St Philip’s Episcopal Church

Vestry Meeting

February 16, 2012


Present were: Father Barry Kubler, Deacon Henrietta Williams, Tina Powers, Tom Trivett, Lorraine Richardson, Debbie Evans, Jake Pfohl, Mandy Tomz, Peter del Sol, and Bobbie Fuchs.

Also, present: Wayne John, Treasurer and Dana Richardson, Clerk.

Absent were: Bill Bittenbender, Tommy Harrelson, Ruth Smith, and Frank Vacirca.

Father Barry opened the meeting at 6:00PM with a prayer.


·  Minutes of the January 19th meeting were approved.


·  The full Treasurer’s Report is available in the church office.

o  January revenues exceeded projections.

o  Expenditures for January were less than projected.

o  Net operating revenue was a positive $4,608.

SENIOR WARDEN – Bill Bittenbender:

·  Attended annual convention as a delegate and participated in numerous discussions regarding the ministry of our Diocese. Most of the business passed without comment with the exception of the Diocesan Health Plan, the resolution which would have resulted in implementation, failed to pass the convention. The Executive Committee can accept the resolution or, as suggested by Father Barry, could wait until General Convention to see if possibly changes might be made to the plan. I know Father Barry intends to discuss this further at the Vestry meeting.

·  Have mentioned in my last The Philippian article, the need to “keep our house clean,” with the many and varied groups using our facility it is up to each one of us to do our part. Our Junior Warden is working with the Men’s Club handle some of the routine work. Let’s set the example for others in our church.

·  Urge that we take final action, in accordance with the Committee recommendation, [copy attached and broken down as follows] to allocate the generous gift that was left to the church in a final will.

Maintenance Reserve / $10,000
Insurance Deductable / $ 7,500
Assistant Priest / $22,500
Operating Funds Reserve / $25,000
Total / $65,000

The Vestry unanimously accepted the Committee report and recommendations.

·  Options for the $10,000 maintenance reserve funds are:

o  Maintenance Reserve Account (1-000823).

o  “Maintenance Reserve” Account being managed by Clay Fairley.

o  Mission Fund Capital Account.

Tom Trivett made a MOTION:


Jake Pfohl SECONDED the motion. Motion carried.

o  Wayne John is to meet with Clay Fairley to investigate options for the “Deductable”, Ops Reserves” and “Assistant Priest” funds in a “900” account with no restrictions. [Action 02-16-12-1 – Finance Officer].

·  We made ourselves available as promised on January 26, 2012 to discuss budget issues with any in the congregation who might wish further information.

o  None of our parishioners took advantage of this opportunity.

JUNIOR WARDEN – Tom Trivett:

·  Kitchen committee formed and functioning

o  Cupboards and drawers purged and organized.

o  New table cloth thanks to the Men’s Club.

o  Parish Hall main closet cleaned

o  Parish Hall kitchen rules established but so far ignored by kitchen users!!

·  Sanctuary floor mopped with soap and water by community service individual.

·  Episcopal road signs cleaned.

·  Sanctuary windows are in the construction process and delivery date should be in the next ten days, to Brooks Building Supply in Raleigh then St Philip’s.

o  Scheduling information has been shared with Tatum Construction.

·  New weather stripping has been applied to Parish Hall doors.

·  Additional new blower purchased for the yard maintenance teams.

·  Men’s Club help requested and granted to help with dusting sanctuary and vacuuming upholstery in sanctuary.

·  Need volunteers with landscaping know-how if we are going to do the landscaping ourselves.

o  Other alternative is spending approx $ 2,100 to $2,500 (swag number) per venue to have someone else do it.

·  Need feedback on church spring clean up day.

o  Date is TBD but looking toward 3rd weekend in April (depending on scheduled weddings)

o  Is there a better way to do it? Poor support.

·  Have had two replies to landscaping and Jr. Warden Help Wanted.

·  It has been discovered that the crawlspace between the Parish Hall and the Chapel of the Cross is not covered by the existing sprinkler system.

o  Installation of an extension of the current system into this area is around $600.

o  This work is not in the 2012 budget

o  There is $8,165.58 in the Chapel of the Cross Reserve account (1-000822).

Peter del Sol made a MOTION:


Lorraine Richardson SECONDED the motion. Motion carried.

