26 June 2013 Week 8, Term 2
Greetings Tena Koutou Talofa LavaMalo e Le Lei
Namaste Ni sa bula Fakalofa lahi atu Kia Orana
Nay Ho Asalam AlykumNi Hao An Nyung Ha Sai Yo Noaia’e mauri
Dear Parents / Caregivers
Welcome to the following students who recently started at our school: Luke Iwikau-Poi, Nihat Ehmetjan and Emeline Palu. We hope you enjoy your time with us.
FridayWholeSchool Assembly
This Friday’s assembly is being hosted by Room 21, Mrs Dixson and her students would like to extend a warm welcome to all families to join us.
CWSA Gymnastics Competition
St Leonards Road School gymnasts have been training hard for the Waitakere Schools Gymnastics Competition on Friday 28th June 2013. We will be leaving school at 8.45 am and travelling by private vehicle to Waitakere Gymnastics Club, Lynrey Gymnasium, Portage Road (New Lynn). Gymnasts are to come to school in their school uniform. Please meet Miss Kreismanis in the school hall at 8.15 am, where you will change into your gym uniform.
Gymnasts also need to bring a plastic bottle of water and a healthy snack.
Parents/friends/family are welcome to attend, but will need to make their own way to Waitakere Gymnastics Club.
The timetable is below:
Year 4 Boys and girls: compete @ 10.00 am.
Year 5 Boys and Girls: compete @ 11.30 am.
Year 6 Boys and Girls: compete @ 12.55 pm.
We will be back at school by 3.00 pm.
Zinta Kreismanis
Parent Teacher and Student Learning Meetings
Many thanks to those families that have returned their meeting appointment forms and now have an appointment time. If you have not yet returned this form, please fill it in with your preferred meeting times and return it to your eldest child’s classroom teacher as soon as possible.
Interviews will be held on
Monday 8th July between 3.15 – 5.30 pm
Tuesday 9th July between 3.15 – 8.30 pm (with a dinner break between 5.00 - 6.00 pm)
Wednesday 10th July between 3.15 – 5.30 pm
We need every family to attend these important interviews to discuss your child/rens progress and learning goals for the first half of 2013.
Please make sure your family is represented.
We thank you for your support.
Mrs Dixson
Congratulations to Mrs Rebecca Dixson (classroom teacher in Room 21), Mrs Dixson is expecting her first child later this year!
Mrs Dixson will be on maternity leave from the beginning of term three and we are pleased to welcome Mrs Mandira Goswami into the role of classroom teacher in Room 21 for the remainder of 2013.
Junior Syndicate Concert reminder
Our ‘Maui and the Sun’ Concert will be at the following times in our school hall:
Tuesday 2nd July 6.30 pm and Wednesday 3rd July 1.30 pm and 6.30 pm
For the evening performances our Rooms 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 8 and 7 children need to be dropped off at the following rooms by 5.30 pm so the teachers can get them ready:
Rooms 13 and 14 children will meet in Room 16.
Rooms 10 and 11 children will meet in Room 17.
Rooms 8 and 12 children will meet in Room 18.
Rooms 7 and 15 children will meet in Room 19.
They will be able to be collected from those rooms by an adult family member after the performance which will be approximately one hour long. A notice with more details accompanies this newsletter for those classes.
Please remember to purchase your tickets from the school office before the performances as there will be no door sales.
Lyn Throll - Assistant Principal
Early lunch for the Junior Syndicate on the 3rd July.
On Wednesday 3rd July the Junior Syndicate will be having an early lunchtime from 12.00 pm-12.40 pm to enable them to get ready for the Matinee performance of Maui and the Sun being held in the school hall at 1.30 pm. Middle and Senior students will have the normal lunchtime of 12.30 pm – 1.30 pm.
After School Care Programme Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd July
The After School Care programme children will be based in Room 1 on Tuesday 2nd July and Wednesday 3rd July due to the hall being set up for the concerts.
Interschool Rugby
On Friday 5 July, our rugby teams the Under 50 kg and Open Team will be competing in the annual Interschool Rugby tournament, at the centre fields of Avondale Racecourse. We would like to thank our volunteers for transporting our players to and from this event. The teacher in charge on the day is Miss Chillingworth. Players must return their forms (permission and medical by Friday 26 June to Room 18.
Mrs. Paki Retiring at the End of Term Two
Our wonderful caretaker, Mrs. Raukura Paki, has informed the School's Board of Trustees that she will be retiring from her position as caretaker at the end of Term 2, on Friday 12 July.
Mrs. Paki has been a tremendous asset to our school for the past 25 years and we wish her the very best in her well earned retirement.
If any families, past or present, would like to contribute towards a gift, for her, donations can be made at the school office before the end of this week, Friday 28th June.
