Action Plan for Learning
/ School Name: Ecole Glen Elementary
School Goal: Social Emotional Learning
School Year: 2015-16
Goal / Inquiry
Student learning / To develop a common language across the school using the Zones of Regulation to improve students’ ability to self-regulate.
  1. develop a common language regarding emotions
  2. identifying emotional states
  3. developing strategiesto self-regulate
Can we improve student self-awareness and safety while at school by improving student self-regulation through the implementation of the Zones of Regulation?
1-3 reasons for choosing goal /
  1. We have a growing number of students struggling with anxiety.
  2. Self-regulated learners contribute to a well-functioning classroom.
  3. Self-regulated learnersmake better academic gains.

References and sources to support actions /
  • School counsellor developed 6 lessons on self-regulated learning and worked with teachers to implement these lessons school wide.
  • One lesson on the identifying the Zones of Regulation was taught in the first week of school and posters made by classes for each classroom. In addition, the school librarian created four life size figures representing each zone.
  • Principal and School Counsellor attended 5-part series with Mariam Miller on Self-Regulated Learning and the Core Competencies from the new BC Curriculum.
  • 6 staff attended in service during district pro co presented by Mariam Miller on who to connect self-regulation to improved learning through the development of growth mindsets.
  • 7 sets of 3 posters for Zones of Regulation were purchased for classrooms and hallways, additional teacher resources as well as facial expressions.
  • Two display areas were established at the east and west end of the school with large colourful poster boards showing the 4 zones.
  • Daily announcements and assemblies included tips on what to do when in the red zone.
  • Staff meeting time was devoted to learning about self-regulation.
  • We designed individual interventions for anxious students in consultation with behavior resources, occupational therapists, and our school based team (LIF).
  • We purchased several headphones for noise sensitivity, sensory objects, 5 cocoon chairs and one stationary bike to support students experiencing challenges with self-regulation.
  • An assessment tool was designed and administered to students and also assessed by classroom teachers to determine school growth in regards to SRL.

Backup Documentation / Resources:
  • Review of the research on Self-Regulated Learning
  • Zones of Regulation
  • The Heart and Mind Index

Planned Actions
Continuing practices working well (1-3)
  • What will we do differently? (1-3)
  • How will we provide for staff development and collaboration?
  • How will we involve parents?
  • How will we involve students?
  • How will we monitor progress and adjust actions?
/ September staff meeting to identify objectives for the year.
  1. Develop a Common Language regarding emotions and emotional states
  2. Measurement tool identified and implemented
  3. Continue with year 2 implementing a school wide evidence based program for self-regulation- Zones of Regulation.
Continuing Practices
  1. Maintain school goal – Self Regulated Learning year 2
  2. Continue to implement Zones of Regulation with the school counsellor as lead facilitator.
  3. Continue to develop common language across the entire school/ signage/ posters and daily conversation.
What will we do differently?
  1. Continue our school goal on SRL with and added focus on Growth Mindsets
  2. Add a Math Literacy goal in 5 concept areas, one to one correspondence, counting, skip counting, counting on and place value. The addition of a math goal is based on the classroom assessment data and FSA data that showed that fewer than 5% of students were exceeding in the Math.
Staff Development and Collaboration (16/17)
  1. Monthly professional development committee meetings to plan for focus on self-regulated learning at monthly staff meeting, district focus days and school based professional days. We need a monthly and yearly plan and this committee helps to keep us on track
  1. Set aside time at monthly staff meeting to:
  • Review Zones of Regulation
  • Use common assessment tool and share data with staff
  • Learn and practicegrowth mindset strategies
  • Begin the implementation of goal two- numeracy.
How are we involving parents?
  • Newsletter articles
  • School web site, page set aside for school goal
  • Links to articles and information on self-regulated learning on web site and newsletters
  • Include updates and discussions at PAC meetings
  • Will include information at our parent open house and Welcome to K events
How are we involving students?
  • Student Leadership Committee (one rep from every grade 3-5 class)plans for safer and more engaged play while outside
  • SLC also provides the Principal important insight as to the issues, concerns and things that are working for students
  • SLC presented to PAC to seek support for their proposals for playground improvement in spring 2015 and request PAC apply for city grants. New committee to 15/16 will assist with grant applications.
  • Hosted and toured and Assistant Superintendent Rob Zambrano. SPC will continue to inform district staff of the needs of Glen and assist with advocacy
Monitor and adjust
  1. SLC provides important information regarding student experiences
  2. Pro d committee provides important information and insight regarding staff needs and experiences.
  3. Regular staff feedback forms provide insight as to the supports needed for teacher and the level of staff support for the school focus on SRL

