St ThomasMoreHigh School
Job Description
Name of post holder: ………………………………..
Post title and Purpose / SENCOTLR scale attached to Post / TLR 2/3
SEN Points awarded as appropriate
Performance Management Reviewer and Line Manager: / Pupil Progress Director
Performance Management Reviewer and Line Manager for: / All members of staff teaching in the department
Factor A, / i.e. impact on educational progress beyond the teacher’s assigned pupils.Working with all staff teaching, covering or supporting lessons in the department:
1. / To see that the subject-based educational progress of the pupils, in the lessons and activities of this department, is of the highest standard possible,
2. / Ensuring that the subject attainment-target of each pupil is appropriate, (or attainment targets if more than one subject is taken by the pupil in this department),
3. / To work, where appropriate, with the Senior Leadership Teamto implement the school’s setting policy, including drawing up of the sets for the subject/s of the department and then monitoring and reviewing them,
4. / To ensure, within the lessons of the department, appropriate teaching levels and differentiation of work.
5. / Ensuring that the work, including homework, of each pupil in the lessons of the department is monitored against the attainment target/s, and that prompt and effective action is taken to address pupil underachievement (Such action might include a written action-plan agreed with the pupil and parents of the pupil concerned.);
6. / Ensuring that the health, safety, welfare, application to work, behaviour, punctuality and attendance (including the five outcomes of the ‘Every Child Matters’ initiative) of each pupil is monitored in the department’s lessons, and that prompt and effective action is taken to address that which is less than good (Such action might include a written action-plan agreed with the pupil and parents of the pupil concerned.);
7. / Ensuring that the lesson planning, curriculum coverage, marking of work and pupil-learning outcomes are monitored within the lessons of the department, and that prompt and effective action is taken where these are less than good.
8. / To approve, oversee and monitor Departmental Detentions,
9. / To liaise with parents of the pupils regarding the above responsibilities.
10. / To work with other members of staff, e.g. Form Teachers, Pastoral Managers, Senior Leadership Team, where problems – pastoral or curricular – cannot be resolved within the department.
11. / To work with the Exams Officer and Senior Leadership Team over all matters concerning exams and assessment, whether public or internal.
12. / To work with the Senior Leadership Team to ensure the production of papers, etc. and all other arrangements in respect of internal exams and assessments,
13. / To liaise with the DeputyHeadin the case of persistent or long term staff-absence.
14. / To ensure, within the department, that cover work is set.
15. / To ensure, within the lessons of the department, that work is set for pupils who are not in lessons for reasons such as benching, exclusion, or persistent illness.
16. / To encourage and manage, as appropriate to the department:
j) / Acts of worship,
Enrichment activities,
Field courses,
Foreign exchanges,
Guest speakers,
Sporting events,
Factor B, / i.e. leading, developing and enhancing the teaching practice of others.
Working with all staff teaching in the department:
1. / By ensuring one’s own personal expertise and sharing this, as appropriate with the other teachers,
2. / By acting as a role model of good classroom-practice for other teachers, modelling effective strategies with them;
3. / By leading, developing and enhancing the teaching practice of the teachers in this department, including pupil behaviour-management, (Working with the Deputy Head as necessary.)
4. / By planning the deployment of staff expertise to achieve school improvement objectives,
5. / By monitoring and evaluating the contribution and impact of other teaching staff, cover staff, and others involved in the department (e.g. technicians, student teachers, volunteers)and taking prompt and effective action where it is less than good, and generally identifying areas for improvement within the department;
6. / By planning and implementing strategies to improve teaching where needs are identified;
7. / By monitoring and evaluating the teachers’ pupils-exam-results and working with the teachers for improvement;
8. / By ensuring that, within the department, the school’s policy on prayers is adhered to, e.g. Angelus at 12.12 pm.
9. / By ensuring that all new staff are properly inducted, supported and mentored (working with the Deputy Head);
10. / By acting as a Performance Management (PM) Reviewer and Departmental Monitor (DM) team leader for identified teachers,
11. / By ensuring that PM and DM arrangements are effectively discharged by other leaders in the department, as appropriate,
12. / By monitoring the impact and effectiveness of PM and DM arrangements within the department, as appropriate,
13. / By checking that, within the department:
e) / homework and assessments are set and marked promptly according to the school’s marking and assessment policies,
homework is placed on the VLE for pupils and parent access,
homework and assessment marks are being recorded according to the school’s marking, assessment and recording policies,
lessons are being prepared and lesson planners are being kept according to the school’s policy,
lesson registers are kept according to the school’s policy,
pupils’ work, behaviour and general development is reported on according to the school’s policy.
By taking appropriate action to ensure that school policies are followed should a member of staff be failing to follow them,
14. / By taking initial responsibility for the pastoral care and health, and safety and welfare of those in the department,
15. / By assigning, where relevant, particular duties to other members of the department after consultation with the members of staff involved and with the agreement of the head teacher.
(Such members of staff may be teachers, with or without Teaching and Learning Responsibility posts, technicians, or other members of staff working within the department as appropriate.
