25 Wardsville Drive

Brampton, ON. L6Y 0T7

Phone: 905-456-7690

Fax: 905-456-2254


D. Van Hooydonk

Vice Principal:

S. Lee

Vice Principal:

S. Ho

Office Manager:

K. Whitnell

Eldorado Families,

We have not been without change here at Eldorado for the past two years. Upon our initial opening we grew substantially. We eagerly welcomed new staff and students to our Eldorado family and grew together to create a stronger community. With the opening of Churchville Public School we are destined for change once again as we will be losing both staff and students.

As we move forward here at Eldorado please remember this quote,

“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.”

Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

Our lives will be forever changed because of the people we have met and learned alongside here at Eldorado. As we move forward we do wish to acknowledge the hard work of our staff in helping to make our community a positive place to work and learn. We wish our colleagues much success in their new locations and hope to cross paths once again in the future.

Ryan Wilkins (K) – Fairlawn P.S.

RabiaRaashed (K) – TBA

Melissa Sloan (K) – Churchville P.S.

JaswinderBajwa (K) – TBA

KatherynScheel – Churchville P.S.

Kristina Cervini (K) – Churchville P.S.

Stacey Brown (K) – Churchville P.S.

Lisa Algarvio (K) – Churchville P.S.

Amanda Dziedzic (1) – Churchville P.S.

Neeta Khullar (2) – Chris Hadfield P.S.

Marcus Teixeira (3) – Elmcrest P.S.

Cathy Guminska (3) – Churchville P.S.

Christine Jaskulski (3) – Churchville P.S.

Heather Wright (3) – Churchville P.S.

Laura Purdy (4) – Churchville P.S.

Donna Bernaski (4) – Churchville P.S.

Theresa Iskra (5) - TBA

Michael Pryce (5) – Churchville P.S.

AfrozaUddin (5/6) – Lisgar P.S.

Ryan Parks (7) – Churchville P.S.

Greg Maxton (8) – David Leeder

Lindsay Drysdale (8) – Churchville P.S.

Matthew Zizek (Phys-ed) – Churchville P.S.

Bradi Cochrane (Phys-ed) – Churchville P.S.

Lesley Pontarini (Music) – Churchville P.S.

Amanda McDougall (French) – Churchville

Andrea Jaramillo (French) - TBA

Susie Ho (Vice Principal) - TBA

JacquelynJandoo (Office Assistant) - TBA

MarcelaDecima (TA) – Churchville P.S.

Megan Clark (TA) – Fletcher’s Meadow S.S.

Our Eldorado Staff for 2015/2016 will be:


Pam Paterson/RaheelaNaseem

Jen Chapman/Laura Cabral

Klara Redford/Amy Coull

Lisa Mansell/Andrea Grieve

StavinderMultani/Karen Jones

Primary Team

Amy Tevelthuis (1/2)

Jennifer Boksa (1)

KindeelElahi (1)

Angela Jackmann (2/3)

Christine Alexander (2)

MelanieChoukour (2)

Samira Merchant-Haider (3/4)

Heather Cooke (3)

Amanda Gandhi (3)

Junior Team

Jacqui Pelletier (4)

Sherri Villa (4)

KiciaAbdur-Rashid (5)

Monica Chadha (5)

Nancy Imperial-Gelinas (5)

Sam Sauro (6/7)

JacklynNewcombe (6)

Karen Watts (6)

Intermediate Team

Brad Murray (7)

LaunaPeseski (7/8)

Jacqui Bannon (8)

Ryan Farrell (8)

DivjotKhurana (8)

Special Needs Classes

Michelle Quinn

Helen Evans

Laurie Nelson


Jenna Craig

Hanna Kwak

School Support

Scott Fedorowich (Phys-Ed)

Danielle Pierre (Phys-Ed)

GenaNorbury (Music)

Carrie Tersch (Music)

Shelley Hodgkinson (French)

Rebecca Zak (French)

Carlene Powell (Math)

Marc Julien (Library)

Wendi Crake (Responsibility Room)

Special Education Team

Sharon Ward

Julie Orazem

Monique Smith

Alison Evans

Nazneen Duarte

Admin Team

Darren VanHooydonk (Principal)

Shannon Lee (Vice Principal)

Kathleen Whitnell (Office Manager)

Anne Odd (Office Assistant)

Stephanie McIntosh (Office Assistant)

The Planning Process for 2015/2016

The planning for the next school year is well underway. We hope that in sharing the information in this newsletter that you will understand the thought and care that is required to develop a plan. We have a responsibility to create balanced classes that create optimum learning environments for students. When we create balanced classes we take into account a number of variables. These include:

  1. Balancing Numbers. We need to balance classes as much as possible to ensure an equitable distribution of students. In particular we are bound to the Ministry guidelines for class size which may include combined grades.
  2. Balance according to Gender. As much as possible we do try to create a balance of boys and girls in each class.
  3. Balance according to Ability, Interests and Talents. We want our classes to be diverse and have students with various strengths, talents and abilities in all areas.
  4. Consideration to Special Needs Students. If we have students with special academic, physical or social needs we do ensure they are properly supported. This may depend on access to an Educational Assistant.
  5. Parental Requests. We will do our best to consider parental requests that are put in writing.

As you can see from the list there are many factors that affect student placement. Parental requests is one of them. We will seriously consider all requests and as a school we will do our best to work with parents and try to accommodate needs but no definitive promises can be made at this time. Please submit requests by Friday May 15th 2015. Balanced classes make better learning environments for students and for the teacher. They help improve student success and this is what we believe in at Eldorado Public School. Please do not indicate any individual teacher’s name. If your child works best with a particular type of teaching style, please do indicate those qualities. We look forward to another successful year in 2015/16.

Darren VanHooydonkShannon LeeSusie Ho

PrincipalVice PrincipalVice Principal