MONDAY, MAY 12, 2014 6:00pm
City Council Administration
Tim L. Thompson, Mayor City Manager, Michael Harris Alphonso Thomas, Mayor Pro Tem City Clerk, Stephanie Tigner
Robin Buschman, Councilwoman City Attorney, Mike Williams
Anthony S. Ford, Councilman
LaKeisha Gantt, Councilwoman
Richard Steinberg, Councilman
Call to OrderMayor Tim L. Thompson at 6:00pm
Invocationwas provided by Bishop Irvine Bryer
Pledge of Allegiancewas recited in unison
Adopt Agenda; Anthony S. Ford made a motion to amend the agenda by removing item #4 Monthly Financial Report; a second was made by Alphonso Thomas; the motion passed 5-0.
Anthony S. Ford made a motion to add item #9 Executive Session-Personnel Matter; a second was made by Lakeisha Gantt; the motion passed 5-0.
Adopt Minutes:Anthony S. Ford made a motion to adopt theminutes of the Special Called Meeting, April 1, 2014 at 5:30pm;Work Session of April 1, 2014 and theCity Council Meeting of April 14, 2014; a second was made by Lakeisha Gantt; the motion passed 5-0.
Item #1-Presented by Mayor Tim L. Thompson
Proclamation:Lupus Awareness Month; Mayor Thompson read and presented the Lupus Awareness Month proclamation to Helen Pitts and Beverly Turkle. Helen Pitts thanked Mayor and Council for recognizing Lupus Awareness Month.
Item #2-Presented by Mayor Tim L. Thompson
Proclamation:Taste of Life Week; Mayor Thompson did not read the proclamation recognizing Taste of Life Week. There was no one present to accept the proclamation.
Item #3- Presented by City Manager, Michael Harris
Approval: Approval of Six Month Conditional Use Permit for Generation Church-Public Hearing Required; City Manager Michael Harris stated that Generation Church is requesting a Six Month Conditional Use permit. The City requires churches seeking a CUP to come before council for approval. Mr. Harris stated that Generation Church received their first permit on May 13, 2013 and the second permit on December 9, 2013. Mayor Thompson opened the floor for the public hearing. He stated speakers are allowed (3) minutes to speak in favor or opposition of the permit request. Pastor Graham spoke in favor of the permit request. He asked if the Council would consider granting a one year permit. He said his congregation would be there for six months to a year. The church is having discussion to purchase the property. Richard Steinberg said that one of the conditions of a conditional use permit is to show proof that the church has actively sought out a permanent residence. Anthony S. Ford wanted clarification on the request for a one year conditional use permit. Pastor Graham said this is only a request for councils’ consideration. Mayor Thompson asked if the Council would have to amend the resolution. Mr. Harris stated that he has spoken with the City Attorney regarding this matter. He will bring recommendations to the council to extend the Conditional Use Permit for more than six months. Richard Steinberg suggested approving the request for six month until further clarification is received. Richard Steinberg made a motion to approve the Six Month Conditional Use Permit for Generation Church; a second was made by Alphonso Thomas; the motion passed 5-0.
Speakers For:
1. David Graham, spoke in favor of the Six Month Conditional Use Permit. He requested Mayor and Council consider extended the permit for one year.
Speakers Against: There were no speakers
Item #4- Presented by City Manager, Michael Harris
Ordinance:Eagles Landing Master Sign Plan; City Manager, Michael Harris provided Mayor and Council a brief overview of the Eagles Landing Master Sign Plan Ordinance; Anthony S. Ford made a motion to approve as written; a second was made by Richard Steinberg; the motion passed 5-0.
Item #5-Presented by Chief Executive Assistant, Hugh Austin
Resolution:Merle Manders CC Rates Increase; Hugh Austin provided an overview of the MMCC Rate Increase; Richard Steinberg asked what were the financial implications. Hugh Austin said we will see a point in a half in potential revenue increase. Richard Steinberg made a motion to approve; a second was made by Anthony S. Ford; the motion passed 5-0.
