Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church & Preschool
Connecting People to Jesus as we gather, grow and go.
The Heart Beat for July 29, 2012
July 29 – August 5
Sun. 8:00 am – Worship w/ Communion
9:30 am – Education Hour
10:45 am – Worship w/ Communion
12:00 pm – 5th & 6th Grade Summer Party
6:00 pm – Evening Worship w/ Communion
6:00 pm – SYG Praise by the Pool @ Cahill
Tues. 9:30 am – Organist Practice
9:30 am – Preschool Camp
6:30 pm – Handbell Cleaning
Wed. 6:30 am – Men’s breakfast & Bible study
9:30 am – Organist Practice
12:00 pm – Staff Meeting
Thurs. 6:30 pm – Stewardship Board
Fri. 6:00 pm – Preschool Parent’s Night Out
Sat. 6:30 pm – Slushy Social hosted by Board of Ed.
Sun. 8:00 am – Worship w/ Communion
9:00 am – Farewell Breakfast - Vicar & Melissa
9:30 am – Education Hour
10:45 am – Worship
12:00 pm – SYG Farewell for Vicar & Melissa
6:00 pm – Evening Worship w/ Communion
WEAR YOUR NAME TAG! The Assimilation Board is on the move and looking for members with name tags on! Watch for fun happenings on selected “Surprise Sundays” for wearing your name tags!
GOING AWAY BREAKFAST The Board of Fellowship will be hosting a going away breakfast for Vicar Aaron & Melissa NEXT Sunday August 5th at 9:00 am. Make plans to come to worship that morning to hear Vicar’s last sermon and enjoy some fellowship time between services as we send them off for Vicar’s last year at the seminary.
GIFT CARD SHOWER - Please help us welcome Vicar Wingfield, his wife, Vickie, and their daughter, Vanessa as they start their vicarage year with us. We invite you to shower them with a few welcome gifts. Consider giving them a gift certificate to your favorite grocery store, retail store, restaurant, or Movie Theater. Place your gifts in the box in the narthex. We will be presenting these gifts to the Wingfields on August 12. Please contact any member of the Fellowship Board; Alison Willey, Charlotte Hundley, Janette Copeland, Gina Raetzel, or Sharon Kester if you have any questions.
PRAYER SHAWLS If you have been making prayer shawls, we thank you! We do, however, have an ample supply and do not need any more at the present time as we are running out of space to store them. We will be putting a few out each week in the narthex, so if you know of someone who is in need or could benefit from one of these prayer shawls, please take one to them. Thanks so much!
LUTHERAN WITNESS SUBSCRIPTIONS – We are now accepting new subscriptions requests and renewing current subscriptions for “The Lutheran Witness”, which is published by Concordia Publishing House out of St. Louis, Missouri. It is a monthly magazine that covers an array of Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod information. The yearly subscription rate is $17.00. If you would like to subscribe or renew you subscription to the magazine, please let Debbie Seutter know by either calling the church office (780-6023), emailing her at or leaving a note in her mailbox with your name and mailing address. Please make checks payable to “Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church”. The deadline to sign up is August 12th.
DONATION STATEMENTS The mid-year (as of 6/30/12) donation statements have been placed in your mailbox in the Narthex next week. Please note that the pledges made through the Consecrated Steward program were made effective at 3/1/12. After reviewing your statements, contact Marc Splittgerber if you have any questions or concerns or 780-6023.
BEAUTIFUL SAVIOR’S PRAYER CARD MINISTRY If you would like to help, we can always use scripture texted cards to replenish our supply. Especially needed are get well cards, sympathy cards, or blank cards. Thank you! Any questions, ask Donna Rinne.
VOTER REGISTRATION What does that mean for me as a Christian? Many Christian leaders contend that it is the duty and responsibility of every Christian to vote. While God is most certainly in control, that does not mean we should sit back, observe and do nothing to further His will. All citizens of the United States who are at least 18 years old on Election Day are blessed with the right to vote. To vote in Kansas this fall, voters must register by October 16 to vote in the November 6 general election. Voter registration forms are available online at or in the narthex. Don’t forget all Kansas voters must present a photo ID to vote!