A special assembly will be held on her last day in the school hall between 9.00 - 10.30 am to celebrate her time with us.
Saturday Netball Results from Thursday 13th and Saturday 15th June
Little Leos No game due to bad weather
Little Saints won against Flanshaw Cyclones 13-12Player of the Day Niko Fuiava
Kiwi’s lost against Gladstone Mystics 8-14 Player of the Day
Kakapos won against Green Bay 12-3 Player of the Day Ana To’angutu
Tui’s won againstWestern UnitedPlayer of the Day Katrina Pouhila
Update about the S.W.I.S (Social Workers in Schools) service.
My name is Phoenix Llewellyn and I am the Social Worker at St Leonards Road School.
I would like to let you all know that I will be taking a leave of absence from St Leonards from
2nd July 2013 for up to 6 months. I will be recovering from major surgery. Family Works Northern (my employers) will be employing a Social Worker on a fixed-term contract to provide social work support to the children and families at St Leonards Road School. It is likely that there will be someone here in my role for Term Three and Four. I hope you all make the new person feel as welcome at St Leonards as I do! I look forward to seeing you all again in 2014.
Phoenix Llewellyn BSocP
Social Worker in Schools (SWIS)
027 563 1095
Pupil of the Week Awards
The following children received Pupil of the Week Awards at our assembly last Friday.
Room 1 Logan Gates Room 2 Xavion Aluesi
Room 3 Taivaka AfeleeRoom 4 Lorelai Pauga
Room 5 Kyron RitchieRoom 6 Aryan Rao
Room 7 Daz GabrielRoom 8 Devahrdray Mason Matekuare
Room 10 Nimesh PatelRoom 11 Frank Talukder
Room 12 Magarytah VehikiteRoom 13 Ella-Rose Lakalaka
Room 14 Lach HaleRoom 15 Jevanah Sayprarath-Laifone
Room 17 Janaea BurnsRoom 18 Rosemary Latu
Room 19 Sorylian LuauRoom 20 Trae Tahata
Room 21 Reece Tautuki
Duffy Books ‘Caught being Good’
Each week students from each syndicate receive a book and a certificate for displaying an excellent attitude and effort in school.
The recipients for last week were:
Junior Syndicate:
Room 14 Keren TaufaRoom 15 Anish Kumar
Room 14 Kaisa Afegogo-Nichol Room 15 Abdul Zaheer
Room 14 Eli ManukauRoom 15 Liyara Jayasinghe Mudiyanselage
Middle Syndicate:
Room 3 Angelina NepoRoom 4 June Tongalea
Room 3 Te Ao Pita RitchieRoom 4 Salomi Wilson
Room 3 Jessie Lee ParkerRoom 4 Meesha Pandaram
Senior Syndicate:
Room 18 Jaeda Asi MarstersRoom 19 Bedivere Chan Foon Eves
Room 18 Afereti TavitaRoom 19 Blessing Fa’aumuumu
Room 18 Jarq PaulRoom 19 Dazhonavah Faaumu
Up Coming Events
Thursday 27th June BOT Meeting @ 6.30 pm in Principals Office
Friday 28th June Whole School Assembly in school hall 9.00 – 10.00 am
Interschool Gymnastics
Monday 1st July Junior Production Dress Rehearsal 1.30 – 3.00 pm
Tuesday 2nd July Junior Syndicate Production Evening Performance
6.30 – 7.30 pm in school hall
Wednesday 3rd July Junior Syndicate Production Matinee and Evening Performance
1.30 – 2.30 pm and 6.30 – 7.30 pm in school hall
Friday 5th July Whole School Assembly in school hall 9.00 – 10.00 am
Interschool Rugby @ Avondale Racecourse
Monday 8th July Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews 3.15 – 5.00 pm
Tuesday 9th July Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews 3.15 – 8.00 pm
Wednesday 10th July Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews 3.15 – 5.00 pm
Friday 12th July Farewell Assembly for Mrs Paki in school hall
Last day of Term 2, 2013 school finishes @ 3.00 pm
Monday 29th July First day of school for Term 3, 2013
Kind regards
Darren Smith – Principal
Nau Mai Haere Mai
Welcome To Te Kerehana Hub Playgroup
Come and join us every Friday, with Visha and the local tamariki/parents/whanau/community and have fun and quality time with each other.
From:9.30am to 11.30am
At: Kelston Community Hub
Bring morning tea. Coffee/tea and water provided
Koha donation
See You There!!!!!
BOOK FAIR – Fundraiser for Neighbourhood Support Waitakere.
July 6th and 7th, 9 am-3 pm.
St John’s Education Centre, 247 Edmonton Rd (behind St John’s Ambulance Centre)
All books $1 or less, $20 a box. Half price Sunday 1pm-3pm