Welcome to Mrs. Link’s 4th Grade Class!
Below is some information that will help you through the first weeks of school. If you have any questions, please ask.
Contact – (preferred method) email:
Information – webpage: *currently undergoing maintenance* J ….link to come
4th grade Open House – Please save the date: Wednesday, Aug. 30th for K, 2nd and 4th (Aug. 31st for 1st, 3rd and 5th)
Parent conferences – All parents will have a teacher conference during the first 9 weeks of school. Look for a sign-up email to come soon.
Visitors – all volunteers and visitors must submit a School Access Form that can be filled in online here: http://www.stjohns.k12.fl.us/volunteer/
Snacks – Students may have unflavored water at their desks at all times in a spill proof bottle. Students will be allowed one morning snack per day.
Supplies – Please send in your child’s school supplies as soon as you can if you have not already. J Students will need an ongoing supply of paper and pencils as I do not collect these to have a supply in the room. As your child needs anything replenished, there will be a note in the planner.
Summer Learning Opportunities – The math fluency quiz will be on Monday, August 14th. 20 multiplication facts in 1 min AND 20 division facts in 1 min are required to earn the reward. The reading “tic-tac-toe” board is due on August 14th and a classroom incentive will be awarded for completion on time.
Personal Devices – These are not required, but encouraged daily. If you are sending in a laptop, iPad or other device, please make sure your child has it labeled and charged for the day. This is a responsibility that I would like your child to take on this year. Our district does have a strict filter for students, but antivirus software is recommended. Additional information and AUP forms to sign will come home for those bringing personal computers.
Student planners – The planner is the organizational tool for our school. Your child is learning to be responsible for their assignments and materials this year and the planner is an important part of that process. Planners are being provided free of cost by our PTO. Parents should check the planner daily for changes in assignments and notes from the teacher.
Homework – Homework should never be longer than 40 minutes per night. Homework will should be extra practice of skills/concepts already learned in class. If the homework is a struggle or becomes frustrating for your child or family, please let me know right away as this is never my intention.
Grades – If your child receives less than a 70% on an assignment, you will sign and return the test so that I have the opportunity to keep reteaching the material. You have access to all current grades, interims and report cards online through Home Access Center (http://parents.stjohns.k12.fl.us/hac). If you are new to the district, you must fill out a HAC email verification form with the front office to get your username and password.
Schedule – Please see the daily schedule on our class webpage.
Recess – Please know that if the “feels like” temperature outside is over 100 or under 50, we will be having “inside” recess. It is very hot right now, so please send in a hat and water bottle for your child to use. Sunscreen and insect repellant can only be submitted to the nurse to be applied before outside recess or PE.
Lunch – cost $2.80, please send in checks with your students name and lunch number on the memo line. If you’re sending cash, please enclose it in an envelope or baggie with the same info on the outside. Please return the lunch forms from meet the teacher to the school at your earliest convenience. Parents who are on the cleared volunteer list can join their child in the lunchroom Mondays – Thursdays. Our lunch time is exactly 12:05-12:35.
Field Trips – Each grade level will go on 2 field trips this year. Each trip can only accommodate a certain number of chaperones and those will be drawn from a “hat” out of the parents who respond with an interest to do so when those permission slips go home.
Birthdays – It is school policy that there are no class birthday celebrations or treats. The school celebrates birthdays by announcing them on the morning announcements.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this letter. I’m looking forward to getting to know you and your children! We’re going to have a great year!!
~Mrs. Link J