Table: Management practices for range grasses : A collection by ShSubodh Kumar ji ( A true Cow bhakta)
Name of grass / Varieties / Soil / Sowing time / Seed rate and spacing / Manure and fertilizer/ha / Stage of cutting / No. of cuts / Cutting height / Fodder yield (q/ha)Anjan grass (Cenchrusciliaris) / Cazri 358, Bundel Anjan-1 / sandy and sandy loam / Rainy season and January-May with irrigation / 5-10 kg (seed germination is 20%); root slips 8-10q/ha. 50 x 75 cm / FYM 5 t
N 30 kg
P 30 kg / 1st cut at flower initiation (80-90 DAS) and subsequent cut at 45-50 days interval / 1st year= one cut;
2nd year= 2-3 cut / Harvest the grass at 6-10 cm height from the ground / Green-300-350 (rainfed); 450-550 (irrigated)
Dhamn grass (Cenchrussetigerus) / CAZRI-75; CAZRI-206, Pusa Yellow / Sandy to clay loam / June – July / 8-10 kg; root slips 8-10q/ha. 75 x 50 cm / FYM- 5 t
N 30 kg
P 20 kg / 1st cut at flower initiation (80-90 DAS) and subsequent cut at 45-50 days interval / 1st year= one cut;
2nd year= 2-3 cut / Harvest the grass at 6-10 cm height from the ground / Green-250-300 (rainfed); 450-550 (irrigated)
Sewan grass (Lasiurussindicus) / CAZRI-317,
M-30-5 / Sandy soils / June-July / 6-9 kg,
Root slips 8-10 q/ha.
50 x 75 cm / N 30 kg
P 20 kg / Flower initiation / 1st year= one cut;
2nd year= 2-3 cut / Harvest the grass at 6-10 cm height from the ground / Green-250-300;
Marvel grass (Dichanthiumannulatum) / GMG-1, CAZRI-490, IGFRI-495-1, Marvel-8 / Loamy to clay loam / June – July / 4-5 kg,
50 x75 cm / FYM-5 t
N 20 kg
P 20 kg / Pre flowering stage / 1st year= one cut;
2nd year= 2-3 cut / Harvest the grass at 6-10 cm height from the ground / Green-200-250;
Sen grass (Sehimanervosum) / IFGRI-2, IG-2048 / Red graveled, loam to sandy loam / June-August / 10-15 kg seed or 50000 rooted slips/ seedlings
45 x 50 cm / N 60 kg
P 40 kg / Pre flowering stage (60-70 DAS) and subsequent cuttings at 40-50 days interval / 1st year= one cut;
2nd year= 2-3 cut / Harvest the grass at 6-10 cm height from the ground / Green-250-300;
Rhodes grass (Chlorisgayana) / Callide,
Kotambora, Poineer / Sandy loam to loam / June-August / 10-15 kg seeds or 28000 cuttings
45 x 50 cm / FYM-5 t
N 20 kg
P 30 kg / 1st cut at 60-70 days after sowing (DAS) and subsequent cuttings at 30-35 days interval / 2-3 cut / Harvest the grass at 6-10 cm height from the ground / Green-400-500;
Para grass (Brachariamutica) / Local / Most suitable for marshy and water logged soils / February and June-July / 8-10 q stem cuttings or 40000 root slips. 45 x 60 cm / N 80 kg
P 60 kg / 1st cut at 75-80 days after planting and subsequent cuttings at 40-45 days interval. / 6-9 cuts / Green-800-1000;
Hybrid Napier / Pusa Giant, NB-21, CO-1, CO-2, CO-3, IGFRI-10, APBN-1 / Sandy loam to clay loam / Feb-July / 25000-30000 stem cuttings or 40000 rooted slips.
50 x75 cm / FYM-10 t
N 40 kg
P 25-40 kg / 1st cut at 60-75 days after planting and subsequent cuttings at 35-45 days intervals / 5-6 cuts / Green-1800-2500,
Guinea grass (Panicummaximum) / Green panic, Gatton panic, Macuenni, Hamil, PGG-14 / Loam to clay loam / Feb-August / 3-4 kg seed or 30000-40000 cuttings. 40 x60 cm / FYM 10 t
N 150 kg
P 60 kg / 1st cut at 50-60 days after planting and subsequent cuttings at 40-50 days intervals. / 1st year-1 cut and afterwards 3-4 cut per year / Green-500-600,
Dry- 125-150
Setaria (Setariasphacelata) / Nandi, Kazungula, Narok, PSS-1 / Loam to clay loam / Rainy season (rainfed), Feb-March (irrigated) / 3-5 kg seed or 35000-40000 rooted slips.
30 x 50 cm / N 25 kg
P 60 kg / 1st cut at 65-75 days after planting and subsequent cuttings at 35-40 days intervals. / 1st year-1 cut and afterwards 3-4 cut per year / Green-250-300,
Dry- 50-60
Dinanath grass (Pennisetumpedicellaum) / PP-5, IGFRI-43-1, Bundel, Dinanath-1, Dinanath-2 / Loam to clay loam / Rainy season (rainfed), Jan-May (irrigated) / 8-10 kg seed.
30 x 45 cm / N 60 kg
P 30 kg / 1st cut at 60-75 days after planting and subsequent cuttings at 40-50 days intervals. / 1st year-1 cut and afterwards 2-3 cut per year / Green-400-500,
Dry- 125-150