Members / Present (Y /N ) / Members / Present (Y /N )Fr.YvonSheehy(Pastor-ex officio) / NO / Judy Edwards(School) / YES
Char Goehring (Human Concerns) (Chairperson) / YES / KathyKarls(Worship) / YES
Bernie Farrell (Vice-Chairperson) / YES / Beth Rydeski (Finance) / YES
JoanneStolowski(Secretary) / NO / JohnHoward(Finance) / YES
MikeKarolewicz / NO
Tri Le – Vietnamese Rep / YES / Dave Flynn (Trustee ex officio) / YES
Fr. Joseph Thien Dinh(Associate Pastor ex officio) / YES / Bob Mihm(Trustee ex officio) / YES
Guests present: Ann Marie Petersonon behalf of St Martin of Tours School Advisory Committee (SAC)
Opening: The meeting opened on 6/22 at 7:00 pm with a prayer led by Judy Edwards.
Approval of Minutes: Minutes of May 18, 2017 meeting approved by John Howard and seconded by Beth Rydeski
Pastor’s Report: Fr Yvon not in attendance. Fr Joseph advised that Fr Terry Langley was assigned as an Administrator and not the Pastor of the parish. The difference is that he has no set term. His term with St. Martin of Tours is open-ended.
Finance Committee Update Bob Mihm:
- Char or Bob, Kathy noted she did not understand and that one of you two could assist in update for this portion.
St. Martin of Tours School - School Advisory Committee (Ann Marie Peterson)
- Ann Marie is the Chair of the School Advisor Committee and gave an update on what they have been doing
- Paul Hohl has been hired as the new Principal for the school. He comes with a lot of experience and is from Franklin. He will be the one to interact with Seton directly.
- A group of teachers and some SAC members brainstormed about what St. Martin of Tours School could do to set itself up as unique and different from other schools, so that parents would want to send their children to our school. One of the things they explored was Project-Based Learning (PBL) offering classes such as Life Skills, Art, etc.
- The School Advisory Committee would like to see more interaction between the parish priests and the school. Fr Joseph said that is not advised that they just wander around the school. If they are invited to the school for a special occasion, they need advance notification since they have full schedules. It was suggested to give at least two weeks
- notice.
- It would be good to see the children and teachers of the school at Sunday mass
Community Building - Parish Communication
- Char advised that Mike is working on redesigning the bulletin.
- Char also asked Council Members to participate in greeting people before and after all masses.
- Everyone is encouraged to read the Stewardship article in the bulletin and consider getting involved.
Community Building John Michael Talbot Concert update: Bernie Farrell
- Event to be held October 12, 2017
- Tickets Prices will be $28
- Pews will seat 750, but can set up chairs to seat 1000 (Goal)
- VIP Seating
- First four rows for 75 people
- Tickets Prices will be $45
- Close seating, autographed CD.
- Replacement of council members whose terms are expiring.
- Judy Edwards; Char Goehring; Mike Karolewicz; Joanne Stolowski
- Three (3) people need to be elected for 3 years, 1 for 2 years.
- Char asked each person at the meeting to reach out to someone they know and encourage them to run for open Pastoral seats.
SMOT Committee Organization - Liaison Updates: Nothing to report
Closing: meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM
Future Meeting Dates:2017: Aug 16