Reviewed July 2013

Placement Plan

Date and Time of Meeting:

Child/Young Person

Last Name
First Names
Date of Birth
Home Address
Telephone Number
Parent(s) name(s) or person with Parental Responsibility
Address if different to that of child/young person
Telephone Numbers

Placement Details

Telephone Number
Social Worker
Telephone Number
Supervising Social Worker
Other Professionals Involved
(Include; IRO, Personal Advisor, Independent Visitor etc.)
Name & Role
Telephone Number
Date Time and Venue of next review – If known

Present at Meeting

Name / Role / Contact Details including telephone and email
Legal Status of child/young person / Details of Court Proceedings Scheduled
Purpose and expected duration of placement – include also the arrangements for termination of the placement
Contact arrangements
*N.B. Also Record names of person with whom the child must not have contact and details of any Court Orders made under Sections 8 or 34 of the 1989CA. / With Whom / Frequency/Dates/Days
or contact prohibited / Responsibility for transport arrangements
Arrangements for child / young person to maintain significant relationships. (for example with previous carers and friends)
How will Carer be informed of Changes to Contact arrangements?
Religion and practice requirements
Special Needs
Routines / .
Clothing Needs – please make list of clothing on admission / .
Activities/social etc.
Specific Matching Issues for this Placement
Safe Caring Policy specifics – refer to family’s Safe Caring Policy
Has a risk assessment been completed for this child/young person? / Has the child been given a copy of the Children’s Guide / Has the child been given a copy of the complaints leaflet?
Yes / No / Yes / No / Yes / No
Arrangements for notification of the child being missing and the names of those who must be informed
Arrangements for social work visits
STAT 3 monthly / Next Visit by SSW / Next Visit by Child’s SW
Frequency Thereafter
Arrangements for visits by Independent Visitor if applicable
Arrangements for the payment of pocket money or other financial support
Have the views of those with parental responsibility for other children in this placementbeen sought? / Yes / No

Education & Training

School and/or training provision / Contact details
Name of Designated Teacher/link person with training provider / Contact details
Class teacher or other significant person in provision / Contact details
Address of any other education resource attended / Contact details
Local Education Authority maintaining the Education Statement if applicable / Contact details
Arrangements for attendance, transportation, escort etc.


Name and address of child’s G.P. / Next appointment date & time
Name and address of G.P. with whom the child will be registered during placement if different / Next appointment date & time
Name and address of child’s dentist / Next appointment date & time
Name and address of dentist with whom the child will be registered during placement if different / Next appointment date & time
Does the child wear spectacles?
- if so, when/what purpose ? / Next optician appointment date & time
Has a medical assessment been undertaken?
Or details of arrangements to undertake health assessment.
Person with responsibility for consent to medical or dental treatment
Has this been delegated to local authority or carer? / Yes / No
If No – the circumstances in which the permission of those with parental responsibility must be sought in advance of treatment
Are there outstanding immunisations or other medical appointments
Are there other appointment s – e.g. CAMHS etc.?
Who holds the child’s Permanent Health Record (“Yellow Book”)
Has the child or young person any ongoing health problems or conditions?
Does the child or young person receive medication or treatment?
If so, details of administration or appointments
Does the child or young person have any known allergies?
Any other health issues – e.g. enuresis etc.


Name Signature Date

Parent(s)/ Persons with Parental Responsibility
Foster Carer(s)
*Note – this indicates an obligation to comply with the terms of the Fostering Agreement
Supervising Social Worker
Social Worker
Child / Young Person
*Note if 16 years or over and being accommodated under S20 of the 1989 CA, this indicates agreement
Other (if applicable)

Northumberland Family Placement Service

Delegated Authority Support Tool

This Decision Support Tool is to assist social workers, parents, foster carers and young people to agree the authority for day to day decision making that will be delegated to foster carers. This tool is based upon the Fostering Network Tool and their more detailed guidance can also be referred to.

It is to be used as a part of the Placement Plan and completed at the Placement Planning Meeting and each subsequent review when the Placement Plan is considered. It is an aide to good practice and is required in the Placement Planning and Case Review Regulations and Fostering Services Regulations (England) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2013.

The Decision Support Tool is not a definitive list of tasks and responsibilities: over the life of a child's placement with foster carers, other areas will inevitably arise and require clarification and not all of the elements that are included will apply to every young person. In addition to preparing for planning meetings and reviews, its other uses are:

Clarifying who is best placed to take everyday decisions depends on many factors: the young person's age, views, legal status and care plan, the parents' views and the experience and the views of the foster carers. Collaboration and consultation are essential for successful partnership working.

