Outcome of the Children Missing Education Peer Review
1.1To inform academy and school governing bodies of the outcomes of the Children Missing Education Peer Review
2.0Peer Challenge Process
- Peer Challenge process developed for Children’s Services in Yorkshire and Humber which builds on the peer review model developed by the Local Government Association (LGA)
- Peer Challenge Team of four people: DCS East Riding Council; Assistant Director (Education and Skills) City of York Council; Principal Education Welfare Officer & Deputy Head of Virtual School, East Riding Council. Process co-ordinated by Sector-Led Improvement Manager, Yorkshire and Humber
- Total of 3 days on site and reviewed range of documentary evidence, in advance and over 3 days
- Range of interviews, focus groups and two school visits- over 50 participants in total including strategic leaders, managers and front-line practitioners
- Feedback presentation, followed by written report.
3.0Why Focus on CME?
- In a context of overall improvement there are continuing concerns about outcomes for vulnerable groups.
- In tackling issues for vulnerable groups there is a desire to take a systems change approach
- Identified as a priority within regional self-assessment
- ‘Ad hoc’ indications emerging within different services e.g. Admissions, SEND, Virtual School with
-risk around access and participation for some groups in education
-growing exclusions
-partial timetables
-delays in finding school places
-delays in fair access moves
-increase in home education and concerns re suitability
4.0Focus Areas for Challenge
- How good are we at identifying children who are missing education?
- How good are we at working together to get children back into education?
- How good are we at joining up the system?
- What is happening in Barnsley that might be adding to or addressing the challenge of improving attendance?
- Pupil movement in Barnsley, including via Fair Access, and exclusions which contribute to periods of missing education.
- Strong leadership creating conditions for change
- System-wide commitment to tackling this issue
- Strong moral purpose
- Openness and receptiveness to continuous improvement
- Strong and resilient relationships
- Strong and active partnerships across the system
- Maturing Barnsley Alliance and future potential of Alliance to achieve change
- Evidence of respectful challenge in the system
- Changes in children’s services have created fit for purpose and responsive working arrangements and structures
- Wide range of practice as good basis to improve outcomes- resource within EWS; Targeted Youth Support and Youth Justice Service; Virtual School; Education Psychology; Family Centres; Behaviour and Attendance network; Future in Mind; Early Help; Restorative Practice Pilot
6.0Areas for Development
- Timeliness, accessibility and granularity of data
- Performance management cycle; what performance information needs to be commissioned, by whom and when? Responsive to key data releases
- Clarify statutory roles, responsibilities & functions; clarify statutory definitions
- Review purposes, processes and arrangements for Fair Access
- Review how EWS resource can be deployed/targeted
- Review commissioning arrangements to support statutory duties and engagement in education
- Consider how to join up and communicate the range of activity tackling engagement in education and attendance
- Development and sustainability of Barnsley Alliance to exploit potential
- Alliance governance- relationships/accountabilities of subgroups and networks; relationship with wider system e.g. TEG, BSCB
- Role of Barnsley Alliance and schools in Early Help
- Working with families /communities to change culture and behaviours
- Re-articulate vision and values to celebrate inclusion as well as attainment
- Ensure the child is at the heart of the system and the voice of children and parents are evident in systems and processes
7.0Development Actions to Progress
7.1 Barnsley Alliance
- vision and values
- performance monitoring and reporting cycle (to and from)
- governance and links across groups
- schools and early help
7.2 Statutory roles, functions and definitions
7.3 Data and performance management
7.4 Services, provision and processes
- Commissioning
- targeting & alignment of service resources; priorities
- provision/intervention for children at risk of missing education
7.5Voice of child and parent; engagement with families and communities
Governing bodies are recommended to note this report, for information.
Officer: Margaret Libreri, Service Director (Education, Early Start and Prevention), Barnsley MBC
Contact: (01226) 773211Email:
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