DEACON – Henrietta Williams:

·  Carillon is going great.

o  Printing more bulletins to meet the increased attendance by the residents.

o  There were 47 people at a memorial for one of the residents last week.

·  There is an increasing need for a ministry to attend the neglected in the nursing homes (Dosher, Ocean Trail, and Carillon) in our area.

o  Focus of the ministry would be to schedule visits a couple of times a week – to be a friend.

o  Vestry is challenged to consider how to initiate and who may be candidates to serve this ministry. [Action 02-16-12-2 – Vestry].

·  The vacant lot is an excellent site for a Labyrinth and St Philip’s should consider an installation:

o  Would be an “outreach” project because it would be available to all as an adjunct to the open Chapel of the Cross.

o  Could be integrated with a landscape project.

o  Someone or some group could be assigned responsibility for maintenance.

o  The lot is multi-functional and any design or lay-out would need to take the lot use into account.

o  Deacon Henrietta will submit an article to The Philippian to introduce the idea of a Labyrinth to the parish. [Action 02-16-12-3 – Deacon].

·  There have been recent incidences of people not being able to enter the church from the Moore Street entrance and there are no signs directing visitors to other entrances.

o  Junior Warden to check on the functionality of the Moore Street Doors and the options for signs directing visitors to the Bell Tower Narthex doors. [Action 02-16-12-4 – Junior Warden].



·  Millie and I continuing to work toward our goals and objectives for this calendar year. (Refer to the minutes of our vestry retreat and our January vestry meeting.)

·  Progress for a successful Vacation Bible Camp is moving:

o  Our curriculum is in place.

o  Volunteers and donations are still needed.

o  Members of our Vestry are invited and encouraged to participate.

o  Millie is optimistic that enrollment will be significantly increased from last summer.

§  Kindly note that our enrollment needs to be manageable for a meaningful experience.

·  On January 29th Millie held a meeting specifically for the parents of children who attended Sunday school.

o  The purpose of this meeting was to establish a forum for more effective and consistent communication. Parents were to offer suggestion such as: Better Attendance, Rewards, applying Sunday School Lessons to everyday experiences, and new activities.

o  Millie held a follow-up parent meeting on February 6th to recap the following items: Improving Curriculum, mentoring older to younger, Calendar of Events, Class Coverage.

·  Attracting/Encouraging more volunteers via Time & Talent Survey.

STEWARDSHIP – Peter del Sol & Mandy Tomz:

·  The Time & Talent Survey has been mailed to all in the congregation and we are beginning to get the results returned.

o  The results will be put on a spreadsheet and sent to the vestry as soon as possible. The coordination of the Time and Talent will help all the Missions to find people to help their service for the Church.

o  From this survey, we will begin to put together committees to assist with the Stewardship goals.

·  2011 Audit must be completed by September 1st, 2012.

o  We will be searching for a Contractor or CPA to complete.

§  Per the budget provided on 22 January, there is $2,500 allocated for an audit in 2012.

§  It was recommended that the Diocese be contacted for a list of potential auditors that may be available to perform the audit.

WORSHIP – Debbie Evans:

·  Attended meeting of worship committee on January 24th:

o  Reviewed services for Lent/Holy week/Easter.

o  Discussed establishing a chapter of the Order of St. Vincent,

§  A fellowship of lay ministers (acolytes, ushers, greeters, altar guild, Eucharistic Ministers, readers, lectors, vergers).

o  Discussed alternative methods for making announcements during worship service (website, handouts at door, placement of announcements during the service).

·  Contacted coordinator of Carillon services for input.

o  Highlighting this area of worship in upcoming The Philippian article.

·  Continue to solicit volunteers for worship ministries.

·  Forwarded info on additional lavaliere mikes to Stewardship Commission.

·  Provided St Philip's display for the Art/History exhibit at Convention.

·  The requirement for Vestry Person of the Day (VPOD) for the March 4th Evensong was not included on the 2012 sign-up sheet. Jake Pfohl has agreed to perform this duty but is requesting relief for his 10:30AM VPOD on 25 March. [Action 02-16-12-5 – Vestry]

EVANGELISM AND OUTREACH – Tina Powers & Jake Pfohl:

·  Discussion can be started for ways to raise money for Stop Hunger Now.

