St. Nicholas’ Parochial School
Application for Enrolment
Enrolment Policy for St. Nicholas’ Parochial School
The following is the Enrolment Policy for St. Nicholas’ Parochial School and is set out in accordance with the provisions of the Education act 1998, Section 15 Subsection 2
General Information A
The Board of Management of St. Nicholas’ Parochial School trusts that by defining its policy in terms of the requirements of the Act, the Chairperson of the Board of Management, Prof. Steven Ellis and The Principal, Mrs. Wendy Walsh, will be happy to clarify any further matters arising from the policy.
St. Nicholas’ Parochial School is a Church of Ireland school under the patronage of the Bishop of Tuam, Killala and Achonry. Our school reflects the ethos of The Church of Ireland.
The school focuses on the education of its students in partnership with parents, the Department of Education and Skills, St. Nicholas’ Collegiate Church and the community at large. The school is committed to the highest standards of education in an environment where all are equal and where the child’s potential is developed to its fullest.
General Information B
At present, there are five teachers on the school staff. The staff is inclusive:
- A teaching Principal
- Three mainstream assistant teachers
- One teacher for Learning Support and Resource Teaching
St. Nicholas’ Parochial School is a co-educational school that caters for children from the infant’s stream through to 6th class.
The school is dependant on annual grant aid from the Department of Education and Skills and operates within the regulations laid down by the Department of Education and Skills.
The school follows the curricular programmes prescribed by the Department of Education and Skills, and these may be amended from time to time, in accordance with Section 9 and 30 of the Education Act.
St. Nicholas’ Parochial School, within the context and parameters of Department of Education and Skills regulations and programmes, the rights of the Patron as set out in the Education Act, and the funding and resources available supports the principles of inclusiveness, particularly with reference to the enrolment and respect for the diversity of values, beliefs, traditions, languages and way of life in society.
- Parents seeking to enrol their child(ren) in St. Nicholas’ Parochial School are requested to return a completed Enrolment Application Form (available from the principal) with a copy of a Birth/Adoption Certificate and a copy of the Baptismal Certificate if available to the school by 10th January each year.
- The names of children, for whom the above documentation has been returned, will be placed on a list.
- Equality of access is the key value that determines the enrolment of children to our school. No child is refused admission for reason of ethnicity, special educational needs, disability, language, accent, gender, traveller status, asylum-seeker/refugee status, religious/political beliefs and values, family or social circumstances.
- While recognising the rights of parents to enrol their children in the school of their choice, the Board of Management of St. Nicholas’ Parochial School is also responsible for respecting the rights of the existing school community and, in particular, the children already enrolled. This requires balanced judgements, which are guided by the principles of natural justice and acting in the best interest of all children.
a)Size of/available space in classrooms
b)Educational needs of children of a particular age
c)Multi-grade classes
d)Presence of children with special educational/behavioural needs
e)DES maximum class average directives (currently a maximum average of 28 students)
- In the event of the number of children seeking enrolment in any given class standard exceeding the number of places preceding or during the school year, the following criteria will be used to prioritise children for enrolment.
a)Church of Ireland children living in the parish of Galway
b)Brothers and sisters (including step-siblings, resident at the same address)
c)Children of current school staff
d)Children from the Anglican Community and MethodistChurch living within the parish area. For September 2009 and 2012 priority to early applicants.
e)Children whose home address is closest to the school if the child is normally resident outside the parish area.
f)In the event of being unable to enrol a child/children from categories a, b or c, in a given class at the beginning of a year, or mid-year, such children will receive priority (in order of a, b, c) for the subsequent school year over children on the class waiting list.
- Registration will take replace by the end of February.
- Other pupils may be enrolled during the school year (if newly resident in the area).
- Pupils wishing to transfer from other schools are enrolled subject to the rules governing national schools, as well as our own school’s enrolment policy and local agreements with other schools. Children transferring from another school, wishing to be enrolled in this school, will only be placed in class appropriate to their age and the same class from which they are transferring.
- A letter of transfer, school attendance records and all relevant standardised test results are required before the school considers a transfer. Children’s Psychological reports are also requested in the case of children with special needs and these children will be enrolled in accordance with the level of resources provided by the Department of Education and Skills to the Board of Management.
- There is an annual ‘induction’ afternoon, for new parents and children, in June each year.
- Children with special needs will be resourced in accordance with the level of resources provided by the Department of Education and Skills to the Board of Education.
