Nordic Kidney Group

Third annual meeting

24-Nov-2005, 10.00 am at Radisson SAS Airport Hotel, Gardemoen Airport


Nordic transplantation/nephrolic departments:

Magnús Bödvarsson - Landspitali

Jesper Melchior Hansen - Amtssygehuset i Herlev

Lauri Kyllönen - Helsingin Yliopistollinen Keskussairaala

Torbjörn Lundgren – Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset

Melvin Madsen – Skejby Sygehus

Lars Mjörnstedt – Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset

Bengt von zur Mühlen – Akademiska sjukhuset

Nils H. Persson – Universitetssjukhuset MAS

Anna Varberg Reisæter - Rikshospitalet

Nordic uremic registries:

Páll Asmundson - Islandske uræmiregister

Torbjørn Leivestad – Norsk Nefrologiregister

Hans Løkkegaard – Dansk Uremi register

Staffan Schön - Svenskt Register för Aktiv Uremivård


Arnt Jakobsen

Frank Pedersen


Niels Grunnet - Scandiatransplant

Niels Rohr - Odense Universitetshospital

Søren Schwarts Sørensen - Rigshospitalet

I.  Meeting called to order at 10.00 am by Torbjørn Leivestad.

Leader of the meeting: Anna Varberg Reisæter

. Minutes from last meeting approved.

Further maters to the agenda;

-  Terminology regarding deceased donors.

-  Which data to distribute, and to whom.


A.  Chairman Group.

No activity

B.  Code Group.

No activity.

C.  Publications.

American Transplant Congress 2005 Seattle, WA, 23-May-2005.



A.  Articles of association for NKG (Nordic Kidney Group).

The decisions on Constitution and Publication rules will be rewritten into a separate document by Scandiatransplant, and presented to the “leader group”.

B.  Election of leader and leader group for NKG.

Lauri Kyllönen (FI) – Chairman

Torbjørn Leivestad (NO) – Data responsible

Lars Mjörnstedt (SE)

Melvin Madsen (DK)

Magnús Bödvarsson (IS)

C.  Codes in Scandiatransplant.

Mapping on EDTA<->ICD-10 . For now there are no conclusive European mapping on the codes, so both will coexist in Scandinavia and the group will make a mapping of their own.

Nomenclature. Scandiatransplant will adapt the suggestions from AOPO on “Terminology regarding deceased donors”.

Cause of Graft loss and Cause of death in Scandiatransplant’s Kidney follow-up is insufficient.

-  The “Code group” continues, with the participation of Páll Asmundson, Hans Løkkegaard, Torbjørn Leivestad, Lauri Kyllönen and Staffan Schön.

-  Scandiatransplant will implement the ICD-10 code subset in the database alongside EDTA for optional entering.

D.  Living Donor Registry.

The Norwegian living donor registry has been imported into Scandiatransplant.

-  Uppsala, Stockholm, Malmö, Oslo, Helsinki and København is using the electronic system.

-  Reykjavik, Göteborg, Odense and Århus has the data on paper but is not yet entered.

- Scandiatransplant will alter the paper forms, so they match the screens.

-  Scandiatransplant will create a User Manual for the new database.

-  Hands on education can be requested from Scandiatransplant.

E.  Yearly evaluation of exchange obligations.

-  The decisions on “Rules for exchange of necro kidney within the Scandiatransplant co-operation” from 02-jun-2005 was accepted with no further addition.

-  The is a need to distinguish between Exchange obligation, Pay back and Free kidneys in the statistical outputs.

-  The centres must be urged, to enter quality control on kidneys after exchange.

F.  Publications.

Melvin Madsen will do an article on base of the Abstract "70+ KIDNEY DONORS - ACCEPTABLE LONG TERM GRAFT SURVIVAL."

G.  Updating of Scandiatransplant

- Skejby Sygehus-IT and Oracle Danmark is at the moment defining the existing system, the papers should be ready around Christmas.

- At the beginning of 2006 two workshops will be held, to define requests for the updated system.

- NKG wish to emphasise the need to be able to transfer data from local systems to Scandiatransplant on both on-line and batch basis.

H. The Scandinavian Transplant Society – XXIII Congress, Göteborg.

NKG will be presented at the joint panel session for all registries within Scandiatransplant.


A.  Changes in exchange obligation criteria.

-  The Tissue typers proposal to return to broad B12, B15, B16 and base the math on Bw4/Bw6 as well, was illustrated by Torbjørn Leivestad.

NKG recommends the proposal, that is to be discussed at the upcoming Representative meeting of Scandiatransplant.

-  A proposal to do a program on “acceptable mismatch” for The highly sensitized patient (HSP) was approwed by NKG, however it’s the Tissue typers who must carry on further discussions and sugestions.

B. Homepage.

- NKG will have their own area on for Article of association, annual reports, scientific papers, specific statistics a.s.o.

D. Codes.

- The code group will decide on Mapping EDTA<->ICD-10.


København will be hosting the next meeting preferably at Kastrup Lufthavn on November 23 2006.

Respectfully submitted,

Frank Pedersen, Scandiatransplant