Fr. Leon Hont, O.S.B. Pastor Office Hours 9 AM – 3:30 PM M-F Rectory Address: P.O. Box 248
Rectory Phone: 495-5241 - Fax 495-9522 538 Main St., Summerhill, PA 15958
Mon.September 4th Labor Day
Tues. September 5th Weekday
SJ 7:45 AM Katherine Chimelewski
Wed. September 6th Weekday
SJ 7:45 AM Connie Marker
Thurs. September 7thWeekday
IC 7:45 AMRose Stefanik
SJ 6:00 PM Confessions
SJ 6:30 PM Exposition & Rosary
SJ 7:00 PM Mass of Reparation
Friday, September 8th Nativity of the Virgin Mary
IC 7:45 AMReta & Tim Wess
Saturday, September 9th St. Peter Claver
IC 4:00 PM 60th Wedding Anniversary –
Jack and Grace Heinlein
SJ 5:00 PM Joseph Beyer, Sr.
Sunday, September 10th – 23rd Sunday of the Year
SJ 8:00 AM Joan Keller
SJ 10:00 AM Joseph Gruss, Sr.
IC 7:00 AM Joe Kirby
IC 9:00 AM For the Parish
For the weekend ofSeptember 9th & 10th:
SJ– 5 PMSarah Bodenschatz
8 AM TJ and Nathaniel Beyer
10 AM Anna W., Anna B., & Anna K.
IC - 4 PMMary Beth, Jessica & JoAnna Woods
7 AM Bob and Monica Krug
9 AM Nora, Nolan & Claire Cabala
SJ & IC: 1/2 hour before Saturday evening Masses;
1/2 hour before all weekend masses, duringthe first weekend of each month; oranytime byappointment.
GIFT BEARERS - SJ & IC next week.
SJ Sat 5 PM Salamon Family
SJ Sun 8 AM Volunteer Needed
SJ Sun 10 AMVolunteer Needed
IC Sat 4 PM Jack Heinlein Family
IC Sun 7 AM Gary Bodenschatz Family
IC Sun 9 AM Lucy Krug Family
IC PARISH COUNCIL will have a meeting on Monday, Sept. 11th at 7 PM in Marian Hall.
CEMETERY ASSOC. MEETING will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 12th at 7 PM in Marian Hall.
SJ & IC: The United States Council of Catholic Bishops has requested that all the bishops of all the dioceses ask all the pastors of all the Catholic parishes to take up a special collection to provide aid to all suffering from the devastating storm of Hurricane Harvey. We, St John’s and Immaculate Conception, will honor our bishop and aid the suffering by taking up this special collection during the weekend of September 16-17, 2017. Please be generous and remember all in prayer.
SJ & IC: Our religious education and spiritual formation program, CCD, for all teens and children of our partnered parishes will resume next Sunday, September 10, 2017. All parents and guardians are asked to bring their teens and children to mass and CCD classes. Both parishes have teachers for all grades. IC will have classes twice a month (Sept. 10 & 24); each session will be from 10 AM to 11:30 AM. SJ’s program will be as usual; every Sunday after the 8 AM Mass, from 9 AM to 9:50 AM. Substitute teachers are still needed in both parishes.
IC: White boards, rather than chalk boards, are used in our CCD program. We need nine white boards for the classroom CCD teachers. Each cost $159.00. To date, we received two gifts to defray this cost. If you would like to reserve a white board as a memorial, please call Mrs Kim Gates or Fr Leon at the office: 495.5241. This is another way of providing for the faith formation of our teens and children so they may be pillars of our parish churches and communities.
SJ & IC: On the first Thursday of each month, all parishioners are encouraged to attend our monthly Mass or Repentance and Reparation and to pray for vocations. Our next monthly mass and devotion will be held on Thursday, September 7th at SJ Church: 6 PM Confession; 6:30 PM Exposition & Rosary; 7 PM Mass of Reparation.
COMMUNITY MOVIE NIGHT – SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH AT 7:30 PM at the New Germany Ballfield (weather permitting). In case of inclement weather, we will use the Beer Hall. Please bring your blankets and lawn chairs and enjoy the movie. Free admission. The youth group will be selling refreshments. “Trolls” will be the movie shown.
IC EUCHARSTIC MINISTERS: Your new schedule that starts in October is in the back of IC Church. Thank you.
RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE is Tuesday, September 5th from 1:30 PM-7 PM at New Germany Grove Hall.
SJ & IC WEDDING ANNIVERSARY COUPLES: Celebrating in September: Luke & Allison Shrift, Scott & Laurie Roberts, Jack & Grace Heinlein, Rob & Carey Cabala, Mark & Canice Penatzer, Gary & Chris Bodenschatz, Dave & Karen Wess, Ron & Paula Rhoades, Bob & Grace Christina, Dan & Amy Beyer, Derek & Diane McCall, Jay & Pam Hoke, Bob & Mary Penatzer, Larry & Kelly Penatzer, Barry & Tina Krupa, Ed & Vivian Hogue, Dale & Marie Steward, Paul & Thelma Robinson, Tom & Dionne Beyer, Matthew & Jessica Hodge, Barry & Carla Smith, Scott & Erin Becquet, Adam & Tara McIntyre. Congratulations to all!
ST. JOHN PICNIC: Early tabs show that the money collected last week on picnic day was about $100.00 more than last year's total. Since we are in the process of receiving and paying picnic invoices, we hope to have an accurate expense and profit report available within the next few weeks. Your hard work and dedication made the day a success. Thanks to all who helped and donated anything to make our picnic day so successful. This is truly a community event, with the hard-working volunteers. A big thank you to Shawn Ray, for his extra efforts.
Rocker – Rick Chimelewski $50 – Erin Wise $50 – Gary Gramling Afghan – Margie Baynham
Coolers of Cheer – (1stPrizeYeti Cooler); Kurt Long, South Fork and (2nd Prize Coleman Cooler); Ray Long, Sidman.
The raffle ticket money winners will be on next's week bulletin. The winners of the "theme baskets" are posted on the bulletin boards in the gathering space of both SJ and IC Churches.