540 MAIN STREET Second Sunday of Easter & Divine Mercy Sunday 1640 NEW GERMANY ROAD
Fr. Leon Hont, O.S.B. Pastor WEBSITE: Rectory Address: P.O. Box 248
Rectory Phone: 495-5241 - Fax 495-9522 538 Main St., Summerhill, PA 15958
Mon.April 24th Easter Weekday
Tues. April 25th St. Mark
SJ 7:45 AM Erma Ianniello
Wed. April 26th Easter Weekday
SJ 7:45 AM Jim & Helen McCall
Thurs. April 27th Easter Weekday
IC 7:45 AMCarl Rosenberger
Friday, April 28th Easter Weekday
IC 7:45 AMRosetta Frank
Saturday, April 29th St. Catherine of Siena
IC 4:00 PM Wilbur Shrift
SJ 5:00 PM Francis Madison
Sunday, April 30th – Third Sunday of Easter
SJ 8:00 AM For the Parish
SJ 10:00 AM Rita Wolfe
IC 7:00 AM For the Parish
IC 9:00 AM Helen & Paul Gurchick
For the weekend ofApril 29th & 30th:
SJ– 5 PMTyler Kulback
8 AM TJ and Nathaniel Beyer
10 AM Daniel Yunetz
IC - 4 PMJacob Flynn Long
7 AM Benno Smith
9 AM Kayla & Josh Weinzierl
SJ & IC: 1/2 hour before Saturday evening Masses;
1/2 hour before all weekend masses, duringthe first weekend of each month; oranytime byappointment.
GIFT BEARERS - SJ & IC next week.
SJ Sat 5 PM Marian Madison Family
SJ Sun 8 AM Volunteer Needed
SJ Sun 10 AMJonathan Knobloch Family
IC Sat 4 PM Doug Wess Family
IC Sun 7 AM Volunteer Needed
IC Sun 9 AM Nicholas Miljenovich Family
IC First Holy Communion practice will be held next Sunday, April 30th after the 9 AM Mass. First Communion will be Sunday, May 7th at 9 AM Mass.
SJ: The following young Catholic children have been prepared to receive their First Holy Communion at St. John’s today, Sunday, April 23, 2017: Ella Latshaw, Noah Morris, Lucas Singer and AJ Wilson. Congratulations to all!!
DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY, today, April 23rd. is being held at IC Church from 10 AM to 3:30 PM. 9th & 10th grade CCD students from both parishes will come at 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM. At 3 PM the Divine Mercy prayers will be prayed and then light refreshments in Marian Hall. All parishioners from both parishes are welcome and encouraged to attend.
SJ & IC: Thursday, May 4th at SJ Church: 6 PM Confession; 6:30 PM Exposition & Rosary; 7 PM Mass of Reparation.
THANKS, THANKS AND more thanks to the ministers, organists, choirs, readers, servers, decorators, maintenance and administration for their wonderful efforts that help us to praise our God in the Easter Liturgy. ~ Fr. Leon
SJ ROSARY ALTAR Soc. members will go to Vince’s (for their next meeting) for pizza and salad, on Tuesday, May 9th at 6 PM. Reservations must be made by Thursday, May 4th by calling Violet 495-4084 or Peggy 495-5438.
VBC 2017: Be a Hero! Join us for HERO CENTRAL VBC this June 19-23rd at New Germany Grove. SUPERHEROES born in 2013 through those entering 7th grade will learn why doing good and seeking peace can give you super powers. Volunteers (8th grade and older) are needed to guide our young superheroes on their adventure. Early Bird registration runs through May 1st. Registration forms are in the gathering space of both churches. Hero forms are orange and volunteer forms are ivory. All forms must be turned in by May 21st. VBC COLOR YOUR HERO CONTEST. Color yourself as a Superhero or color your favorite Hero. Coloring pages are in the gathering space of both churches. Coloring contest ends on May 21st (when registration ends). There will be a basket in the gathering space of each church where the coloring pages can be turned back in.
COMMUNITY BOOK CLUB: Monday, April 24th“Winner” by David Baldacci, at 7 PM, in Marian Hall.
CALICO QUILTERS ANNUAL QUILT Show & Pie Social will be held on Sunday, Apri130th from 6 to 8 PM at New Germany Grove Hall. Refreshments served at 6:30 PM; Chinese Auction/Basket Raffle at 7:30 PM. If anyone can give donations of prizes and/or pies, please call Gail 495-9203 or Martha 472-5534. Donations are greatly appreciated.
SJ & IC: Next weekend, April 29th & 30ththere is a special collection for the Catholic Home Missions Appeal. Also next weekend, the Knights of Columbus will once again sponsor a collection to benefit ARC. The Knights have been collecting for 39 years to this non-profit support group, which provides services for people with mental retardation. The envelopes for the both of these special collections are in your pack of church envelopes.
MAY CROWNING: IC Parish will hold their May Crowning Ceremony on Mother's Day, Sunday, May 14th before the 9 AM Mass. The 2nd grade Communion Class is asked to participate and to wear their first communion attire.
WINNERS OF 50/50 AT THE FISH FRIES: Mary Kay Cessna; Dave Motchenbaugh (donated winnings), Ray Boley, Levi Schrift, Shaun Boland, Larry Bender, Tim Morris.
SJ & IC; Saint Vincent Mission’s Easter Basket winner was Christine Yakicic. Thanks to all who supported this charity. Since others wanted to support this mission, we ask that you make a donation by putting your contribution in an enveloped marked MISSION and placing it in next weekend’s offertory basket.
SJ & IC: The Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown Annual Catholic Appeal has been renamed CATHOLIC MINISTRIES DRIVE. All gifts will be designated for and restricted to the following services: Caring for the Poor and Strengthening Families; Nurturing Our Youth through youth ministry, sacramental preparation programs, and campus ministries; and Formation programs for the Laity and Clergy. April 29-30, Announcement Sunday; May 6-7, Commitment Sunday.
SJ & IC: Since some parishioners from both parishes have asked to have their houses blessed, Fr Leon, OSB, has reserved some evenings for house blessings. If you would like to have your house blessed, call Pam at 495-5241, to set up a reservation time and date.