Panel ToolKit Module User GuideLearning PTM
Chapter 1 - Learning PTM
1.1 What is PTM’s Purpose?
The Panel Toolkit Module (PTM) is a software program used with the INTERACT product that runs under the control of the Application Manager (AM).
The PTM allows you to quickly and easily construct an operator interface panel consisting of input and output tools. The tools are graphical objects modeled after real input/output devices such as push buttons, meters, numeric readouts, bargraphs, etc. You can place the tools on the display and attach them to discrete or analog variables in your controller.
The PTM module enables the design, configuration, and animation of panels in an efficient, integrated environment. There are two basic modes of the PTM.
In the PROGRAM mode you can place tools on the display and configure them from pop-up menus. A test option allows testing of the tools as they are placed on the screen.
RUN Mode
After your panels are completed, you can enter the RUN mode that will connect the graphical tools to the specified variables in your controller, allowing them to be monitored and controlled.
For increased capability, the PTM is designed to be used with the optional Graphics Monitoring Module (GMM). The GMM is also a software module that runs under control of the INTERACT Application Manager.
The Panel Toolkit/Graphics Monitoring Module block diagram is shown below.
Figure 1-1 PTM/GMM/AM Block Diagram
Unlike the PTM, which provides ready-to-run objects, the GMM gives you the ability to create your objects using simple graphic units such as lines, boxes, circles, polygons, arcs, and text. These objects can also be connected to variables in your controller, allowing you to create panels containing animated processes or machine diagrams, combined with the PTM tools.
This manual explains how to use the Panel Toolkit Module. Refer to the User Manual for the Graphics Monitoring Module for more information on using the GMM.
Tools available with the PTM are listed below.
Push Buttons / Panel LabelMaintained / PID Tool
Momentary / Message Tools
Latched / Local Message Display
Indicators / Remote Message Display
Analog Inputs / Entry Message Display
Numeric Keypad Entry / Time Display
Horizontal Slide / Date Display
Vertical Slide / Action Tools
Set Button / Next Panel
Increment Button / Previous Panel
Decrement Button / Go To Panel
Analog Outputs / Load Panel
Numeric Display / Next Module
Range Indicator / Previous Module
Meter / Go To AM
Line Trend / Print Panel
Horizontal Bar / Go To Module
Vertical Bar / Change User
XY Plotter
This chapter explains the basic concepts for using PTM menus and describes common tool parameters.
Before attempting to use PTM, you should read and understand this chapter. Feel free to explore PTM, but be sure to work through the example in chapter 2.
Throughout this manual, the word panel is used to describe a single screen containing an assortment of graphical objects, representing input/output devices called tools. Typically, there are many panels used by an operator for monitoring and controlling a machine or process.
An example of a panel is shown below.
Figure 1-2 Typical Panel
While in PROGRAM mode, you can design and configure your panels. While in RUN mode, panels are viewed by the operator and the tools on them are connected to the discrete and analog variables in the controller. The operator may select which panels to view. Panel to controller connection is shown on the next page.
Figure 1-3 Panel to Controller Connection
1.2 PTM Menu Structure
This section describes how to use the menus for designing and configuring your panels. Common terminology used in this manual is defined as well.
Several menus have configuration parameters that are identical or very similar across many of the panel tools. These menus and their parameters are also described in this chapter. The PTM menu structure is shown on the next page.
Main Menu Selections / Sub-MenusPanel Menu / Load Panel
Save Panel
Delete Panel
Delete Panel Messages
New Panel
Append Panel
Import Panel
Overlay GMM Panel
Panel List Builder
Panel Reports
Change Background
Tool Menu / Add New Tool
Edit Tool
Delete Tool
Copy Tool
Move Resize Tool
Send Tool to Front
Send Tool to Back
System Menu / Panel Setup
Test Mode
Help On PTM
GMM Menu
Go To AM
As you can see, the PTM menu structure is simple and easy to follow. Menu names provide a description of the tool or feature selected.
1.3 Placing a Tool on the Panel
To place a tool on the panel:
1.Click on Add New Tool in the TOOL MENU
2.Select the type of tool from the menu shown below.
Figure 1-4 Tool Menu
For most of these items, selecting them will cause a submenu to appear, providing tool selections for that category. For example, selecting Analog Outputs will result in the menu shown below.
Figure 1-5 Analog Outputs Tool Menu
After selecting a specific tool, an outline of the tool appears immediately in the upper left corner of the panel, as shown below.
Figure 1-6 Push Button Outline
1.3.1 Sizing Tab
The square in the lower right corner of the tool outline is called the sizing tab. Tools can be resized by dragging the sizing tab until the desired dimensions are reached.
1.3.2 Resizing Tools
Tools are resized in fixed increments. Most tools, such as push buttons and indicators, can be made any size that is a whole multiple of this fixed increment. Other tools, such as sliders, meters, and bargraphs, have a limited number of sizes. The sizes are chosen to allow scales to be drawn accurately on these tools, while keeping the size of the tool a whole multiple of the fixed increment.
1.3.3 Moving Tools
To move a tool:
1.Place the cursor inside the tool outline.
2.Click and hold down the left mouse button to drag the tool to the new location
An invisible grid on the panel forces the tool to "snap" to a new location that is a multiple of the grid increment.
Using a fixed increment for sizing and moving tools makes it easier to quickly align tools evenly on the panel.
Advanced Information
The smallest tool size is 8 x 8 pixels. On a 13" display monitor, this is about 1/16 the size of a key on the keyboard. These are the values used as the fixed increment. As the tool is resized, it increases or decreases the X or Y dimension of the tool in multiples of 8 pixels.
The increment used for moving tools is 8 x 8 pixels. Since the resolution on a VGA display is 640 x 480 pixels, a tool can be placed anywhere on an 80 x 60 invisible grid.
After the tool is sized and positioned on the panel, go to the configuration menu using any one of these three methods:
- click anywhere outside the tool outline
- press ESC
- press the right mouse button
The tool is drawn using a default color and its configuration menu is displayed. To resize or move the tool again, just click on the tool anytime while you are configuring or editing the tool parameters and adjust the size and position as desired.
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