Orkney Arts Forum

Minutes of meeting held in the St. Magnus Centre on

Thursday, 25th January 2007 at 3.45 p.m.

Present: Alistair Peebles

Steve Callaghan

Clare Gee

Anna Whelan

Joey Tait

Matilda Tumim

Catherine Parkinson

Chessa Llewellyn-White

Glenys Hughes

Gaynor Jones

Kieran Henderson

1.  Jane Downes – presentation on the UHI Millennium Institute’s Feasibility Study to establish the Scottish Centre of Excellence for Northern Cultural Environments (ESSENCE)

Jane thanked the Forum for inviting her to the meeting, and tabled a paper on the ESSENCE project. Jane described the project, and explained the remit of the Archaeology Department at Orkney College. The ESSENCE project has funding for a year to undertake a feasibility study into setting up a Research Centre for Scotland, based at Orkney College. The project covers the North Atlantic, and has a number of themes, aimed at linking science and cultural research and activity. One of the themes is around experiential art and archaeology, others include islands and fragile landscapes and under sea archaeology.

There was some discussion of other arts and science based academic research being undertaken by the ‘On the Edge’ project, based in Aberdeen, and the research centre at Dundee Contemporary Arts. It was agreed for the Arts Forum to be included as a partner for ESSENCE and comments and contributions will be invited on the direction the project takes at particular points throughout 2007.

Alistair thanked Jane for attending the meeting.

2.  Apologies: Caroline Docherty

Robert Livingston

Lana Fotheringhame

Neil Firth

Marita Lück

3.  Minutes of the last meeting

These were accepted as a true record.

4.  Matters arising from the minutes

Clare explained that due to workload, several of the actions from the September meeting minutes had not been carried out yet, particularly the meeting to be arranged at the Pickaquoy Centre and the discussion with Peter Finnigan as to whether he can extend his representation to include wider creative businesses on the Forum.

5.  Arts Development Officer report

Clare talked through her report. Paper copies of the Draft Culture Bill were offered to anyone on the Forum as a number of people have had difficulties printing it from the Executive’s website.

In relation to the George Mackay Brown Writing Fellowship, Alistair mentioned a piece of work which he and the fellowship steering group are undertaking with Clare, to develop an independent organisation called – potentially – the GMB Foundation, whose role it would become to manage the fellowship in future years alongside other writing development activities.

6.  Future arrangements for OIC arts development

Steve explained that he took a report to the October meeting of the Recreation and Cultural Services Committee, recommending to extend the Arts Development Officer post for a further year at half-time (which existing funds would allow). A motion was put forward and agreed, to extend the post for two years, full-time, and that this should be funded through the Reserve Fund Allocation to the committee. Steve took another report to Tuesday’s meeting of the committee outlining how this would be managed and the committee approved the extension of post until May 2009.

Alistair and members of the Forum welcomed this decision and thanked Steve for his efforts.

It was also mentioned at this point that Steve will be leaving his post in March to take up a new job in Aberdeenshire. It is not known yet how this may affect Clare, who has acted as Steve’s depute since coming in to post in 2004.

Alistair took the opportunity to thank Steve, and Margery, for all their hard work and contribution to the development and running of the Forum, and Steve’s contribution to, and support for, arts development over the last few years. Alistair presented Steve with cards for both him and Margery, wishing them well on behalf of the Forum.

The discussion then moved on to one about the future role, remit and representation on the Arts Forum. It seems to be an appropriate time to review the Forum, when the arts development plan is about to be endorsed and the Forum has run in this form for three years. Alistair informed members that Christina Sargent has resigned as music representative, and Clare mentioned that several representatives have discussed with her the thought that they are potentially not able to fulfil the role as they would like, or find some of the discussion very complex.

It was agreed to do some ‘navel gazing’ before the next meeting and have as a major agenda item, the future of the Forum. Steve suggested starting with a completely blank sheet of paper, with everything up for grabs, including membership, remit and constituency. Suggestions for thinking included:

·  the potential to move away from artform representation – as the arts development plan has moved away from artform specific priorities

·  creating a formal term of office structure for representatives

·  raising the profile of the Forum and representatives

·  creating a ‘job description’ for representatives

It was also agreed that Alistair will phone or write to representatives not present at the meeting.

7.  Orkney Arts Forum Highland 2007 project

Alistair explained that an opportunity had arisen for the Arts Forum to undertake a project as part of the Orkney Community Programme and described the project proposed – to commission a composer to write music using the dialect poetry of Robert Rendall.

There was discussion about trying to ensure that an Orkney composer be commissioned. It was agreed that this project should go ahead, and that a sub-group of Alistair, Clare, Gaynor and Glenys should meet to take it forward, with the sub-group being authorised to decide which composer to approach with the commission.

8.  Proposed new regular agenda item – forthcoming projects and events

It was agreed to have this as a regular agenda item – however it was agreed that information be passed to Clare in advance of meetings and she will table a paper, to make sure that those not able to attend also have the information. Gaynor suggested that it could be a role of the Forum to disseminate information more widely.

9.  Date and time of meetings in 2007

As per the paper tabled.

10.  Any other business

Joey reminded members that the SCDA Festival starts on 27th February.

Matilda suggested that someone involved in the Stromness town centre development could be invited to present information to the Forum.

Steve invited Forum members to join him for a drink and curry on 9th March, for his leaving do. Please let him know if you intend to come for the meal as he will have to confirm numbers with the restaurant.

Date and time of next meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, 15th March 2007 at 3.45 p.m. in

St Magnus Centre, Kirkwall

The meeting concluded at 5.15pm