Language Arts Curriculum Maps – Grade 2
Topic: Narrative Writing
Concept: 1Prewriting
PA CC 1.4.2.M, I.4.2.N / Concept: 2
PA CC 1.4.2.M, I.4.2.N, 1.4.2.O / Concept: 3
PA CC 1.4.2.O, 1.4.2.P, 1.4.2.Q, 1.4.2.T
Lesson Essential Questions:
How do I determine the topic for my writing that matches the task, purpose and audience?
How do I manage my writing time efficiently given the time frame, specific task, purpose and audience?
How do I determine which words in the prompt are important when determining the task, purpose and audience?
How do I determine which graphic organizer will match the purpose of my writing?
How do I determine which graphic organizer will match the topic of my writing?
How do I determine a logical order for the events in the beginning, middle and ending of the story? / Lesson Essential Questions:
How do I focus my writing on the task, purpose and audience?
How do I focus my writing to introduce the characters/narrator, and establish the setting and plot (situation)?
How do I write using the appropriate narrative elements?
· Characters: How do I describe the thoughts and feelings of characters? How do I show the response of characters to situations?
· Setting: How do I establish the setting of the story?
· Plot: How do I establish the plot (situation) with events or experiences?
How do I write using supporting details?
How do I write a beginning that captures the audience’s attention?
How do I organize the middle in a logical order?
How do I use transitional words and phrases to organize the events in the story to create a logical flow of ideas?
How do I write an ending that is satisfying and interesting (sense of closure)?
How do develop my writing so the audience consistently hears my voice?
How do I show the thoughts and feelings of characters?
How do I show how the characters respond to the events in the story?
How do I include dialogue to develop the events?
How do I use descriptive language in my story for effect? (descriptive adjectives, precise nouns, vivid verbs) / Lesson Essential Questions:
How do peers and adults help me to develop and strengthen my writing?
How do I revise the beginning to engage and capture the reader’s (audience’s) attention?
How do I revise to consistently organize the beginning, middle, and ending of the story?
How do I revise to use transition words to create a smooth flow of ideas?
How do I revise to create a satisfying and interesting ending (sense of closure)?
How do I revise my writing so that the audience consistently hears my voice throughout the story?
How do I revise using interesting dialog and descriptions to develop the events?
How do I revise to show the characters responses to the events in the story?
How do I revise to include consistent use of descriptive language? (descriptive adjectives, precise nouns, vivid verbs)
How do I revise to write using a variety of sentence beginnings?
How do I write using a variety of sentence types and lengths?
Graphic organizers, brainstorming, webbing, story map, interview, observations, group discussion, topic / Vocabulary:
Characters, narrator, events, plot, situation, actions, thoughts, feelings, effect, transitional words / Vocabulary:
Dialog, descriptions
Concept: 4
PA CC 1.4.2.R, 1.4.2.T
How do I use technology and reference materials to support the editing of my writing?
How do I use grammar, capitalization, punctuation and spelling to edit my writing? (refer to Grade 3 Conventions Curriculum Map)
/ Concept: 5
PA CC 1.4.2.U
How do I determine what type of technology is best to publish my narrative? (PowerPoint, Word)
How do I use technology to produce and publish my narrative?
How do I publish my narrative to capture and hold my audience’s attention?
reference / Vocabulary:
PowerPoint, Word, publish
Topic: Informational Writing/Explanatory Writing
PA CC1.4.2.A, 1.4.2.B / Concept: 2
PA CC1.4.2.A, 1.4.2.B, 1.4.2.C / Concept: 3
PA CC 1.4.2.C, 1.4.2.D
Lesson Essential Questions:
How do I determine the topic of my writing based on the task, purpose, and audience?
How do I manage my writing time efficiently given the time frame, specific task, purpose and audience?
How do I determine which words in the prompt are important when determining the task, purpose and audience?
How do I organize the facts and ideas to match the topic of my writing?
How do I determine an order for the facts in my writing? / Lesson Essential Questions:
How do I focus my writing on the task, purpose and audience?
How do I focus my writing to match the topic?