THANK YOU Pastor Carlton & Dorothy Kjergaard would like to thank the congregation for their prayers, cards and words of inspiration since the diagnose of breast cancer for Dorothy. We ask your continued prayers as she continues to recover from the surgery.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR – Next Saturday, August 4, at 6:30 pm the Board of Christian Education will be hosting a Slushy Social. Plan on joining us for a fun filled evening of Slushy’s, Socializing, Spiritual Strengthening, and Surprises. We will be watching the veggie tales movie “Josh & The Big Wall.” Bring your Bibles as we delve deeper into the story and how it relates to our lives.
SUMMER ADULT SERIES CONTINUES - Today we will continue our Summer Series entitled “Top Ten” Bible Studies of the Old Testament. At the #3 spot and our study for this morning will be “David & Goliath.”
THIS WEEK IN SUNDAY SCHOOL This week in Sunday School the children will be looking at David and Goliath. They will be discussing how God used David to do great things and how God uses them for great things. The children will be discussing how we all face “giants” but if what we do is with and for God we will be doing great things.
THANK YOU to Dave and Kristin Smalling, Nancy Chapin, and Scott and Denise Behrman for teaching Sunday School last week. The fiery furnace crosses you constructed with the children were beautiful.
THURSDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY Ladies -- if you are available on Thursday mornings this fall, we would love to have you join our Thursday Morning Bible Study Group. We have a variety of women in our group -- younger and older; long-time and newer members of BSLC -- so don't be afraid that you won't fit in! Starting on September 6th, we will be enjoying fellowship as we study from the book "Coffee with the Savior". The group meets from 9:30 to 10:30 AM (and childcare is provided). Contact Joyce Webber (or Lynn Kosberg in the church office – ) if you have any questions. Please let us know by Aug 12th if we should order a book for you.
COLLEGE STUDENTS - College Sunday School will meet in the conference room this morning. Come when you can and bring a friend. This is a great time for fellowship and Bible study.
LUTHERAN SERVICES GOLF BENEFIT - The Lutheran services organizations of Metro Lutheran Ministry (MLM), Lutheran Urban Mission Agency (LUMA), and Hollis Renewal Center have scheduled a golf tournament to raise funds for support of their ministries. The event will be held at Painted Hills Golf Course, 7101 Parallel Parkway, Kansas City, Kansas, on Friday, September 28th. Starting with a Hamburger Buffet at noon, tee off will be at 1:00 pm in a 4-player scramble format. Individual entry is $85 before 9/10/12 and $95 thereafter. Three levels of Sponsorship are also available. For more information or registration, please contact Marc Splittgerber ( or 780-6023.)
BSYG will meet this evening beginning at 6:00 pm for “Praise by the Pool” at the home of Dick & Sharon Cahill. Feel free to bring a friend or two. Questions? Please speak with Pastor Schultz or Vicar Chittick this morning. Next Sunday, August 5, we will meet at noon at the Youth house for a farewell Ice Cream Social for Vicar & Melissa. (How wet can we get Vicar?)
LET'S GET COOKING The Senior High Youth are going to National Youth Gathering in San Antonio next summer. To help offset costs they would like to put together a church cook book. This cook book will go on sale sometime in November, and would make excellent Christmas gifts. We are asking the congregation to submit recipes in the following categories: Appetizers, Soups & Salads, Main Dish, Side Dish, Dessert, and Miscellaneous. Forms have been placed in your mailboxes. Please consider emailing your recipe to (so they don’t have to be re-typed) or by completing the form in your mailbox and put in box #69. Send us as many recipes as you like, just be sure to designate which category they fall under. The deadline for submitting recipes is Sunday, October 14. It's time to share your favorite recipes with the rest of the congregation. Thank you in advance for your participation! ~ The Senior High Youth
SENIOR HIGH YOUTH BIBLE CLASS - All senior high are welcome to join us at the house on Sunday mornings for Bible Class. During the summer we will be studying “The Top Ten” Bible Stories of the Old Testament. This week is the story of “David & Goliath.”
