Clouded Leopard Survey


Postal address:

Email address:

Phone number:

Name of your institutional affiliation:

Postal address of your institutional affiliation:

Location and Time Period Data Were Collected:

I. Threats

Please rank all the threats to clouded leopards. Rank their severity and urgency based on the criteria given beneath the table:

/ Severity / Urgency
Competition from other carnivores
Direct hunting
Habitat degradation
Habitat destruction/conversion
Hunting of clouded leopard prey
Incidental hunting of clouded leopards
Lack of enforcement
Resource exploitation

Severity of threat___

No effect on clouded leopards0

Small effect on density or distribution1

Substantial effect on density or distribution, but local eradication unlikely2

Serious effects, local eradication a possibility3

Urgency of threat___

Will not happen in > 10 years0

Could happen over 3-10 years1

Could or will happen within 1-3 years2

Threat is currently happening3

II. Habitat

Where evidence of clouded leopards was found please provide the number of photos (or other evidence) for each of the following forest types and provide the approximate number of meters above sea level for the sighting.

Forest Type / Altitude / Number of Individuals
Tropical Evergreen Forest
Hill Evergreen Forest (> 1,000 meters above sea level)
Coniferous Forest
Mangrove Forest
Mixed Deciduous Forest
Dry Deciduous Depterocarp Forest
Other (Please Describe)

III. Conservation of Clouded leopards

Please indicate any conservation measures or studies, of which you are aware, which have been taken over the last 10 years in the study area. You may use expert opinion to provide answers for some questions if feel knowledgeable enough.

Conservation Measures / Result/Impact
Activities promoting wildlife conservation
Anti-poaching patrols
Anti-trafficking enforcement
Education of local people
Education of schoolchildren
Habitat restoration/enhancement
Local publicity about clouded leopards
Monitoring of clouded leopards in the field
Monitoring of prey populations
Monitoring of trade in clouded leopards
Translocation of local people out of protected area


If you feel knowledgeable enough, please provide any estimates that you can make on population size, carrying capacity and trends.

/ Clouded Leopard
N. nebulosa
Estimated population size
Fragmentation (number of isolated populations)
Trend in population size
(increasing or declining)
Carrying capacity / habitat
Trend in carrying capacity (habitat area and/or quality)



Please provide estimates if you can for any of the following information for clouded leopards in Southeast Asia (indicate whether estimates are based on field data, captive data, or expert opinion. It is unlikely that you will be able to complete all or most of the parameters, but estimates of a few or even a single demographic parameter will be helpful.

Measure / Estimate / Source
data / Captive data / Expert
Age at which most females begin breeding
Age at which most males begin breeding
Maximum age
Percent of adult females breeding each year
Time interval between litters
Maximum litter size (number of young)
Average litter size (mean number of young)
Survival rate from birth to age 1 year
Annual subadult (1 yr to breeding age) survival rate
Annual adult survival rate
Differences in survival between males and females



Thank you for completing the questionnaire