May 20, 2018

St Jacob’s United Church of Christ

Blue Creek

8:00 am

Church office: (812) 623-3410 or

Pastor Lynne: (812) 623-0354 or (319) 830-4048 or

Please lift in prayer: Marvin Huber, Harry Laker, Matthew Smith, Leo M, Dan B, and the family of Carole Schuler.

Welcome / Announcements *(Those who are able, please stand)


*Unison Prayer of Invocation

Great Spirit over all, we come here from the Four Directions

to celebrate the amazing gift of your presence.

May we experience this day as our first church elders did at their Pentecost.

Come, blessed God! Breathe on us with life-giving energy.

*Opening Hymn “Let Every Christian Pray”#332

*Call to Worship

One God, when you provide food for us,

All we gather it up.

One When you take away our last breath,

All we die and return to dust.

One When you send your Spirit,

All we are created new and all of earth is renewed.

One We will sing praise to you as long as we live.

All Come Holy Spirit. Breathe on us with life-giving energy. Amen!

*Call to Confession

We often don't know for what we are to pray.

We sit with unrecognized potential and yearn for something new to happen.

I invite you to sit quietly to ponder the potential for you,

for your church, and your community.

Let us sit together in quiet anticipationand wait for the Holy Spirit to intercede.

*Prayer of Confession

(Our silent confessions to God)

*Assurance of Blessing

At the time of the first Pentecost of the church,

in quiet contemplation the people became ready.

Then the rush of the Spirit’s mighty wind

“…filled the entire house where they were sitting.”

They were filled with God’s Holy Spirit. May it be so for all of us.

Let us celebrate in new and renewed life. Amen.

Passing of Peace

Response “Surely the Presence”#131

Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place;

I can feel his mighty power and his grace.

I can hear the brush of angels’ wings; I see glory on each face;

Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place.

Scripture Acts 2:1-21*John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15

MeditationPastor Lynne

Morning Prayer/Lord’s Prayer (sins/sin)

Offering Invitation

The church exists because God’s Holy Spirit has called us together

and bound us in covenant for the purpose of a particular mission.

With our gifts let us affirm and support God’s mission.

*Offertory Response “Doxology” #44

*Prayer of Dedication

Holy Spirit of God, we symbolically dedicate our lives

through the dedication of our gifts.

We ask for your bold winds to magnify and multiply our tangible gifts

to further your work of liberation, justice, and charity here

and around the world. Amen.

Rite of Confirmation

Prayer of the Candidate

Lane Ratliff

O God, my God,known to me in Jesus Christ,

I give myself to you as your own,

to love and serve you faithfullyall the days of my life. Amen.

Prayer of the Congregation

Almighty God, who in baptism received this your servant into the church, forgave his sins, and promised him eternal life,

increase in him the gifts of your Holy Spirit.

Grant love for others, joy in serving you, peace in disagreement,

patience and suffering, kindness toward all people, goodness in evil times, faithfulness in temptation, gentleness in the face of opposition,

self-control in all things.

Thereby strengthen him for his ministry in the world;

through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.

Act of Confirmation–Confirmation Prayer–Address–Question About Participation


We promise you our continuing friendship and prayers

as we share the hopes and labors of the church of Jesus Christ.

By the power of the Holy Spirit, may we continue to grow together

in God’s knowledge and love, and be witnesses of our risen Savior.


Communion Hymn“As We Gather at Your Table”#695

Invitation – Communion Prayer – Words of Consecration – Sharing of the Elements

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Lord God of World-Changing Love,

We thank You for this meal, and for welcoming us to Your table.

We remember that we are Your children, and that You have called us to share Your love with everyone we meet.

Help us to receive Your life, walk in Your strength, and follow Your ways

every moment of our lives. Amen.


One:The breath of life given to us by the Great Spirit has been renewed today.

God’s breezes and fierce winds have blown upon us here while we sat.

All:Now let us go forth into the world, our communities and homes

with the joy of celebrating the birth of the church on Pentecost.

Let us minister to those in need, advocate for justice for all people,

and breathe the breath of new life!

*Closing Hymn “Blessed Assurance” #426 vs 1


Now may the grace of the Holy Spirit guide us in all truth

and declare the things that are to come.

Amen and Amen.

*Choral Response “Blessed Assurance” #426 vs 2-3


Organist: Shirley Huber Next Week’s Scripture: Romans 8:12-17, John 3:1-17


May 28 Memorial Day Services: St. John’s 8:15am, St. Jacob’s 9am

May 31-June 2 IKC Annual Meeting

June 3 Homecoming at St. John’s; St. Jacob’s folks please join us at 10am!

June 8-9Sunman Firemen’s Festival, volunteers and dessert donations needed.

Contact Kim Laker (812-584-2972) or Shannon Harpring(812-209-9717).

June 10 Graduate Sunday, Strengthen the Church offering

Congratulations to our Confirmand!

Lane Stephen Ratliff

Lane is the son of Randy & Tracey Ratliff,

the grandson of Junior & Janice Ratliff and Verna Schwier,

and the great-grandson of LaVonne Huber. Lane’s godparents

are Sandy Laudick and Joshua Laudick.

May God pour out his blessings on Lane as he grows in his faith!