St Nicholas Primary School – Medium Term Planning 2016

Class: ChestnutsYear Group: 1Term: Summer 1st halfTopic: It's a bugs life

Date / Subject Area / Learning Objectives/National Curriculum Coverage/Activities
Week 1
11th April / Science
Monday / Learning Intention:
To ask simple questions
To use my observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions
To observe changes across the seasons and the weather
Display the title of our topic in Big Book. What do you think we will be learning about?
Tell the chn you want to find out what they already know about plants, bugs and minibeasts - such as where do they live, what is a minibeast etc. Chn to feedback ideas and I write in Big Book.
How do we know it is Spring? Discuss changes that occur when it is spring, talk about change in daylight (clocks changing etc) Use the weather PPT to discuss – brainstorm ideas that we could display on the board.
Tuesday / Learning Intention:
To observe changes across the seasons and the weather
Name some flowers – do a matching activity as a class
Children to go and look at their tree (also see if there are any spring flowers) and have photograph taken
Back inside write a sentence about what has happened to their tree now it is spring
Make tissue paper flowers for role play area and for display
Wednesday / Learning Intention:
To observe closely using simple equipment
Look at a variety of seeds – what do you think they will grow into? Use magnifying glasses and the microscope to look at the surface of the seeds – what can we see? Cut one open – what can we see inside? Sketch a seed and label what it will grow into (adult led).
Indep - Do a cutting and sticking activity to name common flowers
Finish off any flowers etc for display by TA
Thursday - MB / Learning Intention:
To identify and describe the basic structure of a common flowering plant
To use a combination of materials that are cut and glued
Look at the structure of a plant – what can we see? Name the parts of a plant. What do plants need to grow? Discuss and record responses in big book. Why do plants have stems? Why do trees have leaves? Why do flowers have petals?
Make a flower using art materials and label the different parts
Week 2
18th April / Art
Monday / Learning Intention:
To draw lines of different sizes and thickness
Look at the collection of spring flowers and name – take some close up photos (ICT)
Show the children some work by Georgina O’Keefe and discuss what we like
Practise sketching flowers – do a sketch of the flowers in a vase and then a close up of one flower head. Give children time to explore and do a number of sketches. Use view finders to look closely
Tuesday / Learning Intention:
To draw lines of different sizes and thickness
Relook at the work of Georgina O’Keeffe. Children will draw the flower shape of one flower onto a large piece of paper and then go over the outline with black paint and leave to dry.
Wednesday / Learning Intention:
To observe closely
To perform simple tests
To use observations to suggest answers to questions
To find out and describe how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature
Pose the question – do plants need soil to grow? Can we grow them in something else? Ask the children to suggest what we could put a seed in? set up a class experiment with the four plants and make predictions. Discuss what we are keeping the same.
Thursday MB / Learning Intention:
Using the flower drawn last week to paint using water colours.
Week 3
25th April
Children need to do the foil minibeast – keep it small!
Set science homework to be returned / Science
Monday / Learning Intention:
To know what the following words mean - minibeast, bug, insect, invertebrate
To name minibeasts (To identify and classify, To compare the structure of common animals)
Watch a clip from the film – It’s a bugs life. Discuss what the chn saw in the film. Show the chn the PPT (see laptop saved as minibeast intro) and introduce the words and explain what they mean. In learning journals chn to draw and label different minibeasts (use word mat to help with sp) Invertebrate - an animal without a backbone Minibeast - small animals that don't have a backbone Insect - has six legs and three parts to its body Bug - a small insect
Resources: DVD, key words, ppt IWB, learning journals
Tuesday / Learning Intention:
To know what the following words mean - minibeast, bug, insect, invertebrate
To sort minibeasts (To identify and classify, To compare the structure of common animals)
Recap what the words mean - minibeast/insect
Look at a collection of minibeasts (use pictures and the toys) What do we notice about them. Is there anything the same/different. Sort them into 2 circles - insects and not insects.
Chn to do a sorting activity worksheet based on insects/not insects.
Resources: pictures, toys, sorting circles, worksheet
Wednesday / Learning Intention:
To use a combination of shapes.
