Land of Canaan Homeowner’s Association

Annual Meeting

Saturday, June 24, 2017

The Land of Canaan Homeowner’s Association held its 2017 meeting at the Steer Steakhouse in Elkins on Saturday, June 24, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. Board members present were Lawrence “Skip” Eller, Ron Roth, Jerry Helmick, Lyda Lister, Debbie Fortney and Connie Roth; along with Brittany Bennett, Resort Manager.

Represented: unit weeks 49 attendance 60 proxies 303

President Eller called the meeting to order followed by prayer.

Resort Manager, Brittany Bennett read the proof of notice.

Reading of the Minutes from last year’s annual meeting – Owner of D4-41 moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes; seconded by the owner of B6-16; motion carried.

President Eller introduced the board of director’s to the association.

Ron Roth addressed the association about the fact that we had petitioned the legislature to have the timeshare laws changed. The change that passed the legislature will make it easier to foreclose on units with back due maintenance fees at dramatically reduced rates.

President Eller made additional comments about the legislature change and the fact that we can now bundle together multiple units in one process to help reduce the costs for foreclosure.

Skip Eller indicated that we have once again retained the Silver Crown award again for this year. We have made many different upgrades to the resort in the form of new doors; new flooring and carpeting; new toilets; new sofas, recliners; new sidewalks etc. This year’s we plan to start on “D” building with the same type of upgrades.

Rental/Sales for Land of Canaan – Debbie Stevens – President Eller informed the association that our broker, Debbie Stevens was not able to make the meeting. Should anyone have any sales or rental questions they can contract her directly at her office.

President Eller opened the floor for a question and answering session.

Q) C1-21 – If someone wants to deed their unit back to the association can they do that? A) Yes, all that they have to do is contact the office and let them know they would like to do that and the office will walk them through the process. There is a cost involved of $200.00 to cover misc. fees.

Q) E3-33 Has the resort had issues with bedbugs? A) Yes we have and the cost to treat a unit that has bedbugs is around $1000.00 per unit.

Q) E2-32 the proposed special assessment will it pay for the entire recreation build? A) President Eller then pointed out that there is a drawing for the proposed recreation center back at the check in table. Originally we had set aside money for this project but that money had to be used for the water and sewer issues that the resort has experienced in the past; because of that those funds are no longer available. Since this has been an ongoing topic that we have been discussing for quite some time now the board is suggesting the acceptance of the proposed recreation center at an estimated cost $240,000. The board decided to bring this issue up to those in attendance today to see if they were in favor of proceeding. If so, we will mail out a ballot to the entire ownership for an official vote. The board is recommending a special assessment of $75.00 per unit week for a two year period.

Q) B3-15 is that per unit week? A) yes.

Q) B5-04 why do we need it? A) it will allow for year around amenities for all unit week owners and not just seasonal use.

Q) C4-21 how many unit weeks are there? A) 2040 and out of those unit week owners approximately 1750 are currently paying their maintenance fees.

Q) C1-21 can that be billed in a way to not create a hardship? A) yes

Q) B6-19 is that a one year or two year assessment? A) two years

Q) B6-47 will there be a multiple units discount? A) that is something we can look into.

Q) B5-15 if the special assessment passes is it guaranteed to be used for that sole purpose? A) yes

Q) E2-22 I have noticed from the local paper that there are a lot of units that have been sold for various amounts and if we are making that kind of money why assess the association? Q) there is a company called Charter Timeshare Solutions that is selling our units; when they sell one of our units the resort gets $900.00 for each deeded week.

Q) A6-26 will you be doing away with the two hot tubs if you build the recreation building? A) no

Statement from A1-30 it would not only benefit us but the resort as a whole.

An owner asked if the proposed recreation build would obstruct any of our views? A) No…the proposed recreational center would be built between the sewer plant and the tennis courts.

An owner asked if we would need to have hire a Life guard for the recreation building? No… that is why we are having our offices there so that someone can help keep an eye on the pool area during hours of operation. In addition we currently do not have a life guard at the pool at this time.

The owner of F3-39 made this statement. I like the idea of the indoor poor because we have had to go to the state park in the past and pay to use their pool.

Q) E3-33 Will you be keeping the existing outdoor pool? A) yes

Q) B1-29 what happens if a unit owner does not pay their maintenance fees? A) They get turned over to collection and are not allowed to use their units until their fees are paid.

A) C4 (Edgel) what is the $900.00 for unit weeks sold by Charter used for? A) the money goes into the operating budget, which is one reason why we did not have to have a rate increase this year.

Q) why do you need a loan? A) a loan allows us to get the project up and going as quickly as possible and paid off as the funds come in from the special assessment.

President Eller asked for a vote of those present about their interest in proceeding with the proposed special assessment for the proposed recreation center. A vote was taken and all but 5 in attendance were in favor of the proposed assessment and recreational center. A mailing will go out to all of the association members for an official vote.

Q) D4-41does it need to pass by simple majority? A) yes

Q) C4-21 will there be loan information sent out with the letter and ballot? A) No, because a loan has not yet been decided.

New Business:

Consideration of the 2017-18 Budget: The association was given a copy of the 2017 – 2018 proposed budget that reflected no rate increase for this year.

C1-21 moved to accept the proposed budget as presented; seconded C6-24; motion carried.

Election of 2 Board Members – President Eller opened the floor for nominations for 2 Board Members. Ron Roth nominated Jerry Helmick; seconded the owner of B4-23. Owner of C6-37 nominated Debbie Fortney; seconded by the owner of B4-23. Ron Roth moved nominations be closed; seconded by Lyda Lister. President Eller cast the deciding vote.

Lyda Lister offered to give away two of her week 50’s and one week 48 if anyone wants them all they have to pay for is the transfer and of course the maintenance fees incurred.

A unit owner asked if we would be providing a stool for short people since we were upgrading the toilet to the high rise? A) we will have a couple of stools available at the office for those who need them.

A unit owner suggested that we display the unit numbers on the back entrances so that if you go out those doors you will know what entrance belongs to your units.

The owner of C1-21 stated that her points value has gone down. President Eller informed her that we have nothing to do with that the points values are assessed by RCI. We would suggest you contact RCI with that concern.

Various Door Prizes were given out.

President Eller recognized the Land of Canaan Staff to the association.

Owner E3-33 moved to adjoun; seconded by owner A6-42.

Meeting adjourned.