·  Philip Blair February 26th.

·  Blood Drive sign ups to start this Sunday for March 4th - we need 30 sign ups.

·  Discuss how best to use $100.00 given to church at convention.

o  Intent is to use the $100 to develop a project that will generate more funds in support of the Diocese Millennium Goals.

§  One possibility is to purchase beads to produce Anglican Rosaries to sell at Church functions.

§  Vestry is requested to provide additional concepts for projects for use of these funds. [Action 02-16-12-6 – Vestry].

PASTORAL CARE – Lorraine Richardson & Bobbie Fuchs:

·  Neighborhood Care Group(s)/Leaders(s):

o  Update to Master Data Base (MDB) for January forwarded to Care Group Leaders 27 January.

o  Group Leader meeting originally scheduled for 3 March has been rescheduled for March 10th. E-mail announcing meeting will be forwarded February 27th.

o  Four Pastoral Care messages were forwarded to Care Group Leaders for passing to respective team members.

·  Newcomers Ministry:

o  Ministry is still in need of a chairperson. Meeting with Rachel Teeters went well but after giving more thought, Rachel decided she wasn’t comfortable chairing a committee with which she was unfamiliar. Rachel has agreed to attend the first meeting of the year to get a feel for what is involved.

o  Due to unavailability of current members the first meeting of the year will need to be rescheduled. A March date, not identified, will be planned.

o  Information packet needs two minor changes: Women’s Group POC, and possible title cover change. When made, copies will be handled in house, coordinated with Natasha.

·  Newcomers Socials:

o  Planning for Spring Social on 29 April is on track.

o  Parish Directory:

o  Estimated ship date is 23 February with delivery expected by 1 March.

o  Due to inquiries by parishioners, the committee chair was requested to submit an update article to be placed in the bulletins beginning with Sunday 12 February.

o  Entering of directory on church website has not yet begun. Volunteer has been out of town.

o  Still in need of Chair for Directory Committee.

·  Odd Jobbers:

o  One Pastoral related job was reported.

SERVICE –Tommy Harrelson & Ruth Smith:

·  Quick Response Team (QRT):

o  Sharon Sands has agreed to coordinate teams to respond to funerals and other gatherings in the church.

·  Special events:

o  March 4th Evensong:

§  Father Barry has asked that this be expanded to celebrate Debby Skillman’s 35 years of service to St. Philips.

§  Ordinarily the choir furnishes snacks and wine for this service and Henry and Tricia Foy have agreed to set out what food might be brought by the choir.

§  It has been suggested that we purchase a cake and possibly a present.

§  Ruth Smith and Tommy Harrelson can coordinate the over-all event, but we need some guidance and thoughts from everyone as to what should happen.

·  March 20th Interfaith fellowship lunch:

o  Holly Meiners has agreed to lead a team to provide the food for this lunch.

·  We are working on other events for the coming months and have asked Peter del Sol to give us any names from the SWEEPS survey.


·  Review Action Items:

o  07-21-11-3: Worship Commission:

§  Actively solicit additional volunteers for Ushers/Greeters, Readers, and Eucharistic Ministers.

§  Article submitted for the December The Philippean.

§  Time and Talent Survey has been distributed. Item Closed.

o  08-11-11-6: Senior Warden/Junior Warden/Father Barry:

§  Distribute information regarding the Trinity Center Capital Campaign to our congregation.

§  Campaign is in silent portion.

§  Campaign will be going local (publicizing the campaign) in February.

§  St. Philip’s will need to get ahead of this campaign.

§  Father Barry will draft a brochure/letter for distribution to the parish.

§  This action was completed at the Vestry Retreat with the approval of the draft letter to the Parish. Item Closed.

o  09-15-11-1: Evangelism and Outreach:

§  Contact Comfort Socks to determine what St Philip’s can do to help.

§  OBE: Item Closed.

o  11-17-11-1: Vestry:

§  Review 2011 Compensation Committee recommendations.

§  Action was completed at the Vestry Retreat. Item Closed.

o  11-17-11-2: Vestry:

§  Review the Reserve Study recommendations.

§  Review was completed at the Vestry Retreat – no action taken.

§  Committee report was approved 2/16/12. Item Closed.