- Notwithstanding the availability of such resources, parent of children who are satisfied with the level of education provision in our school, are advised to consider a special school which is designed and resourced to cater specifically for the needs of children with special educational needs.
- Prior to enrolment in St. Nicholas’ Parochial School, the Board of Management required parent to provide all necessary paperwork and reports from previous schools so that the needs of the child can be met prior to beginning their education in St. Nicholas’ Parochial School. If the school is not provided with appropriate reports that set out the nature of a child’s educational needs and it subsequently becomes clear that the school cannot meet the educational needs of a child, the Board of Management reserve the right to revoke the place.
- Children enrolled in our school are required to co-operate with and support the school Board of Management’s Code of Behaviour, as well as all other policies on curriculum, organisation and management. The Board of Management holds Parents/Guardians responsible for ensuring that their child(ren) co-operates with said policies in an age appropriate way. A child may be suspended in accordance with the Department of Education and Skills Rules for National Schools.
- Parents should be aware that in the event of a serious breach of the school code of discipline, the Board of Management may after reference to the requirement of Section 24 of the Education Welfare Act 2000 and guidelines on codes of behaviours issued by the National Education Welfare Board permanently exclude an student.
- Any child whose application comes through the HSE or related bodies will have their name submitted at a Board of Management meeting for acceptance. The Board will seek all necessary information in regard to the application prior to making a decision in regards to enrolment.
- In accordance with the Education Welfare Act 2000 and the Education Act 1998 where the Board of Management of St. Nicholas’ Parochial school has refused enrolment to a student the decision may be appealed to the Department of Education and Skills. Our school’s assigned Education Welfare Officer will assist parents with the necessary appeal and can be contacted at 01-8738600. Appeals should be made on the appropriate forms.
- For gross misbehaviour or repeated instances of serious misbehaviour, suspension will be considered by the Board of Management.
- Where parent/guardians have met with the Chairperson and Principal and where no undertaking of improvement of the child’s behaviour has been given, the child have to be temporarily suspended in accordance with Rule 130(5) of rules for NationalSchool.
- The Board of Management may authorise the Chairperson or Principal to sanction an immediate suspension, pending discussion with parents/guardians.
- Expulsion may be considered by the Board of Management in extreme cases in accordance with Rule 130(6).
- The Board of Management may also, in exceptional circumstances, form the opinion that a student should be expelled for a first offence. For example:
a)A serious threat of violence against another student or member of staff.
b)Actual violence or physical assault.
Given the seriousness of expulsion as a sanction the Board of Management will undertake a very detailed review of a range of factors in deciding whether to expel a student.
Code of Behaviour
St. Nicholas’ Parochial School aims to develop and enrich the personality of the pupils school experience by educating them in an atmosphere that will enable them to go from the school as well-rounded, confident and self-assured children.
Pupils of the school are encouraged to be courteous and considerate towards their fellow pupils, teachers and visitors to the school. An effort is made to encourage in all children, a sense of respect for school equipment, the school building and the environment generally.
Aims of Code of Behaviour
The code of discipline aims to achieve three things:-
- The efficient operation of the school in a way which enables its overall aims and objective to be realised.
- The maintenance of good order throughout the school and respect for the school environment
- The fostering of self-discipline in pupils and training in good behaviour patterns on consideration, respect and tolerance.
School Rules
Parents are asked to read over the school rules with their child/children when copies are provided at the beginning of each school year. At first glance there may seem to be very many rules but many are common sense while all are listed for the safety and well being of the pupils, some are highlighted for particular emphasis.
So that accidents may be avoided, please remember to walk quietly and sensibly in the classrooms, in the corridor and when walking on the stairs keep to the left. Never run.
Remember that nobody is allowed to go to the shop during school hours and that pupils may not leave the school building for any purpose without a teacher’s permission.
It is dangerous to climb on the gate, railings, walls, window ledges of fire escape or to throw sticks, stones, dirt, sand, schoolbags etc.
Fresh air is good after spending a long time indoors so classrooms must be vacated at 12.45pm unless you are instructed by a teacher.
Do not fight or hurt other children and never spit
Glass bottles, knives and sharp objects are dangerous and should not be brought to school.
Help to keep the school tidy and clean. Place all litter in the bins, or take it home. Do not damage, deface or write on the school building or furniture and remember that chewing gum is not allowed.
Respect the things which belong to other people and never touch another person’s property without asking permission.
