2017 CTBN Clean Technology Datasheet for Japanese Technology Providers
-One Technology Datasheet is made for only 1 Technology. If you introduce more than one technology, please copy this Data Sheet to fill in.
-Item titles in red are compulsory.
-Please note that the provided information at 1. Technology Features and 2. BusinessPartnership Model will not be opened to public but distributed potential Technology seekers (Project developer in developing country).
Company name- Technology Features
1-1.Title of the Technology / Please write the title for your technology that can help differentiate it from other similar ones.
Please avoid general technology title such as “Hydropower Generation”.
If you introduce more than one technology, please copy this Data Sheet to fill in.
1-2.Technology Field / (Please select only one option.)
☐Solar Power
☐Hydro Power
☐Wind Power
☐Energy Efficiency / ☐Biomass/Biogas/Biofuel
☐Waste to Energy
☐Clean Transportation (Electric Vehicle etc.)
☐Smart Grid
☐Others (Please specify: )
1-3.Keywords / Please put up to 5 keywords that describe your technology the most.
1-4.Type of Technology / (Please select ALL the applicable options.)
☐System or software / ☐Facility
☐Device or equipment
☐Others (Please specify: )
1-5. Description of Technology (max 750 characters) / Please describe your technology avoiding commonly recognized statements such as “Solar power technology that can convert solar energy to electric energy and reduce CO2 emission.”)
Please keep to one sentence.
1-6. Technology Image and Figure (gif, jpg, jpeg, png) / Please insert figures in gif, jpg, jpeg, png, etc. that show the mechanism and process of your technology to enhance readers’ understanding of and interest in your technology.
1-7. Competitive Advantages (max 3 advantages, max 300 characters each) / Competitive advantages is a good reference for technologyseekers when considering the benefits of introducing your technology into their project.
Please clearly and effectively describe the competitive advantages, avoiding too-short description such as “cost effective” or “efficient performance”.
1-8. Technology Specification / Please give specifications demonstrating the efficiency and capacity of your technology.
Please try to include major indicators that show the performance and size of your technology.
1-9. Intellectual Property (Country) / Please write the name of the countries in which your technology has an intellectual property right.
1-10. Certification and Testimonial by the Third Parties / Please list any certification, awards, evaluation from third parties, that are reliable and objective information useful in considering introduction of your technology.
1-11. Collaboration Partners / Please introduce your partner in technology development such as universities, research institutes, and associatedevelopers if any.
1-12. Environmental Aspects / Please introduce positive environmental aspects of your technology applicable in developing countries in terms of not only global warming, but also water, air, soil and waste management.
Examples: GHG emission reduction potential, environmental load reduction
1-13. Project Track Record
(max 2000 characters)) / Please describe track record by country and field.
Project track record is of high interest for project developers considering technology options.
1-14. Technology WEB Page / Please give the URL for the technology webpage or PDF catalogue on the website that introduce your technology.
*Please attach any PDF documents that introduce your technology more precisely, if any.
- Business Partnership Model
2-1. Purpose for building Business Partnership / (Please select ALL the applicable options.)
☐Sales of technology and equipment
☐Production of technology and equipment by local partners
☐Distribution of technology and equipment by local partners
☐Licensing of technology
☐Sales of patent
☐Others (Please specify: )
2-2. Business Partnership Model considered / planned / (Please select ALL the applicable options.)
☐Sales at a fixed price
☐Royalties or License
☐Joint Venture/Shareholding/Equity Participation
☐Profit Sharing
☐Others (Please specify: )
2-3. Description of Business Partnership Model (max 1000 chars) / Please describe your business partnership model elaborating on the selected options in section 2-2.
2-4.Customer Segment / (Please select ALL the applicable options.)
☐Project Developers
☐Engineering Companies
☐Importers and Distributers
☐Manufacturers / ☐Service Providers
☐Research Institutes
☐Others (Please specify: )
2-3.Preferred Business Locations / Please write the countries and regions being considered for your business location.
Conditions for selecting your business is also acceptable.
2-4.Financial Scheme available / Please list all financial support schemes that can be available in transferring the technology, if any.
- Company Profile (for secretariat use only)
Company Name
Business / (Please select ALL the options that apply.)
☐Engineering Companies
☐Equipment & product providers
☐Service providers
☐Research Institute
☐Others (Please specify: )
City / Province/State
Zip Code / Country
Company Phone Number
Company WEB Site
Contact Person
Position Title
Phone Number of Contact Person
E-mail of Contact Person