Natalie Kaufman Mellis C of E Primary School

Sports Premium Funding for Primary School Sport in England 2016-2017

Provisional Planning

Budget = £8,000 + £5 per pupil = £8,740

Purpose / Budget Allocated / Action to be taken / Impact Group
(Specific year groups, Pupil Premium, off track children, LAC?) / Completion Date / Notes
Introduction of in-house Sports Instructor + Instructor training / Andra Williamson (school staff) will take on the role of School Sports Instructor as of January 2017. This is with a view to replace the sports instruction currently in place with Premier Sports.
Andra will receive training through the school sports partnership and class teachers. She will begin to plan, deliver assess lessons (with support) from January 2017.
Hiring Mrs Williamson will ensure that specific sport teaching skills will be embedded within our school and ensure a long lasting impact on the quality and delivery of sport and PE within our school. / The whole school. / From Jan 2017 and ongoing for the foreseeable future, / NK to speak to Steve Parry in reference to A. Williamson attending a 3 day training course to enhance the delivery of PE.
Training for teachers (part of the hiring of Premier Sports coaches). / Teachers to continue to work alongside coaches in planning, and delivery of lessons. Teachers to identify and evaluate their own weakest areas in the teaching of PE and receive coaching for their individual class in this field. In order to monitor this, teachers will evaluate their own professional development in each subject area on a half-termly basis.This will run throughout the school year from Autumn Term A. / All: Children tor receive extra high quality PE once a week from coaches with the primary aim to support individual teachers in becoming high quality leaders of PE lessons in the areas they feel weaker. / December 2017 / Teachers have been asked to identify their own areas for development across the PE curriculum. N. Kaufman to source courses applicable to individual staff needs as well as coaches being employed to work as a coach for the pupils and a trainer for the teachers.
Long term PE to be revised in a staff meeting once coaching company has been hired.
Quality Control / Teachers to complete ‘Self Evaluation Form’ at the end of every six week training block. Teachers to also feedback to other members of staff. Natalie KaufmanPaul Ryle to observe impact of training sessions x1 half termly.
Equipment / P. Ryle and N. Kaufman to evaluate specific areas of need for resources. Athletics equipment for the top field to take high priority. / Specific groups targeted.
Reluctant Participators: Those children who do not attend after-school sports clubs to be invited to participate in clubs which may interest them. Equipment will need to purchased to fund this.
All: Renewal of equipment for playtime/ lunchtimes to ensure all children are active.
All: Children to be asked what equipment they would like to be able to use at playtimes which will allow them to keep active. / Ongoing / N. Kaufman to carry out equipment audit. Discuss with class teachers ideas on equipment needed.
Quality ControlN. Kaufman to observe PE lessons and activities which are using the new equipment. N. Kaufman to also monitor the progress of the children’s fitness throughout the school year and assess the impact of the newly purchased equipment.
HSSPA Funding / Sporting events will now need to funded. either on an annual or price per event basis. Steve Parry to confirm. / All: Funding to allow all children to participate in pyramid events. / October 2015 / Awaiting confirmation from Steve Parry.
Quality ControlNot applicable
Outside Agency Coaches / Continuation of ensuring high quality delivery of PE throughout 2016-2017 for Reception to year 6. / See Teacher Training for details. / December 2016. / Coaching to provided by Premier Sports x6 sessions per week.
Quality ControlTeachers to complete ‘Impact Form’ after each 6 week block to evidence the progression of skills gained by the pupils. NK to observe x1 half termly in order to observe excellent practice.