Backup Documentation
Documentation of learning
Key evidence of change
  • How did your actions make a difference?
  • Choose 1-3 pieces of evidence to demonstrate the impact your actions have had on student learning to meet your goal.
  • Documentation could include video, survey results, performance standard data, anecdotal evidence, work samples, etc.
  • School List of Gains:
The most significant gain made at Glen is a calmer more orderly school. This has allowed us to focus on meeting the needs of children who have very high levels of emotional need by designing individual programs of support.
  • Evidence Collected- see attached
Developed and collected student and teacher assessment data on the implementation and impact of the Zones of Regulation.
Primary students and teachers were assessed on three questions and intermediate students and teacher answered five questions.
1. I know what zone I am in.
2. I know how I am feeling.
3. I can keep my hands and feet to myself Primary
4. I understand how my body feels Intermediate only
5. I can use strategies to calm myself Intermediate only
  • Administrative involvement in student discipline- this year we saw a 9.5 % reduction in the total number of students behavioral incidents that admin were engaged in, compared to 2014/15. The vast majority of support was for male students with issues related to soccer and keeping hands and feet to self.
  • FSA Data supports the selection of a second academic focus- Math see attached
  • In January 2016, Students leaders were asked to identify ways that Glen school as improved since 2014/ 2015 and ways that we needed to improve.
Top Three Improvements: Safer, less fighting and more to do at recess/ lunch.
Top Three Needs: More to do at recess/ lunch, more inclusive and less garbage.
Back Up Documentation /

Reflection Highlights
  • Where are we now?
  • What are some patterns emerging?
  • What surprised you?
  • What conclusions/inferences might you draw?
  • How does this inform potential next steps?
/ We are seeing that our younger children are less regulated and that our older children are more regulated. We attribute that to:
  • Age appropriate differences.
  • Effective Supports: as we attend to the individual needs of a child we build strategies around them to help them regulate.
We want to further explore:
The use of growth mindsets in the application of self-regulated learning. Research indicates that strong academic gains can be achieved by helping children understand that hard work can change their success in school and beyond. This is also connected to the research on nueroplascity which is showing the IQ can be changed.
A school wide focus on numeracy in particular;
  • One to one correspondence
  • Counting on
  • Number sense
  • Skip counting
  • Place value
Given the gains we have made by working as a school on the implementation of Zones of Regulation we believe we can make the same gain in academic areas through a school wide common focus.
Academic Reflections:
  • A high number of grade 4 students are not fully meeting expectations in reading and math
  • The criteria and assessment scale grow as the children get older which allows for recognition that the learning becomes more subtle as children get older.
We wonder:
  • Is language acquisition getting in the way of better performance in math, reading and writing?
  • Girl/boy results?

Backup Documentation
Literacy Data
Attach the following:
  • Classroom Assessment/
School Assessment
  • FSA results
Engagement Process / SEE FSA DATA ABOVE
  • Concerning results in FSA and classroom assessment data particularly in Math and Reading
  • Initial efforts to work together as a school are impacting student behavior but we are not yet seeing this translate into improved achievement for students.
We Wonder:
  • Is the learning of English affecting the scores for students in formal testing situations where little language support is available?
  • Why are so few children exceeding in reading, writing and numeracy?
  • Are students’ individual scores consistent in numeracy, reading, writing and self-regulationor do they excel/struggle in different areas?
  • How can we engage parents and work with them or support them to help improve academic outcomes for students?


School Name: Glen Elementary / School Goal: Social Emotional Learning / School Year:
Submitted by School Planning Council:
Title / Name / Signature
Principal / Sarah Husband
Parent / Kathleen Epherre
Parent / Suzi Allen
Parent / Jeanette Jackson
Recommended by Assistant Superintendent:
Assistant Superintendent / Rob Zambrano
Board and Superintendent Approval:
Board Chair / Chuck Dennison
Superintendent / Patricia Gartland
Print this page, have it signed by School Planning Council, scan it and attach it here

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