NATIONAL YOUTH GATHERING Save the date for the next National Youth Gathering in San Antonio, Texas June 29 – July 7, 2013. Watch for Youth/Parent informational meeting to be held in August. Questions? Contact DeAnn Haake (397-7354).
DON'T FORGET THE SOUP! During these hot summer days, you might be skipping the soup aisle of the grocery store. However, we need your donations of hearty soups to meet our goals for Pioneer Trail's Snack Backpack program. Our congregation has agreed to supply Pioneer Trail with 400 cans of hearty soup, 240 pudding cups and 240 granola barseach month of the school year (and school starts in just a few weeks!) Please place your donations in the large wooden donation box in the narthex. Your help is greatly appreciated! Contact Gina Raetzel if you have any questions.
NEIGHBOR-2-NEIGHBOR SACK LUNCH PROGRAM FOR THE HOMELESS During the month of August, we will be collecting items for sack lunches for the homeless to be distributed through the Westport United Methodist Church. Please pick a post-it from the poster in the wooden box in the narthex and return the sack lunch item to the box until August 31st. We have a goal of 120 lunches. Thanks so much for your support!
SCHOOL SUPPLIES This is your LAST WEEK to bring in donations of school supplies for children in the Olathe School District. Please take advantage of this week's school supply sales and pick up a few extra items... backpacks, binders, spiral notebooks, pens, pencils, crayons, markers (water-based, odorless), glue sticks, blunt scissors, rulers, pocket folders, etc. (Check the lists by the Missions donation box or the ones posted in local stores for more ideas.) Place your donations in the large wooden box in the narthex through July 31st. Contact Joyce Webber or Gina Raetzel if you have any questions.
LETTERS FOR OUR MILITARY PERSONNEL During this patriotic season, please take a few minutes to write a note of encouragement and thanks to one (or more) of the service men or women listed on page 4 in the Heartbeat. If you know the address for one of the people listed, please share that information with Debbie or Lynn in the church office. Available addresses are posted on the bulletin board by the large wooden donation box; there are also flyers by the box with a list of addresses for you to take home with you.
TRAIL RUN/WALK FOR HAITI Please Join us for a 5K Run/Walk to benefit Heart to Heart International Haiti. We are raising money for supplies for a school & medical clinics we volunteered at recently in Haiti. Let others know! It will be held at Lone Elm Park in Spring Hill, KS on Saturday, Aug. 11, 2012 at 7:00 am. There is a $35 donation fee. For more information and to register online go to home page and click on the “Trail Run for Haiti” link
JOB OPPORTUNITY Calvary Lutheran Church and School is seeking an Administrative Assistant to serve at their campus located at 7500 Oak KCMO. This position will provide direct support to the Pastor and support the school, EEC program, and Business Manager and church boards as needed. Qualified applicants will have previous experience as an Administrative Assistant, excellent computer and communication skills, the ability to handle multiple projects at once and a passion for Lutheran church and school ministry. Interested parties may request a complete Ministry Description and/or apply via email to .
BLOOD DRIVE Thank you to each and every one who participated in the blood drive, Sunday July 15th. The success of the drive depends on many individuals and everyone's help is appreciated. Beautiful Savior collected 18 units of blood with 6 donors being first time donors. The next tentative blood drive at Beautiful Savior will be October 28, 2012. Carol Vandenberg and the American Red Cross.
ADVICE AND AID PREGNANCY CENTERS, INC. is in need of volunteers and will be offering a Volunteer Informational Meeting on Monday, September 10, 2012 (7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.). The meeting will be held at 11644 West 75th Street, Shawnee, KS. For more information on volunteering in this ministry or to RSVP, please contact Mary Newcomer at 913-962-0200 or email .