St Joseph’s Primary School Kingswood

33 Cambridge Terrace, Kingswood SA 5062 phone 8271 6553 fax 8357 9199


Year 1/2 Team Term 1 Newsletter


Dear Parents/Caregivers,

The Year 1/2 team welcome you to a new year at St. Joseph’s Kingswood Primary. We hope that both you and your child had a wonderful holiday and feel re-energised for the busy Term ahead. We look forward to getting to know you and your child throughout the coming year

Curriculum Overview

English: Recount, Report, Spelling, Listening and Speaking, Reading and Handwriting.

Religious Education: God and Revelation-How Jesus’ reflect God’s love and forgiveness. Moral Decision Making-Exploring consequences of individual actions and the values underpinning Christian ethics.

MITIOG: Being Moral, Lent/Easter

Mathematics: Number, Skip Counting, Addition, Subtraction and Place Value.

Geography: Mary Rose Coghlan

Science: Schoolyard Safari – Minibeasts

Health: Making friends and developing healthy relationships, Co-operation.

PE: Steven De Giovanniello

Italian: Lucia Mitchell

The Arts: Lilliana Spinelli

Geography: Mary-Rose Coghlan

Diary Dates

Meet the Teacher Night: Tuesday Week 2, 3rd February, 7:00-7:30pm

Mitcham Library Walk: Monday Week 5 and Week 10, between recess and lunch.

Parent Reading Times: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday mornings if you’re able to help out.

Monday Morning Prayer: Led by 1/2 Denaro, Monday Week 8, 16th March, 9am.

Whole School Holy Week Liturgy: Led by the 1/2 Classes, Thursday Week 10, 12th April 2:15pm

Whole School Ash Wednesday Mass: Wednesday Week 4, 18th February 9am.

Staff Formation Day: Friday 6th March- this will be a Pupil Free Day, OSCH will operate on site

St Joseph’s Feast Day: Whole School Mass, Thursday Week 8, 19th March 9am.

Commissioning Mass: Sunday Week 9, 29th March 9:30am.

School Term Ends: Week 9, Wednesday, 10th December at 3:15pm

Family Fun Night: Friday Week 3, 13th February

Parent Teacher Interviews: Week 9

Term 1 Concludes: Friday 10th April

Public Holidays

Adelaide Cup: Monday Week 7, 9th March

Good Friday: Week 10, 3rd April

Easter Monday: Week 11, 6th April


·  Please return the Mitcham Library Walk Permission slip as soon as possible or your child cannot participate in the walk.

·  Fruit Snack time is at 10am each day.

·  Please send along a named water bottle for inside the classroom.

·  Term One is full summer uniform.

·  Please send along a labelled art smock to keep in their tray.

·  Sport Days: Thursday and Friday

·  Library Day: Wednesday. Children will need to bring a library bag each week on their Library day to ensure books are taken care of.

·  Take home reading will commence on Wednesday of Week 2.

·  The children need to bring their black reader bag to school every day.

·  We will be sending home 2 books that need to be covered in contact and labelled with your child’s name. One exercise book is the Communication Book, once it is covered a small red tab will be placed inside and the other is the Take Home Reading Diary. Can they please be returned by Monday Week 2.

·  The school newsletter will be sent out electronically each fortnight either via email or through the Skoolbag application from this FRIDAY - please check that the front office has your current email address to ensure you receive your copy.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at any stage with queries.

Kindest regards,

Nikki Denaro, Amanda Baker, Melissa Canil and Belinda Medlow

St Joseph’s Primary School Kingswood

Parent Survey - Year 1/2 Denaro

Child’ s Name:______

1. What are your child’s interests and likes?


2. What are your child’s strengths or gifts?


3. Is your child involved in other activities outside of school (eg. Swimming, ballet etc)?


4. What are your hopes for 2014 in regards to your child’s development?


5. Are there any concerns you currently have about your child (learning/behaviour/emotional)?


6. What does your child enjoy doing in their spare time either alone or with family/friends?


Thank you for taking the time to complete this form.

St Joseph’s Primary School Kingswood

33 Cambridge Terrace, Kingswood SA 5062 phone 8271 6553 fax 8357 9199


Mitcham Library Story Telling Sessions

I give permission for ……………………………………………………………… to walk to the Mitcham Library on Monday 23rd February, (Week 5) and Monday 30th March (Week 10) weather permitting, in 2015. You will need to be aware of

…………………………………………………….. ‘s

medical condition concerning


I have a current Catholic Police Check Yes/No

I am able to assist/unable to assist as a parent helper.



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