Standards of Conduct




Production Personnel



  1. Tools
  2. Image
  3. Accountability
  4. Punctuality


  1. Versatility
  2. Attention to Detail
  3. Efficiency / Profitability

C. Attitude / Character

  1. Adaptability
  2. Conduct
  3. Integrity

The following standards of conduct and performance shall be understood as norms for all Case production employees and as standards for periodic evaluation and/ or corrective action.

  1. Professionalism
  1. Tools

Employees should possess hand and power tools sufficient for all normal jobsite operations. Borrowing of tools among employees is discouraged and purchasing or leasing tools on company accounts is prohibited unless authorized by management. Tools purchased on company accounts remain the property of Case unless reimbursement arrangements are made.


Case employees are expected to maintain standards of dress and personal grooming which reflect the professional image of the company.

Uniforms will be provided by Case after the initial probationary period.

3. Accountability

Case employees are expected to understand, respect, and operate within

established authority structures. When multiple personnel are used on a job, a lead HRS will be appointed and responsible for general job oversight and coordination of personnel. Upline management personnel / sales staff will be available for issues outside the scope of the lead HRS. Questions / comments from the client should be directed to the sales person or other management staff in all substantive issues. Incidental issues may be addressed by the lead HRS.

  1. Punctuality

Case employees are expected to be on time to work, to job sites, and to scheduled staff meetings. When tardiness / absence is unavoidable, appropriate personnel and /or clientele should be notified ASAP so as to preserve smooth work flow.

B. Workmanship

  1. Versatility

Case employees are expected to have and to continue developing a broad range of skill sets, spanning multiple trades and a depth of skill in each set. Sharing of knowledge, skills and areas of expertise among personnel is encouraged. The Case management team is committed to assisting employees in their personal and professional development and in providing career opportunities.

  1. Attention to Detail

Case employees are expected to meet or exceed the existing quality of workmanship on each job contracted. Attention to detail is essential in issues such as tight miters, smooth caulk/grout joints, painting/staining, drywall finishing, and other “finesse” /punchout operations.

  1. Efficiency / Profitability

Case employees are expected to be proactive and forward thinking in such issues as task transitions, materials acquisition, order of operations, special equipment, upline communication, and set up/clean up. All of these issues play heavily into the bottom line profitability of each job.

  1. Attitude / Character


Case employees are often called upon to engage in multiple trades and in changing workplace situations and locations. Predictability and continuity must sometimes be sacrificed to accommodate job site “surprises”, upselling, and prior scheduling commitments. A flexible attitude and a team spirit are essential day-to-day operations.

  1. Conduct

Case employees are expected to conduct themselves with courtesy and respect toward clientele, other Case employees and the general public during business hours and /or when in a Case vehicle or Case uniform.

Rude or disruptive behavior, unsafe work practices, or disregard for the property or interests of other may result in disciplinary action or dismissal.

  1. Integrity

Case employees are expected to maintain high standards of quality, morality, honesty, and responsibility in all tasks and relationships within the work place environment. This shall include but not be limited to responsible use of Case vehicles, equipment and uniforms, accuracy in reporting hours worked, compliance with break and mealtime guidelines, and consolidating/minimizing supply house trips.

Signature ______Date ______