To use rolled up paper
Create a newspaper foil structure of a minibeast to mod roc
Thursday - MB / Learning Intention:
To sort minibeasts (To identify and classify, To compare the structure of common animals)
Explain that on the tables there are a selection of toy minibeasts and that the chn are to work in groups to sort the minibeasts into two piles. They can decide how to sort them. When groups are done (take photos of each sorting, with labels to show the sorting) ask the groups to see if they can sort the minibeasts a different way. Return to the carpet and the groups share how they did their sorting. Can they now return and sort the minibeasts into three piles? Ask the chn to share their criteria for sorting and explain why they chose those criteria. Keep taking photos of the different sorting. (use pictures as not enough toy minibeasts) (ICT)
Week 4
2nd May (no Monday) / Science
Tuesday / Learning Intention:
To observe closely
To perform simple tests
To use observations to suggest answers to questions
To find out and describe how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature
Look at plants and observe what has happened to each one
Write up what was observed and if they can give any reasons
Wednesday / Learning Intention:
To sort minibeasts (To identify and classify, To compare the structure of common animals)
Tree diagram to classify minibeasts – do the tesiboard activity as a whole class
Children to be given a tree diagram with pictures of minibeasts, they then answer the questions and place the minibeasts correctly.
Thursday - MB / Learning Intention:
To notice that animals including humans, have offspring which grow into adults
Show and discuss the life cycle of a butterfly and sequence the stages (ask Sarah to complete on Friday instead of music if necessary)
Week 5
9th May / Art
Monday / Learning Intention:
To use a combination of shapes to create a sculpture
Cover the foil shaped minibeast made with mod roc and leave to dry
Tuesday / Learning Intention:
To gather and record data to help answer questions
Pose question – What minibeasts live in the grounds of our school?
How can we find out e.g. looking under logs, on flowers etc (record answers in Big Book of Thinking)
Devise a way to record our results and then go and look for the minibeasts – try and collect some in the pooters to look at in the magnifying glasses/microscope
Help needed to pond dip / Learning Intention:
To gather and record data to help answer questions
Pose questions – what minibeasts live in the pond?
Go to the pond area and pond dip, look closely using magnifying glasses.
Have a laminated sheet to collect data.
Thursday / Learning Intention:
To gather and record data to help answer questions
What minibeasts did we find in the pond? Can we describe them?
Children to write a piece of information about what we found – word mats to help
Week 6
16th May / Science
Monday / Learning Intention:
To gather and record data to help answer questions
To use observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions
Pose question: Are minibeasts attracted to different materials?
Fasten squares of material to the ground and leave for a week. Children to make a prediction
Sketch and write up about what we found in the pond area if not completed last week or carry on with ICT –
Tuesday / Learning Intention:
To use a combination of shapes to create a sculpture
Cover the foil shaped minibeast made with mod roc and leave to dry
Wednesday / Learning Intention:
To sort minibeasts (To identify and classify, To compare the structure of common animals)
To draw lines of different sizes and thicknesses
Carroll diagram and the children identify which minibeasts go in each space. The children draw carefully each minibeast.
E.g. wings/not wings/spots/not spots and then the children to do wings/not wings/6 legs/not 6 legs. Differentiation – have pictures of minibeasts
Thursday / Learning Intention:
To use thick and thin brushes
To mix primary colours to make secondary
To add white to make tints and black to make tones
Paint mod roc minibeast
Week 7
23rd May
Sports day / Science
Monday / Learning Intention:
To gather and record data to help answer questions
To use observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions
Follow up from science experiment – go and look at the squares of material and see what is underneath. Collect data and then evaluate results and discuss reasons for the minibeasts found under each material.
Wednesday / Learning Intention:
To use thick and thin brushes
To mix primary colours to make secondary
To add white to make tints and black to make tones
Paint mod roc minibeast
ICT / objectives
• Control motion by specifying the number ofsteps to travel, direction and turn.
• Add text strings, show and hide objects andchange the features of an object.
• Specify the nature of events (such as asingle event or a loop).