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FORM P15 (RULE 25-3(9))

This is the {1st/2nd} affidavit of {Name} in this case and was made on {day/month/year}

No. u

{Location} Registry

In the Supreme Court of British Columbia

In the Matter of the Estate of


{Rule 22-3 of the Supreme Court Civil Rules applies to all forms.}

I, {NAME}, of {address}, {Occupation}, SWEARuAFFIRM THAT:

1.  I am an applicant for uSet out whichever one of the following 5 choices is correct

ua grant of probate

ua grant of administration with will annexed

ua grant of administration without will annexed

uan ancillary grant of probate

uan ancillary grant of administration

in relation to the estate of {LEGAL NAME OF THE DECEASED}(the “deceased”).

2.  The deceased was not ordinarily resident in British Columbia at the time of death.

3.  An affidavit of assets and liabilities for estate grant has been filed in this proceeding.

4.  Attached to this affidavit as Exhibit A is a Supplemental Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Distribution that discloses:

(a)  all of the property of the deceased within in British Columbia that was not disclosed or was inaccurately disclosed in any earlier affidavit of assets and liabilities filed in this proceeding;

(b)  the value of that property; and

(c)  the liabilities that charge or encumber that property.

5.  If I determine that there is any property or liability that has not been disclosed in Exhibit A or in any earlier affidavit of assets and liabilities filed in this proceeding or that information contained in this affidavit or in any of those previous affidavits is incorrect or incomplete, I will promptly after learning of the same file a supplemental affidavit of assets and liabilities for non-domiciled estate grant in Form P15 to disclose the correct and complete information.

6.  In addition to the probate fees payable in relation to any property disclosed in Exhibit A, I promise to pay the Minister of Finance the probate fees payable with respect to the value of any property that passes to me as the deceased’s personal representative, and that is not disclosed in Exhibit A, on a determination being made as to the value of that asset.

SWORNuAFFIRMED BEFORE ME at {City/Town}, Province of uBritish Columbia, this u day of u, 20u
A Commissioner for taking Affidavits in British Columbia
{print name or affix stamp of commissioner} / )
) /

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This is Exhibit A referred to in the affidavit of {NAME} sworn u affirmed before me on {mmm/dd/yyyy}.

A commissioner for taking affidavits for British Columbia

supplemental Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Distribution


Part I / Real Property not disclosed or inaccurately disclosed in any earlier affidavit of assets and liabilities (including mortgages and vendors’ and purchasers’ interests in agreements for sale) in British Columbia / Value at death /
u / $u
TOTAL / $u
Part II / Personal Property not disclosed or inaccurately disclosed in any earlier affidavit of assets and liabilities (all assets except real property) in British Columbia / Value at death /
u / u
TOTAL / $u
Part III / Liabilities not disclosed or inaccurately disclosed in any earlier affidavit of assets and liabilities / Paid or Unpaid / Amount /
uNIL, save and except liabilities
shown in Part I and Part II above / $00.00
TOTAL / $00.00