These particular duties may form all or a part of the Specific Duties given in the Job Description of the member of staff concerned. If so, they are to be attached to the Job Description of that post and reviewed annually.)
16. / By assisting in the annual review of Job Descriptions, including the post holder’s own.
Factor C, / i.e. having accountability for leading, managing and developing a curriculum or subject area or pupil development across the curriculum, ie special educational needs
A) / To be accountable for leading, managing and developing the following and ensuring the highest possible standards:
1. / The subject area/s and exams & assessments of the department,
2. / Safe practice by pupils and staff,
3. / And, within the department’s subject area/s, the whole-school cross-curricular areas of:
iv. / Religious Education,
behavioural and social education,
assessment for learning, literacy, numeracy, ICT, work-related study, study skills,
PSHE and Citizenship,
4. / Pupil development across the curriculum through the whole-school cross-curricular areas,
5. / Primary-Secondary subject/curriculum-area liaison. (This may include involvement in the primary-school visits to our school.)
B) / Working with other relevant members of staff in the department and school:
1) / To:
iii. / identify departmental (and school) improvement issues;
define and agree appropriate improvement targets and to take action to meet these targets;
evaluate the impact of all improvement activities on the quality of teaching and learning;
2) / To provide the head teacher, or other relevant management post-holders, with relevant subject, curriculum area or pupil-performance information,
3) / To work with the Senior Leadership Team and Deputy Headto ensure that the department is providing, where applicable, courses and examinations/assessments for all ability ranges and ‘learning pathways’ choices;
4) / To promote the development of the abilities and aptitudes of the pupils in the department by liaising, from the departmental perspective, with other schools and educational institutions as required e.g.
d) / primary-schools pupil transfers,
post 16 and post 18 transfers to colleges or universities,
pupils changing schools – records, references, coursework transfer, exam details,
consortium arrangements.
5) / To work with the Senior Leadership Team to implement the school’s setting policy including the allocation of pupils to a particular class, the monitoring of the class and the reviewing of the class,
6) / To ensure, within the lessons of the department, appropriate teaching levels and differentiation of work,
7) / To make professional judgements in identifying the CPD needs of those taking lessons in the department in order to ensure that all in the department are up-to-date in terms of subject knowledge and teaching methods, including pupil behaviour-management;
8) / To work with the Teaching and Learning Directorin making professional judgements related to the department, in all matters related to staff deployment and timetabling,
9) / To assist, as required, with the recruitment and appointment of staff to the department,
10) / To make professional judgements in determining the display of materials in and around the classrooms of the department to provide a stimulating and attractive learning environment,
11) / To identify departmental needs in respect of supplies, equipment, resources and accommodation,
12) / To oversee and manage any departmental budget/s,
13) / To ensure that the department is properly prepared for OFSTED inspections,
14) / To hold regular departmental meetings according to the Meetings Schedule and ensuring that copies of agendas and action points from the meetings are given to the Deputy Head,
15) / To ensure the ‘on-line’ production of an up-to-date Departmental handbook, which includes:
d) / Departmental Action Plan showing three-years forward,
schemes of work,
lesson plans,
Departmental SEF (this is to include a full and accurate evidence file).
These documents must flow from the school’s Mission Statement, and School Development Plan (SDP)
Factor D applies to TLR 1 post holders.
Factor D, / Having a line management responsibility for a significant number of people.(See the line-management responsibilities listed under the above ‘Factors’.)
Falling under more than one of the above factors
1. / To direct the use of staff ‘Gained Time’ during periods of public examination,2. / To advise on items for the annual school calendar,
3. / To chair Departmental Meetings,
4. / To attend Heads of Department Meetings, and other meetings as required,
5. / To ensure departmental presence at parent’ evenings, and to liaise with Senior Leadership Team Directors over any staff absences,
6. / To ensure departmental preparations for the:
iv. / Annual Open Evenings – whole school and sixth form,
Governors’ Termly Visits,
Year 5 Primary Day
Year 6 Primary Day
7. / To raise the department’s profile generally by, for instance:
ii. / Contributing to “Contact”,
Publicity outside the school – This should only be done in consultation with the Head Teacher
To be responsible for:a)The day-to-day operation of the school’s SEN policy,
b)To ensure that the school is fully compliant with SEN legislation and to ensure the Senior Leaders are fully briefed on any changes to legislation;
c)The maintain the school’s SEN register and oversee the records of all pupils with special educational needs – including those on the Gifted and Talented programme,
d)To co-ordinate the provision for pupils with special educational needs and ensure, working with others, that these needs are met,
e)To liaise with parents of pupils with special educational needs,
f)To liaise with a member of the Local Authority and other outside agencies over SEN provision, Statements, Statutory Assessments, etc,
g)To liaise with and advise members of staff,
h)To lead and contribute to the in-service-training of members of staff,
i)To be a full member of the Pastoral Team and to attend Pastoral Team meetings on the Meetings Schedule,
j)Suitable courses and programme such as “Successmaker” and suitable certification where appropriate.
(Updated May 2012)
(Post holder)……………….…………………………
(Headmaster) ………………………………………… .
To be reviewed by the end of July each year