Do not loiter or play in the cloakrooms or toilet areas and remember that it is necessary to have a teacher’s permission before using the Assembly Hall.
Lunch must be eaten quietly at a table in the classroom not near computers and not while walking around.
Consider the feelings of others. Do not get involved in teasing, bullying or name-calling. Remember that it is always best to be honest and truthful-never tell lies.
It is wrong and unfair to disturb anyone else’s learning-listen carefully and do not talk out of turn.
Everyone is expected to behave well at the school doorway and to walk in a quiet and orderly manner when entering or leaving the school.
Before leaving your classroom at the end of the day please make sure that your chair has been placed on your table and that there is no litter near the place where you sit.
Be polite, courteous and helpful to visitors and to everyone at school.
In-Class Behaviour
When in class, pupils are expected to behave in an orderly manner so as not to interfere with anyone else’s learning. Consideration and courtesy should be shown towards fellow pupils and teachers. Every pupil should ensure that she has the books, pens and other items, which are necessary for work in the classroom.
Behaviour Towards Others
Pupils are expected to treat both staff and fellow pupils with respect and good manners. They should address teachers politely by name. Bad language, fighting or rowdy behaviour will be regarded as matters which warrant immediate sanctions.
Pupils may not leave the school during school hours accept if permission is sought from the principal or teacher in charge. If a parent or guardian wishes a child to be excused early a written not must be supplied in advance. Any damage to school property must be reported immediately to one of the teachers. Neither cycling nor football is allowed in the school playground and certain games which are considered dangerous to other children are also forbidden. All children and parents will be informed as to which games fall into the “dangerous” category.
Unacceptable Behaviour
The following is regarded as unacceptable in the school, either in itself or in the interests of providing a safe, secure environment for all the children.
- Bullying of any description
- Physical or verbal abuse
- Threatening or intimidating behaviour
- Bad language
- Rudeness or disrespect to anyone in the school
- Wilful or malicious damage to school or personal property
- Possession of objects which could cause damage to school property or injury to people in the school
- Spitting
- Playing ball games in the school building
- Dropping or throwing litter
- Chewing gum
- Any activity on supervised trips with the teachers which would have a detrimental effect on the reputation of the school.
For instances of unacceptable behaviour, it is necessary to have sanctions in place. In all cases it is important that the child knows that it is the behaviour the school is objecting to and not the child.
- Reasoning with the child explaining why the behaviour is unacceptable
- Reprimands, including direction on what is unacceptable behaviour
- Separation from peers/friends
- Loss of privileges
- Detention during break
- Communication with parents/guardians
- Additional work/homework
- Referral to the Principal
- Daily report card in some cases
- Temporary suspension in accordance with Rule 130 of the rules for National Schools as amended by Circular 7/88
Teachers will keep a written record of all serious instances of misbehaviour as well as a record of improvement of seriously disruptive pupils.
Where there are repeated instances of serious misbehaviour, the Board of Management will be informed. The Board of Management have ultimate responsibility for school discipline. Anyone with an unresolved grievance or concern may refer the matter to the Board. In situations where there is evidence of serious ongoing emotional and behavioural difficulties, teachers will work with parents/guardians to have the child referral for assessment with the relevant services.
The school recognises that the children are usually well behaved and to promote good behaviour it is necessary to reward instances of good behaviours.
These rewards will include:
- Praise in front of class/school
- Informing parents/guardian of good behaviour
- Stickers
- Nights off homework
- Special treats chosen by the child e.g. extra computer time and certificates.
Conduct in the Playground
- Remember we have a ‘no contact’ playground.
- Do not use bad language.
- Play in your own area and remember to include everyone.
- If you are harmed in any way, tell the person on duty or your class teacher.
- To avoid injury to yourself and others, no fast running.
Parents/Guardians/School Communication
- Parents/Guardians will be informed at an early stage of instances of misbehaviour.
- Communication with parents/guardians will be verbal or written depending on the circumstances.
- Parents/Guardians will be invited to come to the school to discuss their child’s case, where there is continual disruption or serious misbehaviour such as bullying or other violent /aggressive /threatening behaviour.
- For repeated cases of serious misbehaviour, the parents will be contacted by the Board of Management and asked to meet the Chairperson and the Principal. If parents are contacted by the Board, their child will automatically be placed on report for a week. This will involve getting a daily report on his/her behaviour and school work, to be signed by parents and teachers.
Please sign below