ConiferHigh School
ConiferHigh School 4-year pathways
CHS students have many options when choosing classes. Below are the recommended pathways for students to follow in all of the core subject areas. Students are able to move back and forth between the pathways.
Social Studies Course Paths
Psychology (11-12)Economics (11-12)
Sr. Seminar (12)
/ AP Psychology
(11-12) reg. psych. recommended
AP Economics
AP Government
World History (11-12)
World Studies (11) / World History (10-12)
American History (10-11) / AP US History AP (10-12)
Geography (9-12)
Government (9) / AP Human Geography (9-12)
College Readiness Path / Advanced Placement Path
*Students must complete Government/AP Government, Geography/AP Human Geography, World History/AP World History, American History/AP US History and Senior Seminar.
**The recommended path and AP path are not exclusive. Students may cross over at anytime.
English Course Paths
English 12th/ AP English Comp. or AP English Lit.
English 11th / AP English Comp.
English 10th / Honors English 10
English 9th / Honors English 9th
College Readiness Path / Advanced Placement Path
**The recommended path and AP path are not exclusive. Students may cross over at anytime
Proposed for the Class or 2014
Because enrollment in Algebra II/Trig or higher is a prerequisite course for chemistry, we have placed a GT science pathway with Honors Chemistry as a 9th grade GT course choice.
Mathematics Course Paths
ABCalc or AP Stats / BC or AB
Calculus +/or
AP Stats / BC or Calculus III
AP Stats / Algebra II
Trig / Honor Pre-
Calculus / AB or BC
AP Stats / Intermediate
Algebra II / Honors Algebra II
Trig / Honor Pre-Calculus / Geometry
Algebra or / Honor Geometry / Honor Algebra II
Trig / Algebra
College Readiness Path / Advanced Placement/Honors Path / GT Path / Informal Path
Science Course Paths
Anatomy & Physiology 11-12*Ecology 10-12*
Genetics 11-12*
Physics 11-12 / AP Environmental 10-12
CU Succeed Chemistry 10-12
AP Physics 11-12
AP Biology 10-12 / AP Environmental
AP Chemistry
AP Physics
11-12 / AP Biology 10-12
CU Succeed Chemistry 10-12 / AP Physics
AP Chemistry
10-12 / Honors Chemistry 10-12 / AP Biology
Earth Science 9 / Honor Earth Science 9 / Honors Chemistry
College Readiness Path / Advance Placement Path / GT Pathway
*Semester Courses
**The recommended path and AP path are not exclusive. Students may cross over at anytime. Students must taken Geometry to enroll in Honors Chemistry
World Language Course Paths (Spanish)
Pre APSpanish IV / AP
Spanish / Spanish IV
(College Credit)
Spanish III
(College Credit) / Pre AP
Spanish IV / Spanish III
(College Credit)
Spanish II Honors
Spanish II / Spanish III
(College Credit) / Spanish II Modified
Spanish I / Spanish II Honors
Spanish II / Spanish I Modified
*College Readiness
Path / *AP Path / *Informal
*All students entering CHS have the option of earning college credit before graduation.
World Language Course Paths (French)
French IVCollege Credit
French III
College Credit
French II
French I
College Readiness Path
*All students entering CHS have the option of earning college credit before graduation.
CHS will be offering 19 AP courses and a sequence of courses 9th-12th that will add rigor to our already outstanding academic program. In addition, it will address the issues around the new graduation requirements for the class of 2013, and allows Conifer to implement an honors program in our 9th and 10th grades.
The opportunities for our students to gain college credit in high school could include (note chart on pg. 6):
College Hours Department/3 hours = 1 course
9th grade:3 hours of AP (SS-3)
10th grade:3 hours of AP (SS-3)
11th grade: 21 hours of AP (SS-9, English-3, Science-6, Art-3+)
12th grade: 21 hours of AP (SS-6, English-3, Science-6, Math-6)
Total: 48 hours of potential college Credit
(equivalent to 16 college courses)
Student Support and RTI
By adding significant rigor to our curriculum program, support systems for all students must be transparent. Consequently during the 2007-08 school years and each year after the initial review, CHS has adjusted our Tier II student support systems. The outcomes from these reviews include:
- Opening a Learning/Tutoring Center for students during the 2008-09 school year. This program will be staffed by teachers 2nd-7th hours for all students to obtain tutoring support.
- In a75 minute Targeted Seminar period on green days for students enrolled in AP/honors courses. (2011-12)
- Reorganizing our Study Hall program allowing students to access tutors in the Learning Center.
- GT discussion groups that meet once per week for GT accelerated students. The groups meet during seminar or study halls. (2010-11)
- PLAN (10th grade ACT) is now given to 8th grade GT/ALP students to help determine course placement during our registration process. (2010-2011)
- PSAT (11thgrade SAT) will be given to 9th and 10th grade accelerated students in October to help monitor their progress toward AP and college level courses.
- Because of our curriculum alignment with WJ Middle School, 42 students completed Honors Geometry in 8th grade. This group will be taking Honor Algebra II /Trig with a path to Calculus III during their senior year.
- 9th and 10th grade AP Data Trend Data
2010 / 2011
Total CHS AP Students / 350 / 306
Total 9th grade AP Students / 20 / 34
Total AP tests taken / 21 / 37
9th grade AP students with a 3+ score / 11 / 17
% of CHS AP students w/ 3+ / 5% / 9%
Total 10th grade AP Students / 17 / 34
Total AP tests taken / 19 / 37
10th grade AP students with a 3+ score / 11 / 22
% of CHS AP students w/ 3+ / 5% / 12%
College Credit Options
2007-08 to 2009-2010
Indicators that Support Rigor and Acceleration @ CHS:
2007 / 2010/1145 students enrolled in 140 honors option contracts / vs. / 200 students took 488 honors courses
206 students enrolled and took 338 AP courses / vs. / 350 students enrolled and took 670 AP courses
A typical senior took on average 1.19 AP tests / vs. / A typical senior on average took 2.53 tests before he/she graduated
CHS had 13 college credit option classes / vs. / CHS has 28 college credit classes
44 students or 8% of our upper classmen attend Warren Tech / vs. / 54 students or 12% of our upperclassmen attend Warren Tech
Our ACT composite was 21.9 and the national average was 21.2 / vs. / Our ACT composite was 22.5 and the national average was 21.
Our remediation rate for college freshmen was 28.9% / vs. / Our remediation rate for college freshmen was 14.7%
57% of our seniors enrolled in the core or higher # / vs. / 75% of our seniors enrolled in the core or higher
27% of seniors were benchmark ready in all four core / 30% of our seniors meet the benchmark score in all four core areas
We didn't have an academic honors assembly / vs. / we now recognize over 350 students at our honors assembly
We didn't keep records of AP scholars / vs. / we now recognize 73 AP scholars at our honors assembly
Nine teacher were AP trained / vs. / Eighteen teacher are AP trained
No 9th or 10th graders took AP courses / vs. / Sixty-eight 9th and 10th graders took at least one AP course