SecretariatLCA Building 1a, Remi Olowude Street, Off Lekki Roundabout Lekki Lagos, Nigeria,

Tel. (234) 1 7739694, 01 4530961, 08034644337-8

E-mail: , ,Wesbite: ciarbnigeria.org

Accelerated Membership Programme (Arbitration)

TO BE HELD ON17TH18THMarch, 2016

The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Nigeria Branch will conduct the above course on above dates.

Admission to the Course is open to those who:

are Associates and non-members of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators

have a law degree (5 years post call)

have been involved on a regular basis in dispute resolution for at least 3 years. This may be as an Advocate, Arbitrator, Mediator, Adjudicator or a party representative.

or have a law degree and are Associate Members of the Institute with 3 years dispute resolution experience

or those without a law degree but are Associates Members of the Institute and have sat and passed Part IIA of the Institute Examination.

Presentation of Curriculum Vitae

The course fee is N175,000. This includes lunch, coffee and tea for the two days.

The Program will be as follows:-

17th March8.30-6.00pm

18th March 8.30-1.30pm

Venue: - Lagos

The Course consists of a reading list, which must be carried out before attendance of the course and five oral assessment workshops.

This course is an alternative method of qualifying as a Member. This is not a teaching course but an evaluation and assessment of your knowledge of basic law, dispute resolution, and your ability to deal with given situations. You do not need to be an associate member in order to attend the course.

Application forms can be obtained from Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Nigeria Branch’s Secretariat during working hours.

Application forms together with the requisite course fee must be submitted on or before February,2016 to the Secretariat at the above address.

  1. Completing a written pre-course Assignment
  2. Attendance of the course and five oral Assessment workshop (Assessment of this element is on pass or fail basis)
  3. A 3 hour written examination with questions on defined syllabus.


This unit will discuss and assess participants’ knowledge of arbitration, including:

Fundamental principles of the arbitration process

The relevant arbitration code(s)

The arbitration agreement

Initiation of an arbitration

Nomination & appointment of an arbitrator

An arbitrator’s jurisdiction & powers

Deciding and Setting the Procedure

Interlocutory procedures, pleadings & applications

Oral hearings & procedures

Costs & interest claims

Award types and requirements

Role of the Court

Accelerated Membership Programme


Title: Mr., Mrs., Miss, Dr., Prof., Chief,

First Name (Block Capital) ………………………………………………………………..

Middle Name (Block Capitals) ……………………………………………………….……

Surname (Blocks Capitals) ……………………………………………………….………..

Postal Address ……………………………………………………………….…………….

Physical Address ………………………………………………………….……………….

Tel. No: ………………………….. Fax No ………………………. E.-mail…………..…..

Primary Profession /Trade ………………………………………………………………….

Qualifications ………………………………………………………………………………..

Firm/Organisation ……………………………………………………………………………

Previous arbitration courses attended with dates …………………………………………….

Previous arbitration exams passed with dates ………………………………………………..

Statement of Dispute Resolution experience (attach a separate sheet)

I am a member/ non member of the Institute (delete which is inapplicable)

I wish to attend the Accelerated Membership Programme and enclose herewith Cheque No. ……………. In the sum of N …………………………………………………… in respect of the same.

Notes:i)Please complete separate form in respect of each applicant

ii)Cheques should be drawn in favour of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators

(NigeriaBranch)Pay into UBA Bank account no. 1007123970

iii)Any cost arising out of unpaid or uncleared cheque will be met by the


In the event of a cancellation, which must be done in writing, the following will?


Notice prior to commencement of event Cancellation Charge

Over two weeks Full refund

One to two weeks50% refund

Less than one weekNo refund

The form and payment must be submitted on or beforeFebruary 2016 to the Secretariat.

Signature ………………………………….. Date …………………………………..

For Official Use only – date of Receipt of Application

…………………………………………………Receipt No:



Statute (which you are permitted to bring with you at the course)

  • Arbitration & Conciliation Act Cap 19, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 1990

Further Reading (Texts):

For further reading, the following are recommended;

(a)The Handbook of Arbitration practice

Ronald Berstein et al, Sweet & Maxwell, London 1998

Especially Part 2 General Principles and Pages 605-671,

Precedents and Drafting Suggestions.

b)Laws and Practice of Arbitration & Conciliation in Nigeria.

By J.O. Orojo and Prof. M.A. Ajomo

c)Commercial Arbitration

By Michael J.Mustil and Stewart C. Boyed

(d)Laws & Practice of International Commercial


By Alan Redfern and Martin Hunter

The above texts are available for reference at the Lagos Regional Centre for International Arbitration at One Kingsway Road Ikoyi, Lagos