Canterbury Planning & Zoning Commission
Thursday, August 13, 2009, 7:00 p.m.
Canterbury Municipal Building, 1 Municipal Drive
I. Call to Order
D. Norell called the meeting 7:05 p.m.
Members present: P. Kelly (7:08 p.m.), D. Norell, M. Weeks, C. Bergman, W. Moriarty
Members absent: G. Droesch, C. Thetreault, D. McKinley, S. Benson
Alternates present: K. Green
Alternates absent: K. Livingstone, J. Clark
Others present: S. Sadlowski, B. Sear
II. Public Hearing - None P. Kelly arrived at the meeting at this time.
III. Public Participation
B. Sear gave the members a written update on the transfer station issue. He explained the town’s options of upgrading the Kinne Road transfer station or opting to use the transfer station on Roode Road. The Commission members discussed the options. B. Sear also gave the members a letter from Connecticut Resources Recovery Authority asking if Canterbury would be interested in hosting an ash landfill. P. Kelly stated B. Sear should contact T. Kirk and ask if there was a sight they were interested in.
E. St. Louis of 522 South Canterbury Road expressed concern that the Agvocate meeting was not posted. S. Sadlowski stated he notified everyone in town that was farmers. He explained the meeting was open to the public but it was not a meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission.
IV. Minutes
Regular Meeting: July 9, 2009
Special Meeting: July 29, 2009
The minutes of both July 9, 2009 and July 29, 2009 were accepted as written.
V. Old Business
A. PZ #09-6-SE, Canterbury Sand & Gravel, LLC, Special Exception, Wauregan Road, Assessor’s Map 66, Lot 4.
S. Sadlowski read his recommended conditions. M. Weeks made a motion to approve with the conditions written and recommended by S. Sadlowski (see below):
1/ This application for Special Exception to modify the site plan for the Canterbury Sand and Gravel Operation on Wauregan Road, Map 66, Lot 4, is hereby approved. 2/ All slopes in the revised area between the subject property and that of Mr. LaFramboise, shall be left at a maximum 3:1 slope till such time as the adjoining property adjusts the contours on their side to meet those on the subject property. 3/ All conditions of the original permit and of applicable Town Zoning Regulations are still valid, this permit modification simply changes the excavation plan as depicted on the plan set entitled, “ Proposed Gravel Operation, Southerly of Wauregan Road Canterbury, CT Prepared for Canterbury Sand and Gravel, LLC by Provost and Rovero, Inc.”, dated May 14, 2009. W. Moriarty seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
VI. New Business
A. PZ #09-9-SPR, Brooklyn Sand & Gravel, LLC, 158 Wauregan Road, Site Plan Review, 158 Wauregan Road, Assessor’s Map 66, Lot 10.
K. Green stepped down from the application for he was an abutter. D. Held of Provost & Rovero was present at the meeting. S. Sadlowski explained that the application was a renewal for the current permit. K. Green expressed concern that many of the neighbors were complaining about the natural tree line buffer that was to be installed at the start of the project. C. Bergman stated the trees in that area were never supposed to be cut so a berm was made a condition. P. Kelly stated the area was supposed to be revegetated. W. Moriarty made a motion to approve with the conditions recommended and written by S. Sadlowski (see below):
1/ Benchmarks shall be installed in the pit, in appropriate areas, as needed to ensure the maximum depth of excavation is not exceeded by the operators during the excavation process. 2/ No more than 5 acres shall be open (not restored or being restored) at any one time.3/ Fences shall be installed at the top of all slopes in excess of 2:1 where the possibility of a fall exists. Orange safety fence would be appropriate, or another kind of fence as approved by the ZEO. 4/ The proposed paved entrance and tracking pad shall be installed before any gravel is removed. From the road, the first 500 feet (which would include the paved section) shall be a dustless surface (paved, millings, stone, etc.). 5/ An impervious surface shall be installed to contain any spills in re-fueling. An oil-water separator is not required but is certainly acceptable. This can be done on the roadway. 6/ The berm near the road, as depicted on the plans, shall be installed before the start of excavation. Where possible, begin planting pine or similar trees near the road as required on the plans this fall (2009). 7/ Site lines shall be cleared before any excavation starts. 8/ An emergency sign shall be placed at the entrance to the pit indicating the name of the pit, the address and phone numbers of any emergency contacts. This contact information is to also be kept up to date in the Land Use Office as well. 9/ Bonding shall be set at $50,000 as per the original permit and must be maintained. (currently valid) C. Bergman seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
VII. Other Business
A. Correspondence- none
B. Approve $50 to for SNEPA Conference that Trent Berger, town intern, will attend
W. Moriarty made a motion to approve funds up to $100.00 for the SNEPA Conference. C. Berger seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
C. ZEO Report
S. Sadlowski updated the members on various zoning issues. He stated he sent a notice of violation to 185 Barstow Road for he is selling foam installation out of his home.
D. Discussion regarding Kobyluck bond
This issue was ongoing.
E. Any other appropriate business brought before the Commission – None
F. Extension requests:
- Yaworski
P. Kelly made a motion to accept the extension request for Yaworski with the condition that it expires with all others on November 1, 2009. C. Bergman seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. P. Kelly stated that if S. Sadlowski received any extension requests before September 1, 2009, he had the authority to approve them.
VIII. Adjournment
P. Kelly made a motion to adjourn at 8:05 p.m. W. Moriarty seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Melissa E. Gil
Land Use Secretary
* as recorded
Cc: PZ Members; Town Clerk; Applicant files; PZ files