Annual Report for Undergraduate SSLCs in 2017/18
This information will be used to inform an institutional-wide report from the Students’ Union detailing items that the University (Centrally and in academic departments) and Students’ Union should consider in 2018/19.
It is the responsibility of the Chair to ensure that a SSLC Annual Report is completed, in consultation with student and staff members of the Committee (QA48 Annex ASection 7), by Friday1 June2018.
Please type this Annual Report and return electronically via email:
To:Advice and Representation Centre, Students’ Union,
CC:Centre for Learning and Teaching,
1.Which degree programmesare covered by this Staff / Student Liaison Committee?Is this SSLC for: / (Delete as applicable)
Undergraduate programmes only? / Yes / No
Undergraduate and postgraduate programmes? / Yes / No
2. Membership 2016/17
Name / Student?
(Delete as applicable) / Staff?
(Delete as applicable)
Chair / Yes / No / Yes / No
Secretary / (No; must be a member of staff) / Yes
Number of staff members:
Number of UG student members:
Number of PG student members:
Invited to attend?
(Delete as applicable) / Receives Minutes?
(Delete as applicable)
Subject Librarian / Yes / No / Yes / No
Faculty Reps, Students’ Union, on the Board of Studies / Yes / No / (via )
Education Officer, Students’ Union
() / Yes / No / (via )
Faculty / School Board of Studies(for noting) / (Not routinely invited to attend) / Yes* / No
Dept / School Learning, Teaching and Quality Committee(for consideration) / (Not routinely invited to attend) / Yes* / No
Academic Representation Co-ordinator, ARC, Students’ Union () (for information) / (Not routinely invited to attend) / Yes* / No
CLT() (for information) / (Not routinely invited to attend) / Yes* / No
* Must routinely receive minutes of SSLC meetings. Please add these emails addresses to your email distribution list for the SSLC membership to save time.
3. Elections Contact for 2018/19 within the academic departmentStaff member responsible for the sign-off on the number of Academic Rep positions available for election / Name: / Email: / Ext:
Staff member responsible for the marketing and promotion of the SSLC elections (if different) / Name: / Email: / Ext:
4. Meetings of the main SSLC
How many times has the SSLC met during this academic year?
If there were fewer than 4 meetings this year, please indicate why:
5. Additional meetings such as Open SSLCs / Feedback Forums, etc
Were any additional meetings held for this cohort of students? / Yes / No
Please give further details on the number and format of these additional meetings:
6. Regular annual business considered by the SSLC
This table is to record those items which the University’s Code of Practice states must be discussed routinely on an annual basic by the SSLC.
Agenda Item / Considered
(Delete as applicable) / Additional comments including suggested Good Practice
Chair elected at the first meeting / Yes / No
Previous year’s SSLC Annual Report / Yes / No
Degree Scheme Review (if applicable) / Yes / No
Good Practice Discussion (If applicable) / Yes / No
External Examiners Report and response / Yes / No
Departmental Feedback Policy / Yes / No
Annual Monitor Report (Programmes) / Yes / No
NSS 2016: Results / Yes / No
NSS 2016: Action Plans / Yes / No
UKES 2016: Results / Yes / No
Unit Evaluation: Results / Yes / No
Unit Evaluation: Unit Convenors Responses/Action Plans / Yes / No
Personal Tutoring / Yes / No
7. Professional Support Services
This table is to record key issues and topics. However, it is not a comprehensive list; therefore feel free to add details of others issues covered by your SSLC. When discussion took place around specific professional support services, were the relevant team members invited to attend?
Example areas / Invited
(Delate as applicable) / Record key items discussed / Example(s) of Good Practice / Action taken
Academic Skills Centre / Yes / No
Careers / Yes / No
Computer Services / Yes / No
Technology Enhanced Learning / Yes / No
M.A.S.H / Yes / No
Library / Yes / No
Other professional support services
(Please specify / Yes / No
8. Items, Issues and Good Practice
This table is to record key issues and topics. However, it is not a comprehensive list; therefore feel free to add details of others issues covered by your SSLC.
Example areas / Record key items discussed / Example(s) of Good Practice / Action taken
Programme content and delivery
Unit and Programme changes
Information to support students in making informed Unit choices
Group work
Assessment and Feedback, including examinations (if applicable)
Skills development and training
Other academic resources(e.g. teaching accommodation, research facilities and electronic resources)
Operation of the actual SSLC
Other issues or SSLC initiatives
9. Unresolved issues
Which of the issues discussed during this year remain unresolved and what steps are being taken to resolve them?
10. Authorisation
It is the responsibility of the Chair to ensure that a SSLC Annual Report is completed, in consultation with student and staff members of the Committee (QA48 Annex A Section 7).
Chair of the SSLC / Name (print): / Date:
In the absence of the Chair, the Annual Report may be signed-off by the senior Director of Studies on the SSLC
Name (print): / Date:
When you have completed this form, please return via email by Friday 1 June 2018:
To: Advice and Representation Centre, Students’ Union,
CC: Centre for Learning and Teaching,
The form should be returned by this deadline even if you have further meetings scheduled in the current academic year; the draft form should, where possible, be circulated to members of the SSLC for comment by email.
The Secretary should keep a copy for departmental records AND place on the agenda for the first meeting of the SSLC in the new academic year.
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