Manhasset Secondary Schools

7-12 Science and Technology Education

AP Chemistry – Course Overview – 2014-2015

Teacher(s):Mr. John Montesanto Contact: or ext# 5310

I.Course outline

1. Introduction

2. Stoichiometry

3. Chemical Reactions

4. Atomic and Electronic Structure

5. Periodicity

6. Chemical Bonding

7. Gases, Liquids, Solids

8. Thermodynamics

9. Solution Chemistry

10. Descriptive Chemistry

11. Kinetics

12. Equilibrium

13. Electrochemistry

14. Metal Complexes

15. Nuclear Chemistry

16. Organic Chemistry

II.Classroom Supplies

A.Three-ring binder

B.Pen and pencil

C.Text: Brown, Theodore L., LeMay, H. Eugene, Jr., and Bursten, Bruce E. Chemistry: The Central Science (10th Edition). Pearson Education, Inc. 2006.

D.Calculators: No graphing calculators allowed. Students may choose to bring their own calculators or be provided with one.

III. Classroom rules

  1. All ManhassetHigh School rules.
  2. Follow Directions the first time they are given.
  3. Do not bring food or drink into the classroom.
  4. Do not insult or tease any student in class.
  5. Be on time, seated, and ready to work when the bell rings.
  6. Bring notebook, reference table, and pen/pencil to every class.
  7. Follow all safety guidelines.


A.The final grade will be the average of the four quarter grades anda final exam/project. (Each grade will count as one fifth.)

B.Quarter Grades–Grading will be calculated based on the percentage earned of the maximum available points.

1.Exams–Each marking period will consist of 3-5 unit exams, worth approximately 100 points each. Makeup exams will only be permitted for EXCUSED absences. However, it is advised that you do not miss an exam.

2. Homework will be assigned and graded regularly, for variable point values. Homework will comprise a significant part of the overall class grade. All work with multiple pages MUST be stapled.

Score / Maximum
Exam 1 / 90 / 100
Exam 2 / 85 / 100
Exam 3 / 100 / 100
Homework Points / 70 / 75
Total Lab Points / 65 / 75
Totals / 410 / 450

Sample Grading Scale (actual marking periods WILL vary)

Sample Grade =

(410 / 450) x 100 = 91.1%

C.Laboratory Experiments–Lab experience is an integral part of this course and serves to develop a complete understanding of the advanced topics of chemistry and their practical applications. This will entail physical manipulations, processes and procedures, observations and data calculations, communication, group collaboration, and maintaining proper laboratory records. Remember, effectively demonstrating that you understand the chemical principles involved is far more important than having the experiment “work.” Lab reports will comprise a significant part of the overall class grade.

V.Late assignments and Make-ups

A. Work not completed due to absences must be made up. You will have one extra day for each day of absence.

B. Lateness grade penalties – Unexcused late assignments will be penalized by 50%.

VI.Extra credit – No extra credit is offered.

VII.Extra Help –Extra Help is by appointment only.

VIII.Academic Integrity –

As written in theannualstudent planner, "To help students achieve their maximum academic potential, ManhassetSecondary School promotes an environment which fosters integrity and honorable conduct. Administrators, faculty, students and parents share the responsibility for maintaining an atmosphere in which personal accountability is valued." With this statement in mind, studentsmust maintain work that is theirs alone anddoes notviolate the academic integrity policy. Please refer to the handbook regarding the consequences and procedures used when an academic integrityviolation has occurred.