Sunday 30th November 2014

Advent Sunday

Annual Meeting Day

‘God is faithful; by him you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord’

St Paul to the Corinthians – from our second reading for today

‘God is faithful; by him you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord’

the world may change around us

the church may change around us

people will come and go

priests will come and go

but this will not change

‘God is faithful; by him you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord’

Today is – in more ways than one for us here at St John’s Toorak – a new day and a new beginning

We begin today the season of Advent – this being Advent Sunday

Advent Sunday marks –

Not just the commencement of the period of preparation leading up to Christmas

But a new church year

The cycle of readings moves from Matthew’s Gospel to Mark’s

Hence our Gospel reading today came from St Mark’s Gospel – as many other readings will throughout the course of the year stretching before us

Today is also the day of the Annual Meeting of our parish –

There will be some new office bearers

And a new parish council

Amongst other matters of business

One of our tasks at the meeting today will be to adopt a Mission Action Plan to guide us in the new five year period

It involves a new vision statement

And some new initiatives

That I’d like to outline in this address today on this Advent Sunday

And in advance of our Annual Meeting

You will have received – on the way into church today

A lovely booklet that looks like this

With seasonal front showing detail of the nativity scene from the magnificent eats window here at St John’s

This document is the Mission Action Plan for the next five year period of time

That has been workshopped through the parish council during the course of this year

With some of its content also sent out for response via the recent parish survey

The results of which are included in your annual meeting papers

A Mission Action Plan – or MAP - is a shared vision

It will not have any resonance

And no lasting impact

If it is not – in some way – the shared vision of all in the parish

It cannot be imposed by the vicar

Or the churchwardens

Or the parish council

It needs to be owned and shared by you – the parishioners

For that reason – there are only a limited number of these documents available today

More will be produced

Pending nay changes introduced at the Annual Meeting

And any suggestions and feedback received at that time

Or afterwards

This is a living document

Intended to guide us in our shared journey together

For the foreseeable future

As any MAP would

The metaphor is good one

When you set out on a journey somewhere

Especially to somewhere you haven’t perhaps been before

Or a destination that is unfamiliar

You would consult a map

Or perhaps a GPS device these days

The map will show you where you are now

And where you want to be – your destination

And importantly

How to get there

These days – Google maps – online – is brilliant

It not only shows you where you start from

And where you are going

And tells you how to get there

But estimates the time it will take for you to reach that destination

And suggests a road by road route

Our MAP is a bit like that

This document sets out some of the things we desire to achieve in the next five years

Some of our aims and goals

And – importantly - how we intend to get there

But note

And this is important also

It recognizes we won't achieve everything straight away

It is spaced out over five years for a reason

And – further - the aims are limited

There are only four areas of vision

Recognising that we could try to do everything but would probably achieve only a lot of activity of varied quality and little impact

The intention is to play to our strengths so to speak

Use our resources wisely

To do a small number of things

But to do them well

With the maximum prospects for achieving them

For that reasons you may read this and note some areas and aspects of parish life that might be understated or missing altogether

The intention is to do a small number of things

And do them well

So what’s in this MAP?

How will it effect me?

Let me conclude by drawing attention to some of the key aspects of the vision contained within this document

But let me also say that I will not be going through it in detail today

This is in your hands for a reason

We want you to take this and read it

To think about it

Pray about it

And – ultimately – to own it

Some things to highlight then

There is a new vision statement

It gathers up some key aspects of parish life and mission

This vision statement proclaims

We aspire to be a community in which all are welcomed

That is – an open and inclusive community

Welcoming people of all background

And all ages

but not for any purpose

but so that

faith may be formed and formed

a Christian community exists to make and form disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ

and that will always be our primary task and calling

How will we achieve this mission

Through our corporate gathering for worship in the Anglican tradition

Recognising that the Sunday gatherings of the community are our shop front so to speak

Our main window into the world

And point of connection between our community and the wider community out there

There are – then – some suggested changes to the way we provide services that are attractive to families and children in particular

These have been outlined in the pew slip

And of course also in this MAP document

These our outlined under the heading of ‘gather’

Picking up on the theme of making and forming disciples

We are looking at growth groups

For both long time people of faith

And the many others who come across the paths of our parish

For baptism, marriage, and in other ways

These are outlined under the heading of ‘grow’

We also aspire to be

As all Christian communities should and must

A community that aspires to make the good news about Jesus Christ known to others

These aims are captured under the heading of ‘go’

Finally – we aspire to be a generous community

This included under the heading of ‘give’

This is the MAP

It sets out some places of arrival

In five years time

That there be – for instance – an average of 200 attendees on a Sunday

That there be small groups established for both those wishing to be further formed in the Christian faith and for seekers encountering it for the first time

Some changes to services and ministries to families and children

To the pew slip

And to rostered duties

These goals and aspirations set out where we want to be

The place of arrival

And this MAP tells us a bit about how we might get there

We only do it together

But whatever happens

I remind you of this promise of St Paul

That we heard in our readings this morning

‘God is faithful; by him you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord’

the word around us may – will – change

our church community will change

but that will never change

The Lord be with you