How I develop the topic with facts/definitions and/or details?
How do I determine which graphic organizers will match the topic of my writing?
How do I group related information together to support the writer’s purpose?
How do I develop transitions that create a logical flow of ideas?
How do I consistently use time order words?(first, next, now, then, last)
How do I write a concluding statement that restates the topic
How do I develop an informative and knowledgeable voice?
How do I use specific language in my writing? / Lesson Essential Questions:
How I determine if I need to revise any facts, definitions, and or details?
How do I determine if I need to revise the organization of my writing (introduction, transitions, and conclusions?
How do I determine if I need to revise the style of my writing
· Informative and knowledgeable voice
· Specific language
· Variety of sentence beginnings, types and lengths
brainstorming, facts, observations, group discussion / Vocabulary:
topic; supporting details; descriptive adjectives, precise nouns, vivid verbs; graphic organizers; how-to; webbing / Vocabulary:
Informative voice; Knowledgeable voice;
Concept: 4
PA CC 1.4.2.F
How do I use technology and reference materials to support the editing of my writing?
How do I use grammar, capitalization, punctuation and spelling to edit my writing? (refer to Grade 2 Conventions Curriculum Map)
/ Concept: 5
PA CCSS 1.4.2.U, 1.5.2.E
How do I determine what type of technology is best to publish my informational piece? (power point, word, excel)
How do I determine visuals or graphics that best illustrate my writing?
How do use technology to produce and publish my informational piece?
How do I present my informational piece to capture and hold my audience’s attention?
Vocabulary: / Vocabulary:
Topic: Opinion Writing
Concept: 1Prewriting
PA CC 1.4.2.G, PA CC 1.4.2.H / Concept: 2
PA CC 1.4.2.G,1.4.2.H, 1.4.2.I / Concept: 3
PA CC 1.4.2.I, 1.4.2.J, 1.4.2.K, 1.4.2.T
How do I determine my opinion for my writing?
How do I manage my writing time efficiently given the time frame, specific task, purpose and audience?
How do I determine which words in the prompt are important when determining the task, purpose and audience?
How do I organize the reasons for my opinion?
How do I determine which graphic organizer will support developing my reasons and concluding statement? / Lesson Essential Questions:
How do I focus my writing on the task, purpose and audience?
How do I write an opinion that is supported with multiple reasons that connect to my opinion?
How do I write an introduction that states my opinion and is interesting?
How do I use transition words in my writing to connect my opinion and reasons?
How do I write a concluding statement?
How do I write using convincing words and phrases?
How do I show my feelings about the topic or text?
How do I use descriptive language in my story? (descriptive adjectives, precise nouns, vivid verbs / Lesson Essential Questions:
How do I determine if I written valid reasons to support my opinion/claim?
How do I determine if my reasons are sufficiently supported with facts and details?
How do I revise my introduction to state my opinion and make it interesting?
How do I revise to use transition words to create a smooth flow of ideas?
How do I determine if I need to revise my concluding statement?
How do I organize my reasons into a paragraph?
How do I revise to consistently use convincing words and phrases to appeal to my audience?
How do I revise to consistently show my feelings about my topic or text?
How do I revise to include consistent use of descriptive language? (Descriptive adjectives, precise nouns, vivid verbs)
How do I revise to write using a variety of sentence beginnings?
How do I write using a variety of sentence types and lengths?
Graphic organizers, brainstorming, webbing, observations, group discussion, opinion, / Vocabulary: / Vocabulary:
Concept: 4
PA CC 1.4.2.L, 1.4.2.T
How do I use technology and reference materials to support the editing of my writing?
How do I use grammar, capitalization, punctuation and spelling to edit my writing? (refer to Grade 2 Conventions Curriculum Map)
/ Concept: 5
PA CC 1.4.2.U
How do I determine what type of technology is best to publish my persuasive piece? (power point, word, excel)
How do I use technology to produce and publish my persuasive piece?
How do I publish my persuasive piece to capture and hold my audience’s attention?
Vocabulary: / Vocabulary:
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