Child/young person

Foster Carers

Date completed:

1. Medical and dental treatment

Consent/agreement/task / Who has authority to give consent/agreement or undertake the task / Notes (inc. notifications, prior consultation /recording requirement/conditions)
1.1 Signed consent to emergency medical
treatment (incl. anaesthetic)
1.2 Consent – routine immunisations
1.3 Planned medical procedures
1.4 Medical procedure carried out in the home where the person administering the procedure requires training (e.g. child with disability/illness)
1.5 Dental – signed consent to dental
emergency treatment (incl. anaesthetic)
1.6 Dental – routine treatment (incl. anaesthetic)
1.7 Optician – appointments, glasses
1.8 Consent to examination/treatment by
school doctor
1.9 Administration of prescribed/over thecounter medications
1.10 Permission for school to administer prescribed/over the counter medications
1.11 Referral/consent for YP to access
another service, eg CAMHS

2. Education

Consent/agreement/task / Who has authority to give consent/agreement or undertake the task / Notes (inc. notifications, prior consultation /recording requirement/conditions)
2.1 Signed consent for school day trips
2.2 Signed consents for school trips of up to
four days
2.3 Signed consents for school trips of over
four days
2.4 School trips abroad
2.5 Using computers at school
2.6 School photos
2.7 Attendance at parents' evenings
2.8 Attendance at PEP meetings
2.9 Attendance at unplanned meetings,
re incidents or immediate issues
2.10 Registering at a school
2.11 Changing a school
2.12 Referral/consent for YP to access
another service (please specify the service)
2.13 Personal health and social education

3. Leisure and home life

Consent/agreement/task / Who has authority to give consent/agreement or undertake the task / Notes (inc. notifications, prior consultation /recording requirement/conditions)
3.1 Passport application / Can only be applied for by someone holding PR
3.2 Overnight with friends ('sleepovers')
3.3 Holidays within the British Isles
3.4 Holidays outside British Isles
3.5 Sports/social clubs
3.6 More hazardous activities, eg horse-riding,
skiing, rock climbing
3.7 Haircuts/colouring
3.8 Body piercing / It is illegal for under 16s to have their genitals pierced. It is also illegal for females under 16 to have their breasts pierced, although this does not apply to males under 16
3.9 Tattoos / It is illegal to tattoo anyone under the age of 18
3.11 Part-time employment

4. Faith and religious observance

Particular care should be taken to ensure that foster carers respect the wishes of parents in regard to religious observance and practices. Foster Carers must not engage young people in any religious observance, attendance at place of worship or other faith based activity without the express permission of those with parental responsibility. The details must be carefully recorded of any agreed delegated authority.

Consent/agreement/task / Who has authority to give consent/agreement or undertake the task / Notes (inc. notifications, prior consultation /recording requirement/conditions)
4.1 New or changes in faith, church or
religious observance
4.2 Attendance at a place of worship
4.2 Engagement in faith based activities (e.g. Sunday School attendance, celebrating festivals, distribution of faith based literature)

5. Identity and names

Consent/agreement/task / Who has authority to give consent/agreement or undertake the task / Notes (inc. notifications, prior consultation /recording requirement/conditions)
5.1 Life history work
5.2 New or changes in 'nicknames', order
of first names, or preferred names

6. Contact

Consent/agreement/task / Who has authority to give consent/agreement or undertake the task / Notes (inc. notifications, prior consultation /recording requirement/conditions)
6.1 Transport
6.2 Arranging
6.3 Facilitation
6.4 Formal supervision

7. Use of Social Media

Consent/agreement/task / Who has authority to give consent/agreement or
undertake the task / Notes (inc. notifications, prior consultation /recording requirement/conditions)
7.1 Mobile phone
7.2 Accessing social networking sites,
(e.g. Facebook, Twitter, MSN)
7.3 Photos or media activity

8. Any other matters

Consent/agreement/task / Who has authority to give consent/agreement or
undertake the task / Notes (inc. notifications, prior consultation /recording requirement/conditions)

9. Additional notes or questions


As appropriate (Note to be used when reviewing prior to the Child/Young person’s review, otherwise attach as a part of Placement Plan and no additional signatures required)

Role / Signature / Date
Child’s Social Worker
Foster Carer
Foster Carer
Supervising Social Worker