Property: / Unit Number:
Annual Recert Date: ______
REMEMBER: If the household income or composition is changing at the same time (also see #3 below if this is a Housing Credit property), complete an Interim Certification AFTER the unit transfer is completed. For the transfer 50059, just use the information from the most current 50059. Original verifications that were used for the original certification should remain with that certification. / DO NOT SEPARATE previously completed certification paperwork.
Mgr / Required Information (Send information in the following order): /

Occupancy Use Only

HUD 50059, Lease Amendment, Privacy Act & Initial Notice of Annual Recertification
Resident Certification (TC-59)
Housing Credit ONLY: Income Ranges/Rent Chart Applicant
Resident Interview (TC-59a)
Rental Agreement:
HUD Model Lease (RA-1h) & Resident Receipt of Documents [RA1(d)] [Guarantor of Lease, if applicable, (RA-5hr)]
Management House Rules (RA-2) & Lead Based Paint Hazards (if applicable) (RA-19)
Move-In/Move-out Condition Form (RA-7)
Live-in Aide Addendum (RA-13) and/or Pet/Assistive Animal Addendum (RA-3) (if applicable)
Release Authorization for Utility Bill Histories (if applicable) (RA-24hrt)
Section 8 Contract Expiration Letter (if applicable) Minimum Rent Exception (TC-50) if needed.
“Applying for HUD Housing” (RA-1h), Res. Rights/Responsibilities (HUD Form), Owner Disclos./Res. Grievance (RA-20)
Reasonable Accommodation (if applicable) (RS-9, RS-10, RS-8)
Other: PHA Voucher Contract, HC form RA-29t, S8/515 forms RA-8r and RA-28a, Elderly Properties [RA-1h(a)], etc.
*** / NOTE: If this is a Housing Credit Property this form can be used for a “SAME” building or “NEW” building
transfer IF the following is applicable:
1.  The property is 100% Housing Credit – no mixed or market units; and,
2.  The current household income does “not” exceed 140% of the 60% Housing Credit Income Limit; and,
3.  If an Interim Certification is needed after the transfer due to changes in household income and the income will “not” exceed 140% of the 60% Housing Credit Income Limit.
4.  Please always pay close attention to the required number of unit set-aside percentages. i.e. 50%, 60%
Additional Comments:

Date Completed: Completed By:

HUD – Unit Transfer Certification Checklist (3/08) Page 1 of 1 TC-64h