St Mungo S New Learning Community

St Mungo S New Learning Community

Rationale- Introduction to the policy

This policy supports the health promotion practice currently being undertaken in Govan High School to meet the aims of the health promoting school model, in line with “Being Well, Doing Well 2004, and Glasgow City Council’s Healthy Schools. It was felt that when forming this policy it would be useful to clarify the following definitions and points;

The World Health Organisation defines health as:

“… more than the absence of disease, but rather a state of physical, mental and social well-being.”

and a health promoting school as one in which:

“all members of the school community work together to provide children and young people with integrated and positive experiences and structures, which promote and protect their health. This includes both the formal and informal curriculum in health, the creation of a safe and healthy school environment, the provision of appropriate health services and the involvement of the family and wider community in efforts to promote health.”

(World Health Organisation, 1995)

Why is it important to be a health promoting school?

“Schools cannot be expected to solve every health or social problem in our society. They can, however, make a significant contribution to increasing the quality of life for their students, staff and wider community by becoming health promoting schools. Becoming a health promoting school provides a way for each school to listen to, and take account of, the views of pupils, parents and staff. A positive, health promoting school ethos can influence health, attainment, achievements and expectations.”

(A Route to Health Promotion, 1999)

Aim of policy

The aim of this policy is:

  • To give the position of the school with regard to health promotion
  • To bring together all the features which will make it a health promoting school
  • To provide outcomes which can inform the school development plan as the means of making progress towards becoming a health promoting school

We will achieve this aim via the following methods;

Communication structures for health promotion

  • Regular meetings of Govan High School’s Health Promotion Co-ordination Group
  • Health promotion to feature on Pastoral Care DMs and SMT meetings as appropriate
  • Pupil council will be utilised to identify/monitor health developments
  • All staff will have access to training opportunities on health promotion via Edis, on specific sensitive curricular areas e.g. sexual health and relationships education and access to local twilight training courses

Improvement Planning

A three yearly Health Promotion School Audit, as provided by Glasgow City Council, Education Services will inform our school health improvement planning.

Health Promoting School Model

All planning needs to be conducted systematically in line with the health promoting school model. “Being Well Doing Well” sets out seven key characteristics of health promoting schools. These are:

  • Leadership and management

The leadership and management of Govan High School will have a holistic approach to health promotion and are committed to working with pupils, staff, parents and carers to improve health for the whole school community. We acknowledge that leadership in relation to health promotion occurs at all levels and this will be encouraged.

  • Ethos

Govan High School will strive to create an environment in which all members, pupils and staff are treated fairly and with respect. Members will be encouraged and supported to take ownership of their health and to make positive lifestyle choices.

  • Partnership working

Govan High School recognises the importance of working in partnership with pupils, staff, parents, carers and agencies to achieve health promoting school status. We will therefore collaborate with partners to develop policies and share good practice.

  • Curriculum, learning and teaching

Govan High School is fully committed to supporting learning in health by offering curricular choice, employing methods, which encourage pupil participation and interaction and ensuring continuity at every stage of learning. This applies to other areas of the curriculum, PSE and Health Education.

  • Personal, social and health education programmes

“A commitment to ensuring that health education has a well planned, secure place in the curriculum in line with national and local advice, covering all the main areas of health education as a progressive provision” (Quote taken from GCC Health Education Support Pack). Govan High School will strive to ensure PSHE programmes and cross-curricular approaches to inform and develop the skills of pupils to make informed decisions about their own health. This will be done in line with local and national guidance and with consideration for the values, beliefs and attitudes of pupils, parents and carers. Expectations will be high, yet realistic, and praise will be used appropriately.

  • Environment, resources and facilities

Govan High School will endeavour to create a safe, supportive and well-resourced environment, which will be conducive to improving health for the whole school community.

  • Staff health and well-being

Govan High School is committed to supporting staff health and well being needs as part of the drive to be health promoting.


Health promotion planning should follow the cycle of:

  • Audit/Needs assessment
  • Prioritise
  • Identify resources/partners
  • Plan
  • Action
  • Monitor/evaluate
  • Celebrate


The whole school community should be involved in health promotion. We have to be consciously aware of involving the following groups:

  • Staff
  • Pupils
  • Parents/Carers
  • Outside agencies
Closing statement

By the implementation of this policy, we will promote health within Govan High School. We will endeavour for staff, parents and pupils to have a shared understanding of the concept of the health promoting school and understand the mechanisms and characteristics required to achieve this. Govan High School realises that health promotion is an ongoing developmental process and will therefore review this policy as an ongoing process.