. Have a heart, we do, we care, to be told nope your farmlands are now gas fields is a national and personal abhorrence. I urge you to help NSW with a Moratorium.
Part 2 – Executive Summary
A Moratorium till resolved
Chapter 1 – Towards Sustainability and Co-existence
A Moratorium till resolved
Chapter 2 – Applying Leading Practices
A Moratorium till resolved
Chapter 3 – Well Integrity
A JOKE, A moratorium till resolved
Chapter 4 – Water Management and Monitoring
A moratorium till resolved
Chapter 5 – Hydraulic Fracturing
A moratorium till resolved
Chapter 6 – Chemical Use
A Moratorium till resolved
Other issues