Global Urban Growth
Open the interactive web resource created by the BBC and answer the questions below.
1) a) How many cities of over 5 million were there in 1955?
b) Describe the distribution of cities with a population of over 5 million in 1955.
2) Slide the slider along to 1975
a) What happens for the first time in 1975?
b) Why is Africa the last continent to see large scale rural to urban migration?
c) Compare the distribution of cities of over 5 million in 1975 with that in 1955.
Version 1 1 © OCR 2016
Urban Futures
3) Slide the slider along to 1995
a) Overall the percentage of people living in urban areas continues to increase, however the rate of growth of urban areas slows, what reasons are given for this?
b) In 1995 which are the 5 largest cities in the world?
c) What can you say about the location of the 5 largest cities in the world in 1995?
4) Slide the slider along to 2015
a) How many cities of over 5 million are there around the world in 2015?
b) Are the top 5 cities the same as in 1995? Why?
c) Overall approximately how many people now live in urban and rural areas around the world?
5) Think forward to 2050
a) What percentage of people do you think will live in urban areas by 2050?
Why do you think this?
b) What issues will this create for a) urban areas and b) rural areas?
Version 1 1 © OCR 2016
Urban Futures