Item #6- Presented by City Attorney, Mike Williams
Ordinance:Municipal Court Ordinance Revisions; Mike Williams stated that Council was emailed a revision to the first draft of the ordinance. The ordinance has three parts: (1) it simplifies the basic penalties of up to a year in prison and up to a $1000 fine, (2) the reference specified code violations so that the City can assert jurisdiction on all state code violations; and (3) removed the portion about mandatory fees because it is required by state law. Richard Steinberg made a motion to approve; a second was made by Robin Buschman; the motion passed 5-0.
Item #7-Presented by Treasurer, Mike Bush
Ordinance: Approval of Job Descriptions and Salary Ranges; Anthony S. Ford made a motion to approve; a second was made by Richard Steinberg; the motion passed 4-0-1 with Robin Buschman as opposed.
Item #8-Presented by Councilman, Richard Steinberg
Resolution: Restrictions on the Sale of Drug Paraphernalia at Stores; Councilman Steinberg read the Resolution Restricting the Sale of Drug Paraphernalia at stores into the record. He said“The Resolution which I bring before you this evening is a most important one and was discussed at our Work Session last Tuesday. Drugs are at the core of crime in our Community and all other communities across America. You may recall from our Work Session, that approximately 2 years ago, the state of Georgia actually passed a law banning the sale of drug paraphernalia including items such as bongs, water pipes, smoking papers, and more. And since its passage, the cites of McDonough and Locust Grove have also passed resolutions to ensure the removal of these items from local store shelves and in fact, drug related activities have been reduced in those communities. By passing this resolution, we too will take a major step toward the elimination of drug related activities many of which even occur on the sidewalks and streets directly outside the stores which sale the current drug paraphernalia. Kindly recall that McDonough Police Chief, Preston Dorsey, words at our Work Session last week at the importance of passing this legislation and the support it receives from the local area drug task force. McDonough has reclaimed their city from the sale of drug paraphernalia; Locust Grove has reclaimed their city from the sale of drug paraphernalia; now it’s time for Stockbridge to do the same. Thank you!” Richard Steinberg made a motion to approve; a second was made by Lakeisha Gantt; the motion passed 5-0.
Item #9-Presented by City Manager Michael Harris
Executive Session; Anthony S. Ford made a motion to enter into Executive Session for items A, F and H; a second was made by Lakeisha Gantt; the motion passed 4-0-1 with Richard Steinberg as opposed.
Lakeisha Gantt made a motion to end Executive Session; a second was made by Anthony S. Ford; the motion passed 5-0.
Alphonso Thomas made a motion to reconvene the meeting; a second was made by Lakeisha Gantt; the motion passed 5-0.
Item #10-Presented by City Manager, Michael Harris
Ordinance: Ordinance to Appoint City Clerk-Executive Session; Lakeisha Gantt made a motion to appoint Stephanie Tigner as City Clerk; a second was made by Alphonso Thomas; the motion passed 3-1-1 with Robin Buschman as opposed and Richard Steinberg as abstained.
All Meetings Will Be Held At City Hall Unless Otherwise Noted. Meetings dates and times are subject to change so please confirm with City Hall at 770.389.7900 or via
- City Hall Closed-Monday, May 26, 2014 in observance of Memorial Davy
- Annual City of Stockbridge Memorial Day March, Monday May 26, 2014 at 9:00am
- City Council Work Session Meeting-Tuesday, June 3, 2014
- Advance Voting-Ted Strickland Community Center beginning Monday, May 12, 2014
- Primary Election Day, Tuesday May 20, 2014
All persons wishing to speak for public comment must sign in with the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the meeting. You must sign your name, address, and phone number. You will be able to address the Mayor and Council for three (3) minutes.
1. Mark Churchman 200 Country Road Circle, spoke on the business climate of the COS and the conduct of elected officials.
MOTION TO ADJOURN; Alphonso Thomas made a motion to adjourn; a second was made by Anthony S. Ford; the motion passed 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:22 pm.
Stephanie S. Tigner, Interim City ClerkTim L. Thompson, Mayor
May 12, 2014; 6:00pm