Lost Lake Elementary November 28, 2016
In celebration of our fifth grade students’ promotion, we will be taking a field trip to UNIVERSAL’s Islands of Adventure Theme Park,on Thursday, May18th, 2017! We understand this field trip is expensive, which is why we have used the funds we raised from Chic-Fil-A Spirit Night, in an effort to reduce the cost to individual families. We have worked with Universal and charter bus companies, to offer the best possible advanced pricing for this event. Rather than wait until the end of the school year to ask for monies to be collected, we are offering families the opportunity to make two payments, to cover the cost of the trip, and to ensure that we have reserved an adequate amount of group tickets and spaces on the charter buses.
The regular admission for Universal Studios is currently $105.00, however with our group rate, children will have admission to Universal Studios, charter bus transportation to and from the park, with a meal voucher included to cover their lunch at a participating food location inside the park for less than the cost of a one-day park admission.
We will be leaving Lost Lake promptly at7:30a.m. on May 18h and the school day will extend to 7:00p.m., so that students will be able to enjoy a full day at the park. We will have space on the buses to invite 4 chaperones for each class. Chaperones will also be offered a reduced rate for their ticket and transportation, and a meal voucher will be included for adult chaperones. Chaperones will be accepted based on a first approved, first paid basis. You must have a current Level 2 Clearance on file with LCS, prior to reserving a spot on this trip. Information regarding other end of the year activities, will be sent out at a later date.
The cost per student (and chaperones) for this field tripis $90,which is due in full no later than April7, 2017. Since we understand that this amount is something to plan for within a family’s budget, we will accept your first cash paymentof $45 towards your child’s guaranteed spot on this trip on February 1st. Please send cash, as Lost Lake does not accept checks. Remit your payment(s) in a sealed envelope, clearly marked with your child’s name, and teacher’s name, as well as the amount paid. Once your money has been received, you will receive a receipt, reflecting your payment and balance due if you are electing the two-payment plan. If your child is an “Annual Pass Holder”, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher to validate the expiration date of their pass and to determine the prorated cost. Prorated costs would also apply to any approved chaperones who are also “Annual Pass Holders”, please let your child’s teacher know if this would apply if you are chaperoning.
We are looking forward to a year of learning and are excited to be able to make lasting memories during your child’s last year of elementary school!
Fifth Grade Teachers
My child, ______, has my permission to attend the Fifth Grade,Islands of Adventure field trip at Universal Orlando on Thursday, May 18th, 2017. I have read the trip information and agree that my child and I will adhere to all requirements and requests necessary to have a safe and successful trip. I understand that it will be my responsibility to arrange drop-off and pick-up to and from school on the day of the trip, as county buses will not arrive to LLES prior to the charter bus departure or return to LLES campus.
Parent/GuardianName Printed Date
Parent/Guardian Signature Parent/Guardian phone number
PAYMENT OPTIONS, please choose one of the following options and return this paperwork to your child’s teacher to help us determine the estimated number of participating students:
______I plan to pay the full amount of $90.00 on 2/1/2017, for my child to attend the field trip to Universal’sIslands of Adventure.
______I am planning to submit my first cash payment of $ 45.00, towards the total of $90, with the balance of $45.00 due on 4/7/2017.
______I would like to be considered as a possible chaperone ($90.00) and I understand that a current Level 2 volunteer form must be on file. (Please do not send in anychaperone payment(s) until your child’s teacher has contacted you, verifying that you are an approved LCS Level 2 volunteer.) *Please contact LLES’s Volunteer Coordinator, Katy Pinkston if you are unsure of your current volunteer status.
______I do not wish for my child to attend the Universal’s Islands of Adventurefield trip, please do not reserve them a ticket or a seat on the bus.
*** More information will be provided as the date of the trip approaches, but feel free to email your child